I like guys who got five deferments
[People who want to eat healthy will soon be crazy.]
New eating behavior disorders such as bigorexia (muscle dysmorphia) and orthorexia are appearing in developed countries. These disorders have not been officially recognized so that they are not classified as independent entities. The term orthorexia comes from the Greek word orthos (straight, proper) and orexia (appetite). It is characterized by the pathological obsession for biologically pure food, which leads to important dietary restrictions. Orthorexic patients exclude foods from their diets that they consider to be impure because they have herbicides, pesticides or artificial substances and they worry in excess about the techniques and materials used in the food elaboration. This obsession leads to loss of social relationships and affective dissatisfactions which, in turn, favors obsessive concern about food. In orthorexia, that patient initially wants to improve his/her health, treat a disease or lose weight. Finally, the diet becomes the most important part of their lives. We present a clinical case that responds to the characteristics of orthorexia. The differential diagnosis with chronic delusional disorder, anorexia nervosa and obsessive-compulsive disorder is carried out
America, from the "shining city on a hill" to the dark dungeon of sadistic torturers. What a comedown! Abu Ghraib, we were told, was an "aberration." Now they want to make it a policy. How low can we go?
NumbersUSA is part of a "loose-knit" network of groups connected to a man named John Tanton ("John Tanton's Network," no pagination). Tanton has founded, co-founded, and financed numerous organizations that are gradually redirecting the movement for immigration policy reform towards an agenda of anti-immigration bigotry. The following is a list of those groups:
American Immigration Control Foundation
AICF, 1983, funded
American Patrol/Voice of Citizens Together
1992, funded
California Coalition for Immigration Reform
CCIR, 1994, funded
Californians for Population Stabilization
1996, funded (founded separately in 1986)
Center for Immigration Studies
CIS, 1985, founded and funded
Federation for American Immigration Reform
FAIR, 1979, founded and funded
1996, founded and funded
Population-Environment Balance
1973, joined board in 1980
Pro English
1994, founded and funded
1999, funded
The Social Contract Press
1990, founded and funded
U.S. English
1983, founded and funded
U.S. Inc.
1982, founded and funded (no pagination)
Some are also alleged to have been starved and subjected to extremes of temperature in specially built showers, while others later complained that they had been threatened with electric shock torture or menaced by interrogators brandishing red-hot pokers.
The centre, which was housed in a row of mansions in one of London's most affluent neighbourhoods, was carefully concealed from the Red Cross, the papers show. It continued to operate for three years after the war, during which time a number of German civilians were also tortured.
I was dropped at Paradiso, the last middle-class area before barrio La Vega, which spills into a ravine as if by the force of gravity. Storms were forecast, and people were anxious, remembering the mudslides that took 20,000 lives. "Why are you here?" asked the man sitting opposite me in the packed jeep-bus that chugged up the hill. Like so many in Latin America, he appeared old, but wasn't. Without waiting for my answer, he listed why he supported President Chavez: schools, clinics, affordable food, "our constitution, our democracy" and "for the first time, the oil money is going to us." I asked him if he belonged to the MRV, Chavez's party, "No, I've never been in a political party; I can only tell you how my life has been changed, as I never dreamt."
It is raw witness like this, which I have heard over and over again in Venezuela, that smashes the one-way mirror between the west and a continent that is rising. By rising, I mean the phenomenon of millions of people stirring once again, "like lions after slumber/In unvanquishable number", wrote the poet Shelley in The Mask of Anarchy. This is not romantic; an epic is unfolding in Latin America that demands our attention beyond the stereotypes and clichï¿s that diminish whole societies to their degree of exploitation and expendability.
[He who pays the piper calls the tune.]
Overseas investors owned $2.06 trillion, or half the $4.11 trillion in tradable Treasuries as of August, up from less than 40 percent three years ago and 34 percent in 2000.
Debt strategists have credited foreign investors with keeping U.S. yields in check as the budget deficit ballooned to a record $412.8 billion in fiscal 2004 ending Sept. 30 and the Federal Reserve raised interest rates 12 times. Since 2002, foreign purchases have reduced 10-year Treasury yields by 19 basis points, according to Banc of America Securities LLC. A basis point is 0.01 percentage point.
Take a look at this photo. Does that look like a bomb went off about waist-high, or in fact exploded downward from the ceiling.
