believes it's 'next to impossible' that 19 Arab Terrorists alon
Reports have reached today that the mysterious illness killing dogs in the United States has been identified as a mutated form of the Bird Flu, and as we can read as reported by the Boston Herald News Service in their article titled "No grey area: canine flu killed Mass. dogs" and which says;
"The mystery killer that has dropped greyhounds at a Revere racetrack is part of the deadly canine flu ripping through racetracks across the country, test results reveal. State regulators initially downplayed as ``kennel cough'' the malady that eventually killed 18 greyhounds at Revere's Wonderland track. But test results just back from a University of Florida lab prove what activists argued from the start: that the mystery plague is canine influenza - the same killer canine flu that has infected an estimated 10,000 dogs across the country.
{“white slavery”}
Americans must think that our political and academic elites have gone utterly mad at a time when three-and-a-half years, approaching four years after September 11, we still don't have border security. And this group of elites is talking about not defending our borders, finally, but rather creating new ones. It's astonishing.
People's legal right to buy vitamins and food supplements is seen as a threat by Eurocrats, and the FDA has had to be reigned in repeatedly by Congress to get the bureaucrats to back off. The bureaucrats know that if it were ever to come to a vote, voters in most nations will affirm their right to be left alone when it comes to vitamins. The war has therefore moved from politics to bureaucratic agreements. The war is about to escalate
We’re not just talking about isolated instances of privately-built toll roads with foreign management, as we’ve seen in Southern California. We’re talking about networks of toll roads that may be built by foreign builders, managed by foreign operators, function primarily to accommodate foreign goods, and connect U.S. roads to similar networks in Canada, Mexico and, later, Central and South America.
Interstate 69, for example, is a planned 1600 mile national highway connecting Mexico, the U.S., and Canada. Eight states are involved in the project: Once completed, I-69 will extend from Port Huron, Michigan to the Texas/Mexico border.
In Texas, I-69 will be part of the Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC) project – a 4000 mile network of existing and new toll roads – which will create the largest private highway system in America. Interstate 35, also called the Oklahoma to Mexico/Gulf Coast element, will be developed as part of the TTC.
Plans call for the TTC to be 1200 feet wide with 10 vehicle lanes (three passenger vehicle lanes in each direction), truck lanes (two in each direction), six rail lines (three in each direction), two tracks for high-speed passenger rail, two for commuter rail and two for freight. The corridor will include a 200 feet right-of-way for oil, gas, electric and water lines.
After a relatively brief period - perhaps just one or two hundred years - either the need or the socio-political ability to build them disappeared, and monuments of this scale were not built again until the Middle Bronze Age, 3,000 years later. Why this monumental culture collapsed is a mystery.
To this day, pockets of radical Kabbalists throughout the world, but particularly in Asia Minor, covertly worship Sabbatai as the Promised Messiah and an incarnation of the Godhead. However, to my knowledge, and in my experience of Sabbatianism (which spans over 40 years), DONMEH-L is the only collective of Sabbatian/Frankist "fellow travellers" West of Turkey, and certainly the only one on the Internet.
[The dark god?]
"In my experience, God prefers what Jung has called the 'natural man' to be a vessel for His 'continuing incarnation' (Answer to Job, par. 746) -- the one who belches and farts and scratches his ass; who is 'a thing despised and rejected by men' (Isaiah 53:3); who is 'a daily laughingstock and the butt of everybody's jokes' (Jeremiah 20:7); who is 'married to a whore' (Hosea 1:2) and nothing more than a stinking goat-herd (Amos 1:1). That is, He prefers the guilty fools and ignoramuses of the world, like you and me, and not, in Jung's words, the 'guiltless ones' like Them -- the learned and the pious 'rabbis' of all religions -- who stand in judgment over the impious likes of Us but are, in fact, themselves excluded from union with the Divine because, again according to Jung, 'In them the Dark God would find no room.' "
the dissemination and practice of the 330-year old Kabbalistic transmission that began in 1666 with the Jewish Avatar Sabbatai Zevi
My husband spent many hours preparing for the trial. He penned a brilliant opening statement speaking on our Constitution and the rights it affords. Literally minutes before the trial the prosecutor, Christine Sanner, handed him a motion signed by Maurice B. Cohill, Jr., Senior U.S. District Judge. This motion prevented Terry from even mentioning the 1st , 2nd, or 5th, Amendments to our constitution. The judge told my husband if he mentioned them at all that he would be held in contempt of court, fined, and imprisoned for that offense. Therefore, Terry was left defenseless before the jury and could say very little. After the trial, a reporter asked the prosecutor why she had prevented Terry from speaking about the constitution. Her response was, "We didn’t want to confuse the jury." In other words, the prosecutor knew that if the jury heard what Terry had to say, the government would have lost their case.
