CIA counter-proliferation network prevented a WMD "salting"
According to the Dobbs' report, 37 million people live in poverty. Functional illiteracy affects over 35 million Americans. One in five American children lives below the poverty level. Each year, 1.5 million unwed women give birth.
What are the inevitable results? The American Dream degrades to lower and lower expectations. Wages stagnant, mortgage defaults rise, 47 million Americans lack health insurance. Frustration and crime accelerate
[This sounds like at the least the Israelis had advance warning. So what do they do? They take off and leave everyone else there to die. Real nice behavior there.]
Amos N. Guiora, a former senior Israeli counter-terrorism official, said in a phone interview with The Times that sources in Israel had also told him about the pre-attack evacuations.
"It means there was excellent intelligence that this thing was going to happen," said Guiora, a former leader of the Israel Defense Forces who now heads the Institute for Global Security Law and Policy at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. "The question that needs to be answered is why weren't the Jordanians working at the hotel similarly removed?"
Jordanian security forces were placed on high alert, deploying throughout the capital around hotels, embassies and malls. The Jordanian government sealed off the borders and announced that all government and public offices would be closed in mourning today.,0,2022733.story?coll=la-home-world
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the ranking Democrat on the Government Reform Committee, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), have asked White House counsel Harriet Miers to provide Congress with documents relating to lobbyist Jack Abramoff's request for $9 million to arrange a meeting between President Bush and the President of Gabon, RAW STORY has learned.
The New York Times reported in Thursday's paper that President Bush met with Gabon's President Omar Bongo in May 2004, ten months after lobbyist Jack Abramoff asked President Bongo for $9 million to arrange such a meeting.
[Platinum at record high.]
"Deliveries of copper [to] the market [remain] tight as can be seen by the widening of the backwardation," said William Adams, analyst at Backwardation is a condition in which a futures price is lower in the distant-delivery months than in the near-delivery months, according to
Alex, I just wanted to give you an update on the status of Big Brother here
in Chicago and its suburbs. I just heard a radio commercial this morning
for a local grocery store chain by the name of Cub Foods. They are
aggressively advertising their newest "convenience" for customers, the
biometric payment system. You just swipe your thumb-print which is linked
to your bank account and you have paid your bill without so much as opening
your wallet for cash, credit cards, or a check. Well, I know one more store
I'm not shopping in anymore.
These riots are all part of the Globalists' divide and conquer strategy to get the populations of sovereign nations to accept global government.
The intention is plain and simple: seperate the tribes along racial, religous, and ethnic lines and set them off against each other. When a terrorist act might be too obvious, riots are the next best thing. Both accomplish the same goal of getting people stirred up, frightened and most of all to make otherwise clear-minded poeple willing to submit their liberties to the state in trade for "protection."
All of this is a device to broaden the police state to be used against the general public.
And just watch, these events will only lead to increased immigration into the country just like in the United States
But not only did the dead al-Zarqawi kill innocent Jordanians and important Palestinians, he also managed to kill a few Chinese. It is common knowledge the Chinese government is nurturing a relationship with the Palestinians and no doubt the Likudites hate this idea since they want the Palestinians to suffer in isolation in their Bantustan ghettoes the same way the Polish Jews suffered in the walled-up Warsaw ghetto. Back in May, Abbas went to China and met with Chinese leaders including President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao, and State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan. “The consensus reached by the two sides includes further developing mutually-beneficial and friendly cooperative relations, making joint efforts to push forward the Middle-East peace process, and so on. As far as I know, China and Palestinian side signed five documents of cooperation during this visit, including China-Palestine agreement of economic and technological cooperation, agreement of economic, trade and technological cooperation. China agreed to offer 50 million-worth economic aids and gratis, some aids in kind such as medical equipment, mobile houses and cultural and sports utilities,” according to a statement released by Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Kong Quan. Of course, this would put to waste the years of destruction inflicted on the Palestinians by the Israeli state and the IDF. Best send in the black op al-Zarqawi team to kill a few Chinese along with the important Palestinians.
"Find out just what people will quietly submit to, and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." --Frederick Douglass, African-American slave, and abolitionist
On the morning of 9/11 a little known Cincinnati television station ran a story saying Flight 93 landed at Cleveland International Airport instead of crashing into the Pentagon as claimed in the official government story.
