Tuesday, June 28, 2005

New London homeowners

ve created eerie zombie dogs, reanimating the canines after several hours of clinical death in attempts to develop suspended animation for humans.
US scientists have succeeded in reviving the dogs after three hours of clinical death, paving the way for trials on humans within years.

Pittsburgh's Safar Centre for Resuscitation Research has developed a technique in which subject's veins are drained of blood and filled with an ice-cold salt solution.

Wake up Calls

The jury of conscience has just released it’s recommendations after the
culminating session of the World Tribunal on Iraq came to its
conclusion. I’ll post the news story I wrote on this later, which will
provide more details.

I will add now, as a preface to a letter I received just now from an
Iraqi who asked me to pass it on to the American people, that the jury
made the following recommendations:

“The recommendations made by the jury included the demand for an
immediate, unconditional withdraw of all occupation forces, the
governments of the coalition to pay full compensation to Iraqis for any
and all damages, and that all laws, contracts, treaties and institutions
created under the occupation that Iraqi people deem harmful or un-useful
to them be banished.

Other recommendations included immediate investigations of crimes
against humanity for Mr. George Bush, Tony Blair, and every other
president of countries belonging to the coalition. In addition, the jury
called for a process of accountability to begin to bring justice to
journalists and media outlets that lied and promoted the violence
against Iraq, as well as including corporations who have profited from
the war.”

Here is the letter from my friend:

> From an Iraqi citizen to the American people:

We always have thought that you are citizens; away from the savageness
which controls
many people in the world because you suffered from the injustice of your
own occupation
more than two hundred and fifty years ago. Therefore, you picked up
weapons against the occupiers until you forced him to go out of your
state which was a great victory for you.

Naturally, this occupier was giving unreasonable justifications for his
stay in your country. Like any occupation, no country ever admit that
they occupy some land but always says that they are a liberator of the
people who are then unable to govern themselves and so on…

Such reasons cannot change the origin of occupation.

Nowadays, your army is occupying our homeland, destroying our homes and
killing our men, women, and our children. The occupation is leaving this
country full of chaos to the point we are now facing so many disasters,
including suffering from looting and robbery.

Sudden attacks and cruel murders have been perpetrated by your army who
then prevent all people from submitting judicial complaints. This
encourages all soldiers to kill thoughtlessly without any threat of trial.

We have seen our Holy Quran desecrated by soldiers, but you continue to
say your soldiers do not do what the Mogul and Barbarians did in the
lands they occupied.

Your soldiers did many immoral acts but your government leaders have
done even more.

We, the Iraqi people, do not put the responsibility of this on your
shoulders because you are a people and not your government. But when the
people have a decision in the fate of their country and decide to go in
a direction which only benefits the government, this means that the
people are satisfied with their governments’ actions.

When you elected Mr. Bush for the second time, this was a declaration
from you of being satisfied with all his acts in violation of the
holiness of a state which shares a place with yours in the United
Nations Security Council

Has the age of occupation returned back to a place where agreements and
treaties and international laws which forbid aggression are useless?
When the people who chose to defend their land and reject the occupier
are then described by your government as a terrorist? How long have you
heard that an occupation which continues will have no resistance against
it? Do you refer to the patriots of your own country as terrorists in
your history books?

Have you ever heard that there is a peaceful occupation? One that ended
in victory for the occupier?

American people, please remember the land of Iraq and remember the Iraqi
people and think of yourselves as if you were in our place. In this way
you will realize what Iraqis suffer.

I am an Iraqi who bears no grudge against any person all over the world.
We simply wish that other people may realize our suffering now,
especially the people who do not support their thoughtless governments
and their aggressive acts. For the people who support these corrupted
governments will be responsible for them, and history will hold them
responsible for allowing this tragedy to have occurred.

This will be a shame on their ancestors who will not be able to hide
this black page of history.

Thank to the American people for listening attentively, and I am wishing
you reasonableness and the ability to comprehend the truth.

By his account, Tom Cruise owes his cool head, defeat of dyslexia and, in a way, his unstoppable stardom to Scientology.

