Tuesday, October 11, 2005


But now they are changing their tactics and strategies by concentrating on computer hardware inorder to monopolize, control, censor, and centralize computer power through the Google-Sun corporate partnership systems.

A tavern's sign, "For Service Speak English," violates Ohio civil rights law, a commission ruled Thursday - as the sign still sat in the window of the Pleasure Inn on U.S. 42.
The Ohio Civil Rights Commission says that, because of the sign, the Pleasure Inn "engaged in discriminatory practices."

Delphi Corp. union workers across the country grappled Friday with how they would make ends meet if their employer, the nation's largest auto parts supplier, followed through on pay cuts of up to 63% to reduce costs and avoid filing for bankruptcy.

Other Targets

Also interesting are the far more lethal targets that the perpetrators passed over. Flight 11 flew directly over the Indian Point nuclear power plant, and Flight 175 flew within about two minutes of it. That facility contains three nuclear power stations, one of which was online, and a unit storing 65 operating years' worth of highly radioactive waste. It is surrounded by heavily populated areas. Although the containment domes of the reactors might have survived an impact, the radioactive waste storage facility could easily have been breached by an impact, and damage to systems outside the containment domes could have led to a meltdown.

Saddam Hussein may never come to trial, Iraq's former Special Tribunal director said this week.
      Salem Hussein, the nephew of Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi's powerful vice prime minister for Iraq who is in charge of oil and energy issues, told an audience at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative Washington think tank Wednesday, that Saddam's trial may never come to fruition.
      Incessant delays have afforded Saddam's defense team more time to attack the legitimacy of the Special Tribunal by claiming the 2003 Iraq war that toppled the longtime Iraqi leader was illegal to begin with, Salem Chalabi said.

I just read an excellent book on World War I, and it made me incredibly sad. World War I was the beginning of all the horrors of the 20th century and of problems we still have to deal with in the 21st century. It all started there.

But events have revealed a creeping mildew of pain and privation, graft and injustice and much incompetence lurking beneath the glow of star-spangled superiority.

Many here feel the country is breaking down and losing its moral and political authority.

EXTRAORDINARY historical evidence suggests Shakespeare's plays were not written by the bard, but by a Tudor politician descended from King Edward III.

British Shakespeare scholar and former university lecturer Brenda James and university historian William Rubinstein propose that the real Shakespeare was Sir Henry Neville, an English courtier and diplomat.

However, the Institute for Supply Management's Services Index plunged from 65 in August to 53.3 in September. It must remain above 50.0 for growth. The service sector accounts for 80 percent of the economy. We also learned that 108 oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico were wiped out by Katrina and Rita, according to the Minerals Management Service, as reported by Reuters on www.cnnmoney.com on Wednesday. And the Mortgage Bankers Association announced that U.S. Mortgage Applications fell 1.1 percent last week, the lowest level since May, 2005. Here's what subscriber Scott emailed to me this week: "Just a note from a Credit Union in the Upper Midwest: Loan business is slowing considerably (even with seasonal adjustments). Right now we're running about 20% lower in loan volume than this time last year - we started the year strong, but as of late, it's flat-lining. It's this way all around us. The reason I can tell is we are getting fewer payoffs. In other words, money is not moving around nearly as quickly.

A former San Diego police officer convicted of making and possessing child pornography was placed on five years' probation yesterday and ordered to stop operating an Internet-safety Web site.

However, the judge ordered the defendant to stop operating a Website -- safersurfers.org -- through which he offered tips to parents on ways to protect their children from Internet predators.

Brett Kenneth Hensley pleaded guilty in June to one felony count of using a minor in the making of child pornography and three misdemeanor counts of possessing child pornography

GM crops contaminate the countryside for up to 15 years after they have been harvested, startling new government research shows.

The findings cast a cloud over the prospects of growing the modified crops in Britain, suggesting that farmers who try them out for one season will find fields blighted for a decade and a half.

Financed by GM companies and Margaret Beckett's Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the report effectively torpedoes the Government's strategy for introducing GM oilseed rape to this country.

Regular readers know that since early 2004, I have described the housing ATM as what's allowed the economy to move forward. In June, I suggested that Time magazine's cover story, "Home Sweet Home: Why We're Going Gaga Over Real Estate," might be signaling the peak. It's looking more and more like June was the peak (witness last week's disappointing new-home sales, pre-Katrina), as various problems begin to surface around the country

Under this debt-as-money scenario, the paper you get for giving up a loaf of bread isn't worth a thing until you exchange that paper for some real goods. I don't want to discuss in detail again the fairness of this game, suffice to say for every $1,000 credit you get, someone up there gets a credit tens and hundreds of times larger than yours and when they go belly up they get bailed out with public money.

Now I want to talk one thing about debt that other analysts rarely understand. Debts are a feature created by man. It's abstract, a promise that can be broken. When the cure for small pox is found or when the first airplane is flown, it's knowledge that lasts forever. When a building is erected, it stays there for decades and more. The human advances stay permanent but debts (and debt-based money) do not.
Things to stay away are paper currency and leveraged assets. Things to get into are unleveraged tangibles of necessity - soybean, copper, gold, oil, land. Those are basic commodities that survive through the ravage of hyperinflation.