Reporters at WCPO Channel 9 quoted then Cleveland Mayor Michael R. White as saying "a Boeing 767 out of Boston made an emergency landing due to a bomb threat," the airplane landing safely, moved to a secure location and evacuated.
The early morning report went on to say United Airlines verified the plane as Flight 93, but was also deeply concerned about another jetliner in the vicinity, Flight 175, flying from Boston to Los Angeles
Moreover, the aggressiveness of local elites suggests that more power is now flowing to the local level than previously thought. If so, the central government may be faced with two unsatisfying alternatives. First, it may have to move against both local elites and democracy activists in a show of force. This would recentralize power, but potentially have severe internal and external consequences, as there is no indication that local elites will give up power readily. Second, it could allow the present situation to continue in the hope that order will be restored in the countryside either by the triumph of local officials or through some type of compromise. While tempting, this strategy is dangerous, as it raises the specter of centrifugal disintegration. While action may provoke internal dispute, inaction risks the transformation of strong local authorities into the 21st-century equivalent of warlords
Curiously though, one threat, a brewing economic hurricane, was not mentioned. That was odd given the magazine's audience and purview. Nonetheless, it was not a complete surprise, because the disaster that already seems to be unfolding is one few people understand or are even aware of, let alone are prepared for. Once full-blown, however, it is likely to wreak havoc not only in the U.S., but around the world
"Fine. You want to be your own country? Go right ahead," O'Reilly went on. "And if al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead."
San Franciscans might be offended by this invitation, or perhaps even threatened, if more of them visited Coit Tower.
Attorney Jesse Trentadue, pursuing the 1995 death of his brother in an Oklahoma prison, has disclosed a document concerning an informant at a white supremacist camp telling federal authorities of a threat to blow up federal buildings before the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.
Lynn Edmonds and his wife, Sebnem, could barely wait to sign on the dotted line back in May when they committed themselves to pay $796,000 for a three-floor townhouse under construction in Alexandria's Cameron Station.
But since May, the sales prices for the development have fallen -- and units like the one the Edmonds bought are now being sold for $699,900. The Edmonds are facing the prospect of a $100,000 loss in value before they even walk through the front door.
"We blithely stepped into the contract, thinking it would hold its value -- but that's not the case," said Edmonds, 46, a program analyst and Air Force veteran. "I feel so stupid putting myself into it. It's real estate -- I knew on a theoretical basis that it might go up and it might go down, but now I know it on a practical level."
The Justice Department and FBI are investigating whether Aragoncillo stole classified material while assigned to Vice President Cheney's security detail, and provided it to Estrada and other opposition politicians in the Philippines. ABC News has reported that Aragoncillo admitted to stealing records while on Cheney's staff. Authorities are also investigating whether documents were stolen during Vice President Al Gore's tenure.
The man apologized and said “you know I’m just back from Iraq and I’m acting a little crazy… in Iraq we can do whatever. You think they put all that shit on the news? Man ask anybody we rape those bitches over there and we take their men and blow their brains out just like that and nobody ever knows.”
Not knowing how to respond to that he changed the subject and said “I can’t wait for the race war man. I feel like killin some honkies and some Puerto Ricans. They need to invent a gun that can tell the difference between a Mexican and a Puerto Rican so we can kill all the Puerto Ricans.
A bomb that was thrown from a white car at 16:30 (4:30 p.m. EET) on November 9 at the 'Umut Bookstore' in central Semdinli in northern Kurdistan (southeastern Turkey) killed one person and seriously wounded a second. The perpetrators in the white car was quickly surrounded by Kurdish citizens who tried to pull them out of the car but were fired upon by the perpetrators in the car. One person was killed and 4 others were wounded, one of them seriously, by the bullets.
Turkish police who arrived at the scene rescued the perpetrators. Citizens who broke into the white car found three AK-47s and a Turkish Gendarmerie Intelligence ID-card belonging to a 'Ali Kaya', who is believed to be one of the three agents in the white car.
Shelly Williams, 49, the world-renowned primatologist credited with gathering convincing evidence of a new species of great apes, a cryptid primate known to cryptozoologists as the Bili or Bondo ape, was shot in the back around 2:30 pm, on November 7, 2005. She apparently was the innocent victim of an unrelated drug shooting in Smyrna, Georgia.