Our country is being destroyed by overzealous prosecutors and arrogant judges who choose not to follow our Constitution but make up laws as they see fit. Our prisons are overcrowded with innocent people. Your tax dollars pay the salary of our corrupt prosecutors and judges. Your money also pays to support many people in prison who could be out earning a living and paying taxes themselves
Israel is considering using an unusual new weapon against Jewish settlers who resist this summer's Gaza Strip evacuation - a device that emits penetrating bursts of sound that leaves targets reeling with dizziness and nausea.
Security forces could employ the weapon to overcome resistance without resorting to force, their paramount aim. But experts warn that the effects of prolonged exposure are unknown
[So the state can issue an amber alert to be able to steal someone’s children? How do you like that?]
Last week, the state issued an Amber Alert that led to the seizure of Katie, who is undergoing tests at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. The couple's three sons also were taken and are in a foster home.
Twelve men imprisoned in connection with one of Pakistan's most notorious rape cases must be released by Monday, a court has ordered.
It had been the worst of blind dates; the no-show. Eventually, just before 2am, Tommy Hook conceded defeat and slunk away from the gaudy strip bar. As he traipsed across the neon-bathed parking lot of Cheeks nightclub, he would have wondered what became of his non-committal partner.
Hours earlier Hook, 52, had received a call from a fellow employee at the Los Alamos National Laboratory imploring him to head to the Santa Fe nightspot and hover by the bar. An excited, hushed voice had promised to corroborate Hook's explosive findings into massive financial irregularities at the birthplace of the nuclear bomb and proposed site for the Bush administration's new generation of atomic weapons.
[If flouride prevents tooh deacy why dont people in England have teeth?]
Fluoride in tap water can cause bone cancer in boys, a disturbing new study indicates, although there is no evidence of a link for girls.
New American research suggests that boys exposed to fluoride between the ages of five and 10 will suffer an increased rate of osteosarcoma - bone cancer - between the ages of 10 and 19.
In the UK, fluoride is added to tap water on the advice of bodies such as the British Dental Association. The Department of Health maintains that it is a cost-effective public health measure that helps prevent tooth decay in children
As soon as the cow contracts the disease it suffers from high fever and its hooves, udders and tongue swell up with an ulcerous growth. "Generally the cow or the bull dies within two days secreting excessive saliva." Rambabu Yadav who has lost five milch cows said there is no point in calling the doctor once the cow is inflicted with the disease because within a matter of two days the animal will die. It is feared that at least 1,245 cows and at least 2,000 bulls will die in the epidemic.
Thank you for alerting us yesterday to the obvious possibility that Saddam may be assassinated soon. In view of recent standard White House/British/Israeli practices, I am surprised that I did not consider this possibility before.
You can not imagine my horror when I read in my Sunday paper this morning the enclosed article. (see below)
It is of utmost importance to raise public awareness to the need to protect Saddam, so that we could use him in the future as a witness against Blair and Bush. If we lose Saddam before he testifies, say goodbye to what's left of our American 'democracy'.
The spill occurred Friday night at the Newport Chemical Agent Destruction Facility, where more than 250,000 gallons of the agent VX are stored. VX is a liquid with the consistency of mineral oil that can kill a healthy adult with a single pinpoint droplet.
The Army wants to transport the hydrolysate - which has been compared to liquid drain cleaner - to a DuPont plant in New Jersey for treatment and disposal in the Delaware River. The plan has sparked opposition in New Jersey and Delaware.,1282,-5068956,00.html
MINISTERS were warned in July 2002 that Britain was committed to taking part in an American-led invasion of Iraq and they had no choice but to find a way of making it legal.
The warning, in a leaked Cabinet Office briefing paper, said Tony Blair had already agreed to back military action to get rid of Saddam Hussein at a summit at the Texas ranch of President George W Bush three months earlier.,,2087-1650822,00.html
Talk about fair-weather friends!