This bill empowers the federal government to assume control of local hate crimes law enforcement. It establishes unity between federal and local law enforcement, thus creating the beginnings of a "police state." This enables the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, creator of this legislation, to enforce nationally the kind of persecution against Christians which their national executive board member, Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham, enforced locally against 11 Christians on October 10, 2004. Preaching at a gay pride rally, they were arrested for violation of ADL's Pennsylvania hate law. Possible penalties: 47 years in prison and $90,000 fines each. Mercifully, the case against them was thrown out by a higher court.

Within five years, China will be investing a higher proportion of its gross domestic product in research and development than the European Union, as more western companies move their R&D eastwards, the European Commission fears.

Goss also plans to reduce the bureaucracy at headquarters, send more people into the field for traditional spying, rely less on foreign allies for intelligence, take more risks and encourage employees to improve their foreign language skills.

    "As we start out today in the intelligence world ... we start out a little behind the curve," Goss said Thursday at the opening of the University of Maryland's language institute. "Not enough people speak the languages we need."

Habeas corpus is the greatest protection Americans have against a police state. Habeas corpus ensures that Americans can only be detained by law. They must be charged with offenses, given access to attorneys, and brought to trial. Habeas corpus prevents the despotic practice of picking up a person and holding him indefinitely.
President Bush claims the power to set aside habeas corpus and to dispense with warrants for arrest and with procedures that guarantee court appearance and trial without undue delay. Today in the US, the executive branch claims the power to arrest a citizen on its own initiative and hold the citizen indefinitely. Thus, Americans are no longer protected from arbitrary arrest and indefinite detention.

Sharon knows this, and he is prepared to evacuate the settlements that are dispersed in the heart of the Palestinian territories, hoping to hold on to the large settlement blocs. But he intends to avoid negotiations with the Palestinian leadership. He knows that in such a dialogue he will be compelled to give up most or all of the settlement blocs. That's why he insists on "unilateral" steps.
This is a very dangerous policy for Israel. The Palestinian outburst of joy that took place in Gaza after the withdrawal reflects the belief that this is a triumph of the Palestinian resistance. The Palestinians are convinced that Israel has fled in face of the Palestinian heroes who sacrificed their lives for their people, the suicide bombers and the fighters who shoot the mortar shells and the Qassams, much as they had fled five years ago in the face of the Shiite guerillas in the south of Lebanon. "Israel understands only the language of force".

Blanche Skelton was feeding her baby when she heard something besides the soothing sound of ocean waves coming from a toy attached to the crib.
    It was saying, "I hate you."

Yes, sir. They are tall. They walk with a-you see, the Grey aliens walk with a jerking motion, sir, as if there is something wrong with their legs. But, the Chitauli walk very gracefully, like trees gently swaying in the wind. They are tall. They have large heads. Some of them have got horns all around their heads. Now, let me express amazement, there exists-that in one of the films that recently appeared in South Africa, a Star Wars film, the latest one, shows a character EXACTLY like a Chitauli, exactly! It’s got horns all around it’s head. These are the warrior Chitauli. The royal Chitauli have got no horns around their head, but have got a darker ridge reaching from above their forehead to their back. They are very graceful creatures, we are told, sir, but they have got-their little finger is a claw which is a very sharp, straight claw, which they use to punch into human noses, in order to drink human brains in one of their rituals."

Svali: "The Illuminati is a group that practices a form of faith known as "enlightenment". It is Luciferian, and they teach their followers that their roots go back to the ancient mystery religions of Babylon, Egypt, and Celtic druidism. They have taken what they consider the "best" of each, the foundational practices, and joined them together into a strongly occult discipline. Many groups at the local level worship ancient deities such as "El", "Baal", and "Ashtarte", as well as "Isis and Osiris" and "Set".... I do know that these people teach and practice evil."

Soldiers from one of Britain’s most illustrious regiments added a splash of colour to their uniforms by adopting Snake-eye goggles as they started war training yesterday.

Members of the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, including 19-year-old tank driver Carl Thomas, above, were allowed to wear their own hologram protective eyewear during exercises in Bergen-Hohne in Germany. The £40 reflective 3D goggles, which are designed for motorcyclists, have become a fashionable accessory, but they will not be seen on the battlefield.

The project determined the existence of two extensive tunnel complexes beneath the concrete floor of the McMartin Preschool building. One, toward the south, was consistent with the location and function described by children; it appeared to connect the interior of the preschool with the adjoining triplex structure and it had a distinct signature where it exited under the foundation of the east wall. Since it lacked dateable artifacts and a consistent demarcation of floor profile, it was classified conservatively as a "possible" tunnel.

Credo Mutwa:  I think so, yes, sir.  He is the chief of the Chitauli.  And, like Satan, he lives in a house underground where great fires are always lighted, to keep him warm.  Because, we are told, that after the great war they fought with God, they became cold in their blood and they cannot stand freezing weather, which is why they require human blood, and also they require fire always to be kept working where they are.


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