[ese are the same fools approving patents on life forms and genetic sequences among other things.]
"If you design an anti-gravity machine, you've got a perpetual-motion machine," Robert Park of the American Physical Society told Nature.
Park said the action shows patent examiners are being duped by false science.
Three sergeants from the Turkish Gendarmerie Intelligence Service (JIT) have now been arrested for the bomb attack on November 9 against a bookstore owned by a Kurd in the city of Semdinli in northern Kurdistan (southeastern Turkey) after confessing during interrogation. The bookstore owner, Seferi Yilmaz, who was believed to have been killed in the attack was found alive.
Master Sergeant Ali Kaya, Staff Sergeant Özcan Ildeniz, and a third sergeant who was not named, admitted that they had carried out the bomb attack against the bookstore yesterday. The sergeants, who were interrogated by the Republican Prosecutor of Semdinli, Harun Ayik, also admitted that they had carried out the bomb attack on November 1 outside a military residence in the city, wounding 23 people, of them 3 police officers, 4 soldiers and 16 civilians. With that , Prosecutor Ayik merged both cases into one.
Nearly a dozen pit bulls were taken from the house. Investigators say they found religious altars inside, lined with chicken feathers and severed goat heads. All three people arrested remain in the Bexar County Jail tonight.
In addition to drug charges, investigators say they could also face charges for animal cruelty, attempted murder and child endangerment. Investigators tell News 4 WOAI the 2 year old girl is with her grandmother tonight.
life again
A BABY born without a heartbeat and pronounced dead in the delivery room came briefly back to life, an inquest heard.
Doctors described Lewis Millard's revival as "unheard of " and said the reasons behind it were still a mystery.
One theory put forward was that an adrenalin injection, administered as doctors fought to get Lewis' heart beating in the minutes after he was born, had a delayed action.
After failing to pay for his purchase of Boulis’ SunCruz casino ship empire, Kidan added injury to insult, investigators now suspect, by using Boulis’ purloined company to pay for his own death.
Kidan sent checks totaling $145,000 to the daughter of Gambino hood Anthony Moscatiello, one of the three men charged so far in the gangland-style execution in Fort Lauderdale, and checks totaling $105,000 to ‘Moon Over Miami Beach.’ An officer in the company, James Ferrari, has been charged in the case.
“Moon Over Miami Beach” is “a company whose business remains unclear,” reported the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel.
“Want to be head of an international corporation?" Grosh told an incredulous Senate committee hearing he was asked. "I was like, ‘sure.’ It was a hard one to turn down. I asked him what I had to do, and he said 'Nothing.’
“That sounded pretty good to me."
ere’s one you may not have, from the White House Spy Scandal we are hearing so little about. Two factions are battling for control of the Philippines. Abramoff, of course, has “a dog in that hunt.”
Abramoff’s clients sent a man named Michael Aquino to the U.S. to lay low for a while. He was arrested with the Marine at the White House who had been feeding him classified material.
They had him over a barrel
Here’s an example of why he's laying low:
Edgar Bentain was a man who released a video clip during the Presidential campaign there showing then-Philippine Vice President Joseph Estrada and a notorious gambler playing high-stakes baccarat at the Heritage Hotel casino.
This was not pleasing to Estrada, an ally of Imelda Marcos and Abramoff’s.
Betain disappeared without a trace. Nothing had not been seen nor heard of him since. Then someone confessed that they’d seen Bentain: in a drum.
"We were brought to a bridge near Bacolor, where we saw Bentain inside a drum. We could still see his head but the rest of his body was already buried under cement," said the man’s statement to police.
“Bentain was crying and begging for his life.”
The statement quoted Aquino as telling Bentain: "Masyado ka kasing pakialamero at iyan ang bagay sa iyo (You deserve this because you mind other people's business too much)!"
Bentain was encased alive in cement. Philippine NBI agents were said to be searching for a metal drum near the bridge.