Capt. Jim Ingledue said two days after 9/11 he found the perfectly unscathed ID of Susanne Calley, 42, one of the alleged passengers, adding he thought the find "highly unusual and strange to find a perfectly intact card amidst the devastation and rubble at the Pentagon."
But what makes the Iskandar ATM card even more suspicious and intriguing than even Calley's ID card is that it was returned one year later. Why one year after the fact? Where was it found? Was it used in the interim? But, most importantly, how on earth could a plastic card, normally contained inside a man's wallet or his pocket, survive a massive explosion that completed consumed an airliner as well as pulverized a 100 story skyscraper?
THREE OF THE alleged hijackers listed their address on drivers licenses and car registrations as the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.—known as the “Cradle of U.S. Navy Aviation,” according to a high-ranking U.S. Navy source
"The Graham amendment embodies an effort to alter fundamental precepts of our constitutional order. It consigns the protection of fundamental human liberties to unilateral executive determination."
Shamrock Capital Advisors, the California-based investment arm of the Roy Disney family, said yesterday that it is launching a new $125 million fund to invest in Israel over a four-year period.
Another diplomatic incident threatens to taint U.S.-Israeli relations: The American government has recently demanded Israel clarify how five U.S.-made helicopters sold to Israel in the mid-70s found their way into the hands of a Columbian drug cartel.
Much of the nation has had a lovely real estate boom for the past five years, but the house party is almost over and the cleanup won't be pretty.
That's the word from economists and investors who have watched housing prices march ever higher.
"The collapse of the housing bubble will throw the economy into a recession, and quite likely a severe recession," warned a July report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research.
The Pentagon has confirmed that US troops used white phosphorus during last year's offensive in the northern Iraqi city of Falluja.
"It was used as an incendiary weapon against enemy combatants," spokesman Lt Col Barry Venable told the BBC - though not against civilians, he said.
The US earlier denied it had been used in Falluja at all.
Col Venable denied that the substance - which can cause burning of the flesh - constituted a banned chemical weapon
High levels of estrogen, both natural and man-made formulations used in birth control pills, are thought to cause such abnormalities in fish. Estrogen makes its way into sewage water and then the ocean through women's excretions
This is a version of the standard USMC Shoulder Mounted Assault Weapon but with a new warhead. Described as NE - "Novel Explosive"- it is a thermobaric mixture which ignites the air, producing a shockwave of unparalleled destructive power, especially against buildings.
A catastrophic collapse in sea and bird life numbers along America's Northwest Pacific seaboard is raising fears that global warming is beginning to irreparably damage the health of the oceans.
Scientists say a dramatic rise in the ocean temperature led to unprecedented deaths of birds and fish this summer all along the coast from central California to British Columbia in Canada.
Recent documents leaked to RAW STORY reveal that as of Nov. 8, coalition forces in Iraq held 13,514 in Iraqi prisons. The documents also reveal the grim landscape of Iraq’s internment system, in which just two percent of those detained been convicted. A UN report has confirmed the basic figures.
According to the leader of the Jewish congregation in Sao Paulo (the largest in Brazil), Mr. Bush was ”surprised” and had said that he was ”concerned” about the situation. He had mentioned to the Rabbi that he would instruct someone to look into the matter and ”to make a report to him”. (AFP) (Translated by R. Johannessen)
The return to civilian life for U.S. Soldiers deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan is full of pitfalls, with an unemployment rate three times the national average.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that for the first three quarters of 2005, nearly 15 percent of veterans aged 20-24 are jobless -- three times the national average.
The comptroller general of the United States is explaining over eggs how the nation's finances are going to hell. "We face a demographic tsunami" that "will never recede," David Walker tells a group of reporters. He runs through a long list of fiscal challenges, led by the imminent retirement of the baby boomers, whose promised Medicare and Social Security benefits will swamp the federal budget in coming decades
we've done worse than Melvin Sembler, the Ambassador to Italy who couldn't speak Italian. Unlike the FEMA chief, who had real responsibilities, Sembler sometimes found himself a fifth wheel around his own embassy. As the Washington Monthly has reported, the scandal that claimed Scooter Libby's job last month may have sprung from secret Rome meetings between neocons, an Iran-Contra figure and an Italian intelligence boss who later pushed phony WMD documents -- all behind Sembler's back.