When nine French fighter jets and a weather plane from a French carrier taking part in a joint exercise with Canadian Naval forces in the Atlantic off New Jersey ran perilously low on fuel last Friday because of a freak storm that prevented them from returning to their ship, they figured, no problem. They weren't too far from the U.S. mainland, and so they could just land at McGuire AF Base in southern New Jersey.
No dice, the Francophobe U.S. military told them. According to a State Department source, quoted in the Philadelphia Inquirer, they were denied landing rights at the facility.
Faced with the choice of ditching their planes or finding an alternative landing site, the French pilots, with the help of frantic State Department and Federal Aviation Administration officers, managed to arrange landing permission at the commercial airfield in Atlantic City, though this necessitated delaying and rerouting several commercial flights because of the number of planes that were coming in at once.
No national American media mentioned this stunning--and potentially life-threatening--breach of basic air etiquette by the U.S. military. And not for lack of knowing about it: many news organizations covered the whole thing as a humor item, focusing on the French pilots spending a night in the debauchery of America's East Coast Vegas.
ncreasing numbers of young American children are showing signs of serious malnourishment, fueled by a greater prevalence of hunger in the United States, while, paradoxically, two-thirds of the US population is either overweight or obese.;_ylt=Ao0FBYx4neB8eQLn3KGyzeys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2M2YzbmJmBHNlYwN1cw--
If anyone is wondering why US occupation troops (ignore the misleading garbage about "coalition forces") are increasingly detested and regarded with fear and contempt by more and more Iraqis as the days go by, there is no need to look further than their act of swaggering incompetence on May 30, because it is typical of what they have been doing in Iraq since the invasion. The only reason we know about this particular case of arrogance and stupidity on the part of a bunch of clumsy thugs is because the man concerned, Dr Mohsen Abdul Hamid, is a major political figure. The citizens of the United States didn't hear much about the shambles, and they know nothing whatever about all the other outrages because they do not involve high profile people. All the other smash crash and bash operations of cloddish violence against the civil population are reported only in non-US media
Reynolds, now a professor emeritus at Texas A&M University, also believes it's 'next to impossible' that 19 Arab Terrorists alone outfoxed the mighty U.S. military, adding the scientific conclusions about the WTC collapse may hold the key to the entire mysterious plot behind 9/11.
"The mystery killer that has dropped greyhounds at a Revere racetrack is part of the deadly canine flu ripping through racetracks across the country, test results reveal. State regulators initially downplayed as ``kennel cough'' the malady that eventually killed 18 greyhounds at Revere's Wonderland track. But test results just back from a University of Florida lab prove what activists argued from the start: that the mystery plague is canine influenza - the same killer canine flu that has infected an estimated 10,000 dogs across the country.
{“white slavery”}
Americans must think that our political and academic elites have gone utterly mad at a time when three-and-a-half years, approaching four years after September 11, we still don't have border security. And this group of elites is talking about not defending our borders, finally, but rather creating new ones. It's astonishing.
People's legal right to buy vitamins and food supplements is seen as a threat by Eurocrats, and the FDA has had to be reigned in repeatedly by Congress to get the bureaucrats to back off. The bureaucrats know that if it were ever to come to a vote, voters in most nations will affirm their right to be left alone when it comes to vitamins. The war has therefore moved from politics to bureaucratic agreements. The war is about to escalate
We’re not just talking about isolated instances of privately-built toll roads with foreign management, as we’ve seen in Southern California. We’re talking about networks of toll roads that may be built by foreign builders, managed by foreign operators, function primarily to accommodate foreign goods, and connect U.S. roads to similar networks in Canada, Mexico and, later, Central and South America.
Interstate 69, for example, is a planned 1600 mile national highway connecting Mexico, the U.S., and Canada. Eight states are involved in the project: Once completed, I-69 will extend from Port Huron, Michigan to the Texas/Mexico border.
In Texas, I-69 will be part of the Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC) project – a 4000 mile network of existing and new toll roads – which will create the largest private highway system in America. Interstate 35, also called the Oklahoma to Mexico/Gulf Coast element, will be developed as part of the TTC.
Plans call for the TTC to be 1200 feet wide with 10 vehicle lanes (three passenger vehicle lanes in each direction), truck lanes (two in each direction), six rail lines (three in each direction), two tracks for high-speed passenger rail, two for commuter rail and two for freight. The corridor will include a 200 feet right-of-way for oil, gas, electric and water lines.