I maintain that these published observations are consistent with the use of the high-temperature thermite reaction, used to cut or demolish steel. Thermite is a mixture of iron oxide and aluminum powder. The end products of the thermite reaction are aluminum oxide and molten iron. So the thermite reaction generates molten iron directly, and is hot enough to melt and even evaporate steel which it contacts while reacting. On the other hand, falling buildings (absent explosives) have insufficient directed energy to result in melting of large quantities of metal. The government reports admit that the building fires were insufficient to melt steel beams -- then where did the molten metal come from? Metals expert Dr. Frank Gayle (working with NIST) stated:
It is highly unlikely that jet fuel was present to generate such explosions especially on lower floors, and long after the planes hit the buildings. Dr. Shyam Sunder, Lead Investigator for NIST stated: "The jet fuel probably burned out in less than 10 minutes.” (Field, 2005) On the other hand, pre-positioned explosives provide a plausible and simple explanation for the observations, satisfying Occam’s razor (Jones, 2005). Thus, it cannot be said that “no evidence” can be found for the use of explosives. This serious matter needs to be treated as a plausible scientific hypothesis and thoroughly investigated.
Four persons arrested in Los Angeles are part of a Chinese intelligence-gathering ring, federal investigators said, and the suspects caused serious compromises for 15 years to major U.S. weapons systems, including submarines and warships.
U.S. intelligence and security officials said the case remains under investigation but that it could prove to be among the most damaging spy cases since the 1985 one of John A. Walker Jr., who passed Navy communication codes to Moscow for 22 years.
U.S. "crating" prisoners and flying them around Eastern Europe in C-130 prison planes. Although The Washington Post failed to report on the details of CIA (now Pentagon-run) "black" interrogation sites in eastern Europe, WMR is able to report on the particulars of the covert operation. According to a well-placed intelligence source who served in eastern Europe, prisoners from Iraq and elsewhere have been flown from airport to airport in eastern Europe on board C-130 planes. Placed in what were described as "dog-sized" cages, the covert operation became fully operational after the disclosures of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, Baghdad and Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq. The "crated" prisoners were either removed from the C-130s for interrogation at Soviet-era detention centers that were in various states of repair or were kept on board the aircraft and subjected to brutal interrogation by U.S. and/or contractor personnel, who, in some cases, were ex-members of the Soviet KGB, Stasi, and other eastern European security services. C-130s are used because of their short take-off and landing capabilities on short air strips located in remote regions.
CIA counter-proliferation network prevented a WMD "salting" operation by Bush White House in Iraq.
What are the inevitable results? The American Dream degrades to lower and lower expectations. Wages stagnant, mortgage defaults rise, 47 million Americans lack health insurance. Frustration and crime accelerate
[This sounds like at the least the Israelis had advance warning. So what do they do? They take off and leave everyone else there to die. Real nice behavior there.]
Amos N. Guiora, a former senior Israeli counter-terrorism official, said in a phone interview with The Times that sources in Israel had also told him about the pre-attack evacuations.
"It means there was excellent intelligence that this thing was going to happen," said Guiora, a former leader of the Israel Defense Forces who now heads the Institute for Global Security Law and Policy at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. "The question that needs to be answered is why weren't the Jordanians working at the hotel similarly removed?"
Jordanian security forces were placed on high alert, deploying throughout the capital around hotels, embassies and malls. The Jordanian government sealed off the borders and announced that all government and public offices would be closed in mourning today.,0,2022733.story?coll=la-home-world
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the ranking Democrat on the Government Reform Committee, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), have asked White House counsel Harriet Miers to provide Congress with documents relating to lobbyist Jack Abramoff's request for $9 million to arrange a meeting between President Bush and the President of Gabon, RAW STORY has learned.
The New York Times reported in Thursday's paper that President Bush met with Gabon's President Omar Bongo in May 2004, ten months after lobbyist Jack Abramoff asked President Bongo for $9 million to arrange such a meeting.
[Platinum at record high.]
"Deliveries of copper [to] the market [remain] tight as can be seen by the widening of the backwardation," said William Adams, analyst at Backwardation is a condition in which a futures price is lower in the distant-delivery months than in the near-delivery months, according to
Alex, I just wanted to give you an update on the status of Big Brother here
in Chicago and its suburbs. I just heard a radio commercial this morning
for a local grocery store chain by the name of Cub Foods. They are
aggressively advertising their newest "convenience" for customers, the
biometric payment system. You just swipe your thumb-print which is linked
to your bank account and you have paid your bill without so much as opening
your wallet for cash, credit cards, or a check. Well, I know one more store
I'm not shopping in anymore.
