Saturday, June 25, 2005

avoid potential visa problems

The White House is now confronted with a terrorist who has played for their team: Posada-Carriles -- and they don’t want too many of his dirty little secrets getting out in the sunshine, particularly in a Venezuelan court of all places.

But the Bush Administration, despite its deftness at making buzzards appear to be eagles, has been caught in a game of pickle. If they run toward the base called “asylum,” the world media currently focused on Posada-Carriles will surely tag them out. If they run toward the base called “extradition,” they can’t get around Venezuela’s claim on their CIA operative.

n an idea straight out of science fiction, robots could soon begin patrolling Japanese offices, shopping malls and banks to keep them safe from intruders. Equipped with a camera and sensors, the "Guardrobo D1," developed by Japanese security firm Sohgo Security Services Co., is designed to patrol along pre-programed paths and keep an eye out for signs of trouble;_ylt=AhDQe1gcqp2Az6R3SmchChTtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

“I don't know how they're going to get us out,” A less determined Michael Cristofaro said, “We're going to keep our homes to the bitter end, because what they've done is wrong.“

Richard Beyer finally admitted “As one gentleman that I just got off the phone with said, ‘Welcome to Russia.' ”

A former IRS agent who believes citizens are not required to pay federal income taxes was acquitted today on charges he attempted to defraud the government.

Joseph Banister, a certified public accountant in San Jose, Calif., had been telling his clients they don't need to file federal income tax returns because the 16th Amendment, which gives Congress "power to lay and collect taxes on incomes," was never properly ratified.

An ABC-TV affiliate in Las Vegas broadcast images of a UFO summoned by a self-styled "prophet" who predicts many more will be seen throughout the area next week.
Ramon Watkins, also known as "Prophet Yahweh" agreed to meet with a reporter and camera crew of KTNV at a location of their choice and time.
What they witnessed, and captured on camera, stunned the reporter and crew.
Watkins claims to have seen some 1,500 UFOs over the last 25 years and has learned to summon them by reading the Old Testament.

The U.S. Agriculture Department said tests confirmed a case of mad cow disease in a U.S. animal, the nation's second confirmed case.

USDA said it was investigating where the animal with the brain-wasting disease originally came from. It also said meat from the infected cow was not sold to consumers or as animal feed.

[I like how they refer to a CIA-human-alien base, as if the CIA doesn’t fit into either of the other two categories.]

I serve the Most High God, and I am not afraid of them. May Jehovah the Most High be exalted and our nation turned back to Him so He can lead us of the grip and hands of the Bavarians. If America chooses to ignore it, stay in sleep and do nothing, our demise is assured.

       Thousands and thousands of people are being held captive in cages like animals at the Dulce Base. Even more thousands are being kept in cold storage, and even more are trapped in storage boxes with no way out.

Schwarzenegger, showing unusual wisdom, declined to act. The governor's legal affairs secretary wrote Dershowitz, "You have asked for the Governor's assistance in preventing the publication of this book," but "he is not inclined to otherwise exert influence in this case because of the clear, academic freedom issue it presents." In a phone interview Dershowitz denied writing to the Governor, declaring, "My letter to the Governor doesn't exist." But when pressed on the issue, he said, "It was not a letter. It was a polite note."

The current worldwide boom in residential real estate prices is "the biggest bubble in history," according to a disturbing new report in the Economist magazine.

Never before have home prices risen so fast, for so long, in so many countries including the United State, reveals a front-page story in the world's most respected financial periodical.

"Banks have been making a profit off their customers for a long time, while providing no service," says Linda Sherry, the editorial director for Consumer Action in Washington. "Visa and MasterCard are doing all the work; it's simply pure profit for banks."

Ed Perkins, syndicated travel columnist and author of "Business Travel When It's Your Money," agrees

This bizarre article in Haaretz demonstrates that Israel is much more concerned about the AIPAC espionage investigation than it would like to let on. It mentions that the investigation has widened, and the FBI is now focusing on another Pentagon official and his connections (please let it be Feith!). It accuses the FBI of anti-Semitism (yawn). It accuses the FBI of bugging the Israeli embassy based on the fact that it has information on Rosen's call to the embassy, which ignores the fact that the FBI got that information by bugging Rosen, not the Israeli embassy. It points out that the FBI must have been keeping track of senior AIPAC employees "for several years, even before Franklin was suspected of contacts with them" (true, but not something I'd think the writer would want to mention). It states: "The FBI has made an effort to talk with wealthy Jews as well, apparently in order to deter them from supporting Rosen financially." That makes no sense, but if the FBI is talking to wealthy Jews, it would be interesting to know what they are really talking about. Finally, in the last sentence, the article makes a clear threat to the FBI. I hope it makes the FBI mad.

A former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Reagan stepped back into the political spotlight this week, expressing doubt about the official 9/11 story and claiming "if they lied to us about Ruby Ridge, Waco and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, why should we believe them now."

Paul Craig Roberts, listed by Who’s Who in America as one of the 1,000 most influential political thinkers in the world, has evolved over the years into a major Bush basher as well as neo con critic. Roberts said he hasn’t changed his political ideology or jumped from the Republican-conservative ship but "just can’t respect a party leadership who doesn’t respect the truth."

A team investigating the murder of an Indonesian human rights activist has found indications that the country's intelligence agency was involved

GENEVA - Washington has for the first time acknowledged to the United Nations that prisoners have been tortured at US detention centres in Guantanamo Bay, as well as Afghanistan and Iraq, a UN source said on Friday.

The acknowledgement was made in a report submitted to the UN Committee against Torture, said a member of the ten-person panel, speaking on condition of anonymity.§ion=theworld&col=

Visiting South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon signed an agreement here on Friday that will see Korea giving the Palestinian Authority a million dollars to equip Palestinian schools with computers

Some restrictive security measures in place to protect the United States from terrorism are having a detrimental effect on the scientific community, as foreign students and researchers are choosing to study elsewhere to avoid potential visa problems, the American Civil Liberties Union reported Tuesday


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