After a relatively brief period - perhaps just one or two hundred years - either the need or the socio-political ability to build them disappeared, and monuments of this scale were not built again until the Middle Bronze Age, 3,000 years later. Why this monumental culture collapsed is a mystery.
To this day, pockets of radical Kabbalists throughout the world, but particularly in Asia Minor, covertly worship Sabbatai as the Promised Messiah and an incarnation of the Godhead. However, to my knowledge, and in my experience of Sabbatianism (which spans over 40 years), DONMEH-L is the only collective of Sabbatian/Frankist "fellow travellers" West of Turkey, and certainly the only one on the Internet.
[The dark god?]
"In my experience, God prefers what Jung has called the 'natural man' to be a vessel for His 'continuing incarnation' (Answer to Job, par. 746) -- the one who belches and farts and scratches his ass; who is 'a thing despised and rejected by men' (Isaiah 53:3); who is 'a daily laughingstock and the butt of everybody's jokes' (Jeremiah 20:7); who is 'married to a whore' (Hosea 1:2) and nothing more than a stinking goat-herd (Amos 1:1). That is, He prefers the guilty fools and ignoramuses of the world, like you and me, and not, in Jung's words, the 'guiltless ones' like Them -- the learned and the pious 'rabbis' of all religions -- who stand in judgment over the impious likes of Us but are, in fact, themselves excluded from union with the Divine because, again according to Jung, 'In them the Dark God would find no room.' "
the dissemination and practice of the 330-year old Kabbalistic transmission that began in 1666 with the Jewish Avatar Sabbatai Zevi
My husband spent many hours preparing for the trial. He penned a brilliant opening statement speaking on our Constitution and the rights it affords. Literally minutes before the trial the prosecutor, Christine Sanner, handed him a motion signed by Maurice B. Cohill, Jr., Senior U.S. District Judge. This motion prevented Terry from even mentioning the 1st , 2nd, or 5th, Amendments to our constitution. The judge told my husband if he mentioned them at all that he would be held in contempt of court, fined, and imprisoned for that offense. Therefore, Terry was left defenseless before the jury and could say very little. After the trial, a reporter asked the prosecutor why she had prevented Terry from speaking about the constitution. Her response was, "We didn’t want to confuse the jury." In other words, the prosecutor knew that if the jury heard what Terry had to say, the government would have lost their case.
Our country is being destroyed by overzealous prosecutors and arrogant judges who choose not to follow our Constitution but make up laws as they see fit. Our prisons are overcrowded with innocent people. Your tax dollars pay the salary of our corrupt prosecutors and judges. Your money also pays to support many people in prison who could be out earning a living and paying taxes themselves
Israel is considering using an unusual new weapon against Jewish settlers who resist this summer's Gaza Strip evacuation - a device that emits penetrating bursts of sound that leaves targets reeling with dizziness and nausea.
Security forces could employ the weapon to overcome resistance without resorting to force, their paramount aim. But experts warn that the effects of prolonged exposure are unknown
[So the state can issue an amber alert to be able to steal someone’s children? How do you like that?]
Last week, the state issued an Amber Alert that led to the seizure of Katie, who is undergoing tests at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. The couple's three sons also were taken and are in a foster home.
Twelve men imprisoned in connection with one of Pakistan's most notorious rape cases must be released by Monday, a court has ordered.
It had been the worst of blind dates; the no-show. Eventually, just before 2am, Tommy Hook conceded defeat and slunk away from the gaudy strip bar. As he traipsed across the neon-bathed parking lot of Cheeks nightclub, he would have wondered what became of his non-committal partner.
Hours earlier Hook, 52, had received a call from a fellow employee at the Los Alamos National Laboratory imploring him to head to the Santa Fe nightspot and hover by the bar. An excited, hushed voice had promised to corroborate Hook's explosive findings into massive financial irregularities at the birthplace of the nuclear bomb and proposed site for the Bush administration's new generation of atomic weapons.
[If flouride prevents tooh deacy why dont people in England have teeth?]
Fluoride in tap water can cause bone cancer in boys, a disturbing new study indicates, although there is no evidence of a link for girls.