These riots are all part of the Globalists' divide and conquer strategy to get the populations of sovereign nations to accept global government.
The intention is plain and simple: seperate the tribes along racial, religous, and ethnic lines and set them off against each other. When a terrorist act might be too obvious, riots are the next best thing. Both accomplish the same goal of getting people stirred up, frightened and most of all to make otherwise clear-minded poeple willing to submit their liberties to the state in trade for "protection."
All of this is a device to broaden the police state to be used against the general public.
And just watch, these events will only lead to increased immigration into the country just like in the United States
But not only did the dead al-Zarqawi kill innocent Jordanians and important Palestinians, he also managed to kill a few Chinese. It is common knowledge the Chinese government is nurturing a relationship with the Palestinians and no doubt the Likudites hate this idea since they want the Palestinians to suffer in isolation in their Bantustan ghettoes the same way the Polish Jews suffered in the walled-up Warsaw ghetto. Back in May, Abbas went to China and met with Chinese leaders including President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao, and State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan. “The consensus reached by the two sides includes further developing mutually-beneficial and friendly cooperative relations, making joint efforts to push forward the Middle-East peace process, and so on. As far as I know, China and Palestinian side signed five documents of cooperation during this visit, including China-Palestine agreement of economic and technological cooperation, agreement of economic, trade and technological cooperation. China agreed to offer 50 million-worth economic aids and gratis, some aids in kind such as medical equipment, mobile houses and cultural and sports utilities,” according to a statement released by Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Kong Quan. Of course, this would put to waste the years of destruction inflicted on the Palestinians by the Israeli state and the IDF. Best send in the black op al-Zarqawi team to kill a few Chinese along with the important Palestinians.
"Find out just what people will quietly submit to, and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." --Frederick Douglass, African-American slave, and abolitionist
On the morning of 9/11 a little known Cincinnati television station ran a story saying Flight 93 landed at Cleveland International Airport instead of crashing into the Pentagon as claimed in the official government story.
Reporters at WCPO Channel 9 quoted then Cleveland Mayor Michael R. White as saying "a Boeing 767 out of Boston made an emergency landing due to a bomb threat," the airplane landing safely, moved to a secure location and evacuated.
The early morning report went on to say United Airlines verified the plane as Flight 93, but was also deeply concerned about another jetliner in the vicinity, Flight 175, flying from Boston to Los Angeles
Moreover, the aggressiveness of local elites suggests that more power is now flowing to the local level than previously thought. If so, the central government may be faced with two unsatisfying alternatives. First, it may have to move against both local elites and democracy activists in a show of force. This would recentralize power, but potentially have severe internal and external consequences, as there is no indication that local elites will give up power readily. Second, it could allow the present situation to continue in the hope that order will be restored in the countryside either by the triumph of local officials or through some type of compromise. While tempting, this strategy is dangerous, as it raises the specter of centrifugal disintegration. While action may provoke internal dispute, inaction risks the transformation of strong local authorities into the 21st-century equivalent of warlords
Curiously though, one threat, a brewing economic hurricane, was not mentioned. That was odd given the magazine's audience and purview. Nonetheless, it was not a complete surprise, because the disaster that already seems to be unfolding is one few people understand or are even aware of, let alone are prepared for. Once full-blown, however, it is likely to wreak havoc not only in the U.S., but around the world
"Fine. You want to be your own country? Go right ahead," O'Reilly went on. "And if al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead."
San Franciscans might be offended by this invitation, or perhaps even threatened, if more of them visited Coit Tower.
Attorney Jesse Trentadue, pursuing the 1995 death of his brother in an Oklahoma prison, has disclosed a document concerning an informant at a white supremacist camp telling federal authorities of a threat to blow up federal buildings before the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.
Lynn Edmonds and his wife, Sebnem, could barely wait to sign on the dotted line back in May when they committed themselves to pay $796,000 for a three-floor townhouse under construction in Alexandria's Cameron Station.
But since May, the sales prices for the development have fallen -- and units like the one the Edmonds bought are now being sold for $699,900. The Edmonds are facing the prospect of a $100,000 loss in value before they even walk through the front door.