But Scientology has much to thank Tom Cruise for as well. His glowing adherence to Scientology and the initiation of his bride-to-be, actress Katie Holmes, into the off-beat and oft-maligned system of beliefs has stirred a surge of interest.

The search engine company Lycos reported that “Scientology” had leaped into the top 50 search terms last week for the first time, hitting 37, marking a 260 percent increase in interest — a spike the company attributed to the Cruise-Holmes effect. In fact, said Lycos in a press release, Scientology was now the most-searched-for “ology,” acing out the likes of geology, technology and astrology

Jeff, this was just an intellectual exercise for me and done because of my extensive familiarity with Zionist propaganda for many years. Robert Fisk is, in my opinion, the world's top journalist. He's in a league of his own. I hope you post my email, so that a proper journalist somewhere will be able to contact Robert Fisk and get his response.
I found it despicable that a respected newspaper such as The Independent, would stoop to creating such a peculiar website IN ROBERT FISK'S NAME for dissemination of Zionist propaganda, without clearly stating the names of the people who created it

Those are all physical solutions. There is another possibility, one with no physical substance but plenty of shielding power: a force field.

Most of the dangerous radiation in space consists of electrically charged particles: high-speed electrons and protons from the Sun, and massive, positively charged atomic nuclei from distant supernovas.

Now a new study partially funded by NASA and using data from several NASA instruments has shown that those late 2003 solar storms, which deposited huge quantities of energetic solar particles into Earth's atmosphere, combined forces with another natural atmospheric process last spring to produce the largest decline ever recorded in upper stratospheric ozone over the Arctic and the northern areas of North America, Europe and Asia

n the Spring of 1982, Iraq teetered on the brink of losing its
war with Iran. In May and June, 1982, the Iranians discovered a gap in
the Iraqi defenses along the Iran-Iraq border between Baghdad to the north
and Basra to the south. Iran positioned a massive invasion force directly
across from the gap in the Iraqi defenses. An Iranian breakthrough at the
spot would have cutoff Baghdad from Basra and would have resulted in
Iraq's defeat.

4. United States Intelligence, including satellite imagery, had
detected both the gap in the Iraqi defenses and the Iranian massing of
troops across from the gap. At the time, the United States was officially
neutral in the Iran-Iraq conflict.

5. President Reagan was forced to choose between (a) maintaining
strict neutrality and allowing Iran to defeat Iraq, or (b) intervening and
providing assistance to Iraq.

World oil prices soared past the psychological barrier of 60 dollars in Asian trading today, with the benchmark New York contract hitting a record high of 60.45 dollars a barrel.

LOUISVILLE, COLORADO -- (OfficialWire) -- 06/27/05 -- Remember a chalkboard full of math problems at the head of a classroom back in grade school? Did you ever erase that board? Did you realize that everything that was recorded on the chalkboard was lost forever once you erased it? It may have been of little consequence back then, but what if you erased your country’s ability to function?

Today, after 229 years of building a successful society, our political leaders and corporations force citizens into an experiment that will erase America. The Free Trade Areas of the Americas will destroy America’s most precious treasure: sovereignty. They’re forcing us into another kind of merger like the European Union. Those are all First World countries. We’re forced to open our borders to failed governments and economies in Mexico, Central and South America.

There is increasing evidence that units of the Pentagon, operating under the authority of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Undersecretary for Intelligence Stephen Cambone, and Deputy Undersecretary of Intelligence Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, are operating outside U.S. domestic law and routinely violating international treaties and laws ratified by the United States. The covert Pentagon units, operating under an "above top secret" carve out program called Task Force 121(TF 121) (at last report), and drawing from special operations personnel in the Army's Delta Force, Green Berets, the Navy SEALS, British Special Air Service (SAS) and Special Boat Service (SBS), and various ex-U.S. and foreign intelligence and Special Operations (including British SAS, Israeli Sayaret Mat'kal, and South African Recce Commandos) personnel hired from shadowy private contractors, are now being linked to illegal kidnapings, posing as U.S. law enforcement agents (including FBI agents) and journalists, and assassinations of foreign political leaders.