New American research suggests that boys exposed to fluoride between the ages of five and 10 will suffer an increased rate of osteosarcoma - bone cancer - between the ages of 10 and 19.
In the UK, fluoride is added to tap water on the advice of bodies such as the British Dental Association. The Department of Health maintains that it is a cost-effective public health measure that helps prevent tooth decay in children
As soon as the cow contracts the disease it suffers from high fever and its hooves, udders and tongue swell up with an ulcerous growth. "Generally the cow or the bull dies within two days secreting excessive saliva." Rambabu Yadav who has lost five milch cows said there is no point in calling the doctor once the cow is inflicted with the disease because within a matter of two days the animal will die. It is feared that at least 1,245 cows and at least 2,000 bulls will die in the epidemic.
Thank you for alerting us yesterday to the obvious possibility that Saddam may be assassinated soon. In view of recent standard White House/British/Israeli practices, I am surprised that I did not consider this possibility before.
You can not imagine my horror when I read in my Sunday paper this morning the enclosed article. (see below)
It is of utmost importance to raise public awareness to the need to protect Saddam, so that we could use him in the future as a witness against Blair and Bush. If we lose Saddam before he testifies, say goodbye to what's left of our American 'democracy'.
The spill occurred Friday night at the Newport Chemical Agent Destruction Facility, where more than 250,000 gallons of the agent VX are stored. VX is a liquid with the consistency of mineral oil that can kill a healthy adult with a single pinpoint droplet.
The Army wants to transport the hydrolysate - which has been compared to liquid drain cleaner - to a DuPont plant in New Jersey for treatment and disposal in the Delaware River. The plan has sparked opposition in New Jersey and Delaware.,1282,-5068956,00.html
MINISTERS were warned in July 2002 that Britain was committed to taking part in an American-led invasion of Iraq and they had no choice but to find a way of making it legal.
The warning, in a leaked Cabinet Office briefing paper, said Tony Blair had already agreed to back military action to get rid of Saddam Hussein at a summit at the Texas ranch of President George W Bush three months earlier.,,2087-1650822,00.html
Talk about fair-weather friends!
When nine French fighter jets and a weather plane from a French carrier taking part in a joint exercise with Canadian Naval forces in the Atlantic off New Jersey ran perilously low on fuel last Friday because of a freak storm that prevented them from returning to their ship, they figured, no problem. They weren't too far from the U.S. mainland, and so they could just land at McGuire AF Base in southern New Jersey.
No dice, the Francophobe U.S. military told them. According to a State Department source, quoted in the Philadelphia Inquirer, they were denied landing rights at the facility.
Faced with the choice of ditching their planes or finding an alternative landing site, the French pilots, with the help of frantic State Department and Federal Aviation Administration officers, managed to arrange landing permission at the commercial airfield in Atlantic City, though this necessitated delaying and rerouting several commercial flights because of the number of planes that were coming in at once.
No national American media mentioned this stunning--and potentially life-threatening--breach of basic air etiquette by the U.S. military. And not for lack of knowing about it: many news organizations covered the whole thing as a humor item, focusing on the French pilots spending a night in the debauchery of America's East Coast Vegas.
ncreasing numbers of young American children are showing signs of serious malnourishment, fueled by a greater prevalence of hunger in the United States, while, paradoxically, two-thirds of the US population is either overweight or obese.;_ylt=Ao0FBYx4neB8eQLn3KGyzeys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2M2YzbmJmBHNlYwN1cw--
If anyone is wondering why US occupation troops (ignore the misleading garbage about "coalition forces") are increasingly detested and regarded with fear and contempt by more and more Iraqis as the days go by, there is no need to look further than their act of swaggering incompetence on May 30, because it is typical of what they have been doing in Iraq since the invasion. The only reason we know about this particular case of arrogance and stupidity on the part of a bunch of clumsy thugs is because the man concerned, Dr Mohsen Abdul Hamid, is a major political figure. The citizens of the United States didn't hear much about the shambles, and they know nothing whatever about all the other outrages because they do not involve high profile people. All the other smash crash and bash operations of cloddish violence against the civil population are reported only in non-US media
Reynolds, now a professor emeritus at Texas A&M University, also believes it's 'next to impossible' that 19 Arab Terrorists alone outfoxed the mighty U.S. military, adding the scientific conclusions about the WTC collapse may hold the key to the entire mysterious plot behind 9/11.
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