Monday, July 11, 2005

But the cure proved useless against canker

Greenpeace's new Rainbow Warrior is heading to Matauri Bay in Northland for a service to remember the day the original ship was sunk by French bombs in Auckland 20 years ago.

Two decades ago tomorrow, French saboteurs used limpet mines to sink the Rainbow Warrior at Marsden Wharf.

The Central Intelligence Agency's secret history of its covert operation to overthrow Iran's government in 1953 offers an inside look at how the agency stumbled into success, despite a series of mishaps that derailed its original plans. Written in 1954 by one of the coup's chief planners, the history details how United States and British officials plotted the military coup that returned the shah of Iran to power and toppled Iran's elected prime minister, an ardent nationalist

Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of 9/11

Suicidal Sheep
Baffle Shepherds

Satanic Infiltration
Of Fundamentalist
'Christian' Churches
Louisana Pastor Confesses To
Abuse Of Children & Animals

Counterterrorism expert Juval Aviv spoke with FOX Fan Central about what Americans can do to protect themselves in case of a terror attack.

Do you believe another terrorist attack is likely on American soil?

I predict, based primarily on information that is floating in Europe and the Middle East, that an event is imminent and around the corner here in the United States. It could happen as soon as tomorrow, or it could happen in the next few months. Ninety days at the most.,2933,161962,00.html

Human Rights Watch issued a press release, charging:

“The (Venezuelan) court has given the government a green light to persecute its opponents. Prosecuting people for treason when they engage in legitimate electoral activities is utterly absurd.”

Vivanco did not elaborate about how receiving clandestine, unreported, contributions from foreign government groups for a national political campaign constituted "legitimate electoral activities.

One posted reaction in an online messageboard, decrying the judge's ruling:

"The citizens of Carroll County be damned. A developer wants to make some bucks. It's simple, go to court and have the judges become the final word on what is best for the county. Judges are becoming too powerful in this country. Their ilk are strictly out of touch with what is good and right for society. In this case, they overstepped their authority and are attempting to become legislators. For the sake of their citizens, I hope the board will unanimously ignore the judges. Their is no one the judges can go to to enforce the ruling. All the bench warrants in the world are not going to have the board arrested. No one will lift a finger to jail the board."

In its Sunday-Monday edition, daily Le Monde published extracts of a 23-page, handwritten account by Adm. Pierre Lacoste, the former head of DGSE spy agency, in which he says that Mr. Mitterrand authorized the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland's port.

This type of attitude could potentially affect the relationship Nicole Kidman has with her children. The actress could be declared an SP if she opposes her ex-husband's religious choices for their children.

Maybe this is why Ms. Kidman has been so guarded in her comments and/or kept quiet about Scientology, Tom Cruise and his recent rants.

Investigators declined to say if they were looking for specific suspects, but repeated their assertion that the bombings bore the signature of al-Qaida, the terror network blamed for the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States. The organization, headed by Osama bin Laden, has gained a reputation for sophisticated timing in its terror strikes.

This learn-to-read "technology" - or Study Tech as the church calls it - teaches children to distrust their own intelligence and rely passively on what the church teaches, said high-ranking church defector Robert Vaughn Young.

"Study Tech is an extremely dangerous technique," Young said. "Critical thinking? There is no critical thinking. Criticism is the part that is not allowed," said Young, who once directed Scientology's worldwide public relations effort

It is clear that Gov. Huckabee has sold out to the corporations desiring more illegal immigration. No doubt, he received large contributions for his political campaign from Tyson Foods. If one recalls, Hillary Clinton invested a thousand dollars with James Blair, then an attorney working as outside counsel to Tyson Foods. Hillary picked up a cool hundred thousand dollars in a year’s time

But for more than six months, the state, at the behest of then-Secretary of State Katherine Harris, did pursue one alternative method -- a very alternative method.

Researchers worked with a rabbi and a cardiologist to test "Celestial Drops," promoted as a canker inhibitor because of its "improved fractal design," "infinite levels of order" and "high energy and low entropy."

But the cure proved useless against canker. That's because it was water -- possibly, mystically blessed water,0,3793083.story?page=1&coll=orl-home-headlines

Study: Fertile women want dominant men


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