"We blithely stepped into the contract, thinking it would hold its value -- but that's not the case," said Edmonds, 46, a program analyst and Air Force veteran. "I feel so stupid putting myself into it. It's real estate -- I knew on a theoretical basis that it might go up and it might go down, but now I know it on a practical level."
The Justice Department and FBI are investigating whether Aragoncillo stole classified material while assigned to Vice President Cheney's security detail, and provided it to Estrada and other opposition politicians in the Philippines. ABC News has reported that Aragoncillo admitted to stealing records while on Cheney's staff. Authorities are also investigating whether documents were stolen during Vice President Al Gore's tenure.
The man apologized and said “you know I’m just back from Iraq and I’m acting a little crazy… in Iraq we can do whatever. You think they put all that shit on the news? Man ask anybody we rape those bitches over there and we take their men and blow their brains out just like that and nobody ever knows.”
Not knowing how to respond to that he changed the subject and said “I can’t wait for the race war man. I feel like killin some honkies and some Puerto Ricans. They need to invent a gun that can tell the difference between a Mexican and a Puerto Rican so we can kill all the Puerto Ricans.
A bomb that was thrown from a white car at 16:30 (4:30 p.m. EET) on November 9 at the 'Umut Bookstore' in central Semdinli in northern Kurdistan (southeastern Turkey) killed one person and seriously wounded a second. The perpetrators in the white car was quickly surrounded by Kurdish citizens who tried to pull them out of the car but were fired upon by the perpetrators in the car. One person was killed and 4 others were wounded, one of them seriously, by the bullets.
Turkish police who arrived at the scene rescued the perpetrators. Citizens who broke into the white car found three AK-47s and a Turkish Gendarmerie Intelligence ID-card belonging to a 'Ali Kaya', who is believed to be one of the three agents in the white car.
Shelly Williams, 49, the world-renowned primatologist credited with gathering convincing evidence of a new species of great apes, a cryptid primate known to cryptozoologists as the Bili or Bondo ape, was shot in the back around 2:30 pm, on November 7, 2005. She apparently was the innocent victim of an unrelated drug shooting in Smyrna, Georgia.
[ese are the same fools approving patents on life forms and genetic sequences among other things.]
"If you design an anti-gravity machine, you've got a perpetual-motion machine," Robert Park of the American Physical Society told Nature.
Park said the action shows patent examiners are being duped by false science.
Three sergeants from the Turkish Gendarmerie Intelligence Service (JIT) have now been arrested for the bomb attack on November 9 against a bookstore owned by a Kurd in the city of Semdinli in northern Kurdistan (southeastern Turkey) after confessing during interrogation. The bookstore owner, Seferi Yilmaz, who was believed to have been killed in the attack was found alive.
Master Sergeant Ali Kaya, Staff Sergeant Özcan Ildeniz, and a third sergeant who was not named, admitted that they had carried out the bomb attack against the bookstore yesterday. The sergeants, who were interrogated by the Republican Prosecutor of Semdinli, Harun Ayik, also admitted that they had carried out the bomb attack on November 1 outside a military residence in the city, wounding 23 people, of them 3 police officers, 4 soldiers and 16 civilians. With that , Prosecutor Ayik merged both cases into one.
Nearly a dozen pit bulls were taken from the house. Investigators say they found religious altars inside, lined with chicken feathers and severed goat heads. All three people arrested remain in the Bexar County Jail tonight.
In addition to drug charges, investigators say they could also face charges for animal cruelty, attempted murder and child endangerment. Investigators tell News 4 WOAI the 2 year old girl is with her grandmother tonight.
life again
A BABY born without a heartbeat and pronounced dead in the delivery room came briefly back to life, an inquest heard.
Doctors described Lewis Millard's revival as "unheard of " and said the reasons behind it were still a mystery.
One theory put forward was that an adrenalin injection, administered as doctors fought to get Lewis' heart beating in the minutes after he was born, had a delayed action.
After failing to pay for his purchase of Boulis’ SunCruz casino ship empire, Kidan added injury to insult, investigators now suspect, by using Boulis’ purloined company to pay for his own death.
Kidan sent checks totaling $145,000 to the daughter of Gambino hood Anthony Moscatiello, one of the three men charged so far in the gangland-style execution in Fort Lauderdale, and checks totaling $105,000 to ‘Moon Over Miami Beach.’ An officer in the company, James Ferrari, has been charged in the case.
