Saturday, July 09, 2005

Wired will rethink the whole thing

There is even a provision in the Homeland Security Act against whistle blowers. Why? Another provision allows mandatory vaccinations while giving vaccine manufacturers immunity from prosecution. Why? The "Total Information Awareness" program will "red flag" troublemakers by monitoring all personal communications and financial transactions, even your library records. You didn't attack the WTC. Why are you targeted?
What is the justification for this destruction of freedom, which Bush supposedly protects? In 46 months since Sept.11, 2001, there has been not one Muslim terrorist attack in the US despite the bloody American invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
If "Al Queda" were capable of pulling off Sept. 11, don't you think it would have planned an encore? Don't get me wrong: I am grateful to the Mossad and CIA for sparing us. But Americans simply don't deserve freedom if they accept this obvious ruse and its ominous consequences.
In conclusion, mankind is in the clutches of a diabolical multi generational conspiracy. A Satanic, criminal cartel has subverted all social institutions and is slowly crafting a brutal global dictatorship. Our political and cultural leaders are witting and unwitting pawns. They are fabricating a phony war between Islam and the West in order to accomplish the subjugation of both.

Such records could be used by criminals, such as stalkers or abusive spouses trying to find victims.

Unlike Social Security numbers, which are on many public documents that have been scooped up for years by data brokers, the only repository of telephone call records is the phone companies

German airline Lufthansa said Wednesday it hopes to introduce digital finger-printing as early as next year and so-called "smart cards" to help speed up check-in procedures.

Boarding passes are to be personalised with the passenger's thumb print "if possible as early as next year", company spokesman Thomas Jachnow said.

Laboratory testing of the system, involving Lufthansa's own employees, had begun on Monday and was scheduled to last two weeks.

China risks serious social instability unless it quickly tackles widespread discontent over worsening pollution and officially-backed land requisitions that have sparked major public demonstrations, analysts and environmentalists say.

Swiss adventurer Bertrand Piccard is constructing a solar-powered plane to fly around the world. His aim is to support sustainable development by demonstrating what renewable energy and new technologies can achieve.

ESA is assisting by making available European space technologies and expertise through its Technology Transfer Programme

U. S scientists have unveiled details of a project that aims to develop Star Trek-style ray guns that could keep "security adversaries" out of DoE nuclear sites, the web-site in the Netherlands reported this week.

I'm embarrassed that it took my own ox being gored for me to see the threat posed by the Administration's current restricting of civil liberties. I'm being accused of a serious--even treasonous--criminal intent by a faceless bureaucracy, with no opportunity (that I can find) to refute any errors or false charges. My ability to earn a living is threatened; I speak on civic action and leadership all over the world, including recently at the US Air Force Academy. Plane travel is key to my livelihood.

For motorists wondering whether police are working on a quota system, an answer can be found in Montana.

A new policy requires state troopers to stop at least one vehicle an hour, whether the driver has done anything wrong or not. But the driver doesn't have to be ticketed, so police officials say it's not a quota system.

State police Colonel Paul Grimstad said the rule that took effect on Monday is intended to reduce traffic accidents and drunken driving.

Montana had the highest number of alcohol-related deaths per miles traveled in a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report released in December 2003

Media Matters points out that Fox News' top anchorman, Brit Hume, gave us a glimpse into just how cynical, greedy and disgusting the right-wing's outlook on the world is:

"My first thought when I heard - just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, 'Hmmm, time to buy.'"
- Fox News's Brit Hume, 7/7/05

That's right - his first thought after hearing about the awful terrorist attack in London today wasn't "how tragic," or "let's say a prayer for the dead," or "how can I help the victims" - his first thought was, there was a terrorist attack, how can I personally profit off it?

From Fox News' July 7 breaking news coverage between 1 and 2 p.m. ET:

SMITH: Some of the things you might expect to happen, for instance, a drop in the stock market and some degree of uncertainty across this country -- none of that really seen today, and I wonder if the timing of it -- that it happened in the middle of the night and we were able to get a sense of the grander scheme of things -- wasn't helpful in all this.

HUME: Well, maybe. The other thing is, of course, people have -- you know, the market was down. It was down yesterday, and you know, you may have had some bargain-hunting going on. I mean, my first thought when I heard -- just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, "Hmmm, time to buy." Others may have thought that as well. But you never know about the markets. But obviously, if the markets had behaved badly, that would obviously add to people's sense of alarm about it. But there has been a lot of reassurance coming, particularly in the way that -- partly in the way the Brits handled all this, but also in the way that officials here handled it. There seems to be no great fear that something like that is going to happen here, although there's no indication that we here had any advance warning.

It's an image which many Israelis say has convinced them to support the Government's plan to pull more than 8,000 Jewish settlers out of the Gaza Strip.

Plastered across Israeli TV screens for the past week have been pictures of settler youths, some as young as 13, stoning and then trying to lynch a teenage Palestinian in a Gaza village.

Wired's Timko said the magazine typically sends out a half-dozen or so letters reminding people to send in their $12. Then North Shore is brought in for an additional three letters.

The collection agency was intended solely to spook people into responding. Timko said North Shore wasn't authorized to take legal action against Wired readers.

"We're not going to do that to people," he said. "This was just another effort to collect an unpaid subscription."

Now, Timko said, Wired will rethink the whole thing. He said the magazine will reconsider the practice of automatic renewals and will no longer pass along readers' names to North Shore.

After her suicide, authorities decided to continue the investigation to confirm that no one else was involved. The county is considering civil action against her estate to try to recover the money, authorities said.


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