But where Melvin Sembler, 74, demands attention is as an object lesson in how cruelty can be redeemed by the transformative power of political donations. For 16 years, Sembler, with his wife Betty, directed the leading juvenile rehab business in America, STRAIGHT, Inc., before seeing it dismantled by a breathtaking array of institutional abuse claims by mid-1993. Just one of many survivors is Samantha Monroe, now a travel agent in Pennsylvania, who told The Montel Williams show this year about overcoming beatings, rape by a counselor, forced hunger, and the confinement to a janitor's closet in "humble pants" -- which contained weeks of her own urine, feces and menstrual blood. During this "timeout," she gnawed her cheek and spat blood at her overseers. "I refused to let them take my mind," she says of the program. The abuse took years to overcome.
[I think they might be on to something there.]
Kazakhstan's Foreign Ministry threatened legal action on Monday against comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, who wins laughs by portraying the central Asian state as a country populated by drunks who enjoy cow-punching as a sport.
Horse slasher leaves stables in fear
By Ben Macintyre
Up and down the country animals have been stabbed and mutilated but the culprits are elusive
[Well, well. Imagine that.]
There is good reason for the embarrassment of the Pentagon in the affair. The orders to take the sexually-oriented photos and videos, some of which involve teenage Iraqi boys and girls and sodomization by their guards, came directly from a pedophile and closeted male homosexual ring operating in the White House, according to the intelligence sources. Copies of the tapes and photos were sent directly to the White House for the entertainment of senior members of the Bush White House, including officials in the Vice President's office and the Executive Office of the President.
William Thomas, who has researched chemtrails since their appearance in the latter 90s, has noted stunted plant growth in once-healthy gardens and wilderness areas in Santa Fe and Aspen. Similar
plant problems are commonly associated with chemtrails in other regions of the U.S.
“A lot of it is very whacko stuff,” Mr McCarthy said. “One thing I always look for in horse attacks is whether the assault took place on a Tuesday.” This is the day dedicated to Mars, god of war, horses and sex.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency yesterday warned an estimated 150,000 Hurricane Katrina evacuees living in government-subsidized hotels that they have until Dec. 1 to find other housing before it stops paying for their rooms.
The announcement effectively starts the clock ticking toward a new exodus of Gulf Coast storm victims who have been living rent-free in 5,700 hotels in 51 states and U.S. territories under the $273 million program
From Jill
Hi There,
We have all noticed the same thing down here in Virginia. All of the hunters have noticed, too.
I work on a 65 acre property which last year had About 8-9 deer on a regular basis. Now we have only one left. No tree rubbings or anything. No deer found dead either.
Did Israel have Prior Knowledge of the Amman 11/9 Terror Attacks?
Could Exxon-Mobil Works Have Tripped Indonesian Tsunami?
More than 1600 Indonesian troops have
guarded the Exxon-Mobil facilities in
Aceh at one time in recent years. The
Indonesian government gleans more than
$100 million per year from the works.
One cubic mile of natural gas extracted every four years at epicenter Aceh facility presents a probable man-made trigger in 9.0 earthquake with accompanying tsunami that killed more than 225,000 people. Think of a gigantic boulder sitting precariously, nudged over the edge with a small lever.
"Remember this simple advice - if it glows, throw it."
I don't share the president's high opinion of I. Lewis Libby, now under indictment for obstruction of justice, making false statements and committing perjury.
He was, after all, the lawyer who for years represented Marc Rich, the fugitive billionaire who renounced his own country. It was Libby who arranged the last-minute presidential pardon of Rich issued by Bill Clinton - a pardon that stank to high heaven. Rich, along with a number of Russian oligarchs the Russian government would like to get its hands on, is now an Israeli citizen.
But why is this necessary, I answered, finding Luttwak's bluntness somewhat at variance with his reputation for subtle thinking and expression. Almost warming to the subject, he continues:
"Saddam is not like the Saudi Princes who spend the bulk of their lives outside of their country, and who fritter away the Kingdom's oil profits on prostitutes and bottles of champagne in Paris. No, Saddam is building railways! Creating electrical networks! Highways and other important elements of a serious State infrastructure! After eights years of war against the Iranian regime of Khomeini, he desperately needs to demobilize his Republican Guard, which incorporates so many of this technical elite, in order to rebuild the war-devastated country. These people are his technicians, his engineers. If they are