“Moon Over Miami Beach” is “a company whose business remains unclear,” reported the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel.
“Want to be head of an international corporation?" Grosh told an incredulous Senate committee hearing he was asked. "I was like, ‘sure.’ It was a hard one to turn down. I asked him what I had to do, and he said 'Nothing.’
“That sounded pretty good to me."
ere’s one you may not have, from the White House Spy Scandal we are hearing so little about. Two factions are battling for control of the Philippines. Abramoff, of course, has “a dog in that hunt.”
Abramoff’s clients sent a man named Michael Aquino to the U.S. to lay low for a while. He was arrested with the Marine at the White House who had been feeding him classified material.
They had him over a barrel
Here’s an example of why he's laying low:
Edgar Bentain was a man who released a video clip during the Presidential campaign there showing then-Philippine Vice President Joseph Estrada and a notorious gambler playing high-stakes baccarat at the Heritage Hotel casino.
This was not pleasing to Estrada, an ally of Imelda Marcos and Abramoff’s.
Betain disappeared without a trace. Nothing had not been seen nor heard of him since. Then someone confessed that they’d seen Bentain: in a drum.
"We were brought to a bridge near Bacolor, where we saw Bentain inside a drum. We could still see his head but the rest of his body was already buried under cement," said the man’s statement to police.
“Bentain was crying and begging for his life.”
The statement quoted Aquino as telling Bentain: "Masyado ka kasing pakialamero at iyan ang bagay sa iyo (You deserve this because you mind other people's business too much)!"
Bentain was encased alive in cement. Philippine NBI agents were said to be searching for a metal drum near the bridge.
I maintain that these published observations are consistent with the use of the high-temperature thermite reaction, used to cut or demolish steel. Thermite is a mixture of iron oxide and aluminum powder. The end products of the thermite reaction are aluminum oxide and molten iron. So the thermite reaction generates molten iron directly, and is hot enough to melt and even evaporate steel which it contacts while reacting. On the other hand, falling buildings (absent explosives) have insufficient directed energy to result in melting of large quantities of metal. The government reports admit that the building fires were insufficient to melt steel beams -- then where did the molten metal come from? Metals expert Dr. Frank Gayle (working with NIST) stated:
It is highly unlikely that jet fuel was present to generate such explosions especially on lower floors, and long after the planes hit the buildings. Dr. Shyam Sunder, Lead Investigator for NIST stated: "The jet fuel probably burned out in less than 10 minutes.” (Field, 2005) On the other hand, pre-positioned explosives provide a plausible and simple explanation for the observations, satisfying Occam’s razor (Jones, 2005). Thus, it cannot be said that “no evidence” can be found for the use of explosives. This serious matter needs to be treated as a plausible scientific hypothesis and thoroughly investigated.
Four persons arrested in Los Angeles are part of a Chinese intelligence-gathering ring, federal investigators said, and the suspects caused serious compromises for 15 years to major U.S. weapons systems, including submarines and warships.
U.S. intelligence and security officials said the case remains under investigation but that it could prove to be among the most damaging spy cases since the 1985 one of John A. Walker Jr., who passed Navy communication codes to Moscow for 22 years.
U.S. "crating" prisoners and flying them around Eastern Europe in C-130 prison planes. Although The Washington Post failed to report on the details of CIA (now Pentagon-run) "black" interrogation sites in eastern Europe, WMR is able to report on the particulars of the covert operation. According to a well-placed intelligence source who served in eastern Europe, prisoners from Iraq and elsewhere have been flown from airport to airport in eastern Europe on board C-130 planes. Placed in what were described as "dog-sized" cages, the covert operation became fully operational after the disclosures of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, Baghdad and Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq. The "crated" prisoners were either removed from the C-130s for interrogation at Soviet-era detention centers that were in various states of repair or were kept on board the aircraft and subjected to brutal interrogation by U.S. and/or contractor personnel, who, in some cases, were ex-members of the Soviet KGB, Stasi, and other eastern European security services. C-130s are used because of their short take-off and landing capabilities on short air strips located in remote regions.
CIA counter-proliferation network prevented a WMD "salting" operation by Bush White House in Iraq.
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