Part of what makes reprocessing so bad is the hazards of handling the radioactive materials involved. The processing involved in Np-237 Pu-238 production is vastly different. The hazard from fission-product is essentially nil, because there is no fission product involved. But Pu-238 is 247 times more toxic (by weight) than Pu-239. Both Pu-238 and Pu-239 are routinely handled with rubber gloves because the radiation is so non-penetrating. But a single dust speck of either one will cause certain lung cancer if inhaled. If Pu-239 dust gets loose in a room, then that room becomes uninhabitable, but if Pu-238 dust gets loose in a room, then the whole building becomes uninhabitable. That is the magnitude of the handling risk of this process. (Note, polonium is even more active, 231x more active than Pu-238. It is so energetic it has a reputation for not staying in the containers where it is put.)

Oops, killed earth's human population, just for a space battery:

The planned uses border on insanity when sanely contemplated. If a space-probe such as Cassini burns up in earth's atmosphere, it could kill millions. I've heard that the Environmental Impact Statement for one of these probes says that if it malfunctions in the worst way, then it could adversely affect one billion people. I've seen published statements minimizing the dangers of the probes. One of these "worst-case" analyses neglects to factor in the increased toxicity of Pu-238 relative to Pu-239 and also the increased risk of inhalation due to smaller lethal particle size, so its estimates have to be multiplied by 247 for the isotope, and again by at least 6.25 to account for reduced falling rate of a particle 1/247 the weight and 1/6.25 the diameter.

Former MI5 agent David Shayler, who previously blew the whistle on the British government paying Al Qaeda $200,000 to carry out political assassinations, has gone on the record with his conviction that 9/11 was an inside job meant to bring about a permanent state of emergency in America and pave the way for the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and ultimately Iran and Syria.

Project managers say that most if not all of the new plutonium is intended for secret missions and declined to divulge any details.

Six months after the Asian tsunami, a leading international charity says the poorest victims have benefited the least from the massive relief effort.

A survey by Oxfam found that aid had tended to go to businesses and landowners, exacerbating the divide between rich and poor

The SPP builds upon, but is separate from, our long-standing trade and economic relationships, and it energizes other aspects of our cooperative relations, such as the protection of our environment, our food supply, and our public health. The issues of immigration and trade disputes will be dealt with outside the SPP thru existing treaties and congressional action.

"The court has erased the Public Use Clause from our Constitution".
As Corsetti wrote,
"Ultimately, all 465 acres of Poletown was cleared and GM built the plant. The auto plant opening was delayed a year and employed less than half the promised 6,500 workers. By one account more jobs were lost from the destruction of Poletown than were created by the factory. The city also believed that the new plant would attract other, feeder plants, nearby. They never materialized, and with tax abatements and other incentives, it was a fiscal disaster for the city."


[true false?]

According to Charles Perkins, who was appointed post-war head of the German chemical giant I.G. Farben, “The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children’s teeth…The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination, control and loss of liberty…The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies…Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual’s power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.”

William von Winkle's apartment tenants were forcibly evicted and locked out from their homes in the early morning hours during winter with snow on the ground, before the city even owned the property. Von Winkle had to break back into his own apartment block to prevent his tenants from freezing to death.

Cristofaro said 75 different families, most elderly and sick, were subject to this brutal torment.

This website telephoned several of Cristofaro's neighbors in the area and they confirmed that they had also been subjected to this persecution.

Imagine if your neighbour hired a bulldozer, parked it outside your house, and started revving it up and threatening to demolish your property if you didn't sign a document and hand your home over to him. He'd go to jail but the city government can do it to elderly people and the Supreme Court backs them up every inch of the way.
Support these brave residents in their stance against the New London city Mafia government and the New London Development Corporation. E mail this news article to all the radio hosts, World Net Daily, the Drudge Report, all the TV news stations, your Congressmen and Senators. The mainstream media ignored the very worst aspects of the case, the Soviet style harassment and intimidation of the New London homeowners. Demand that they bring these details to their reader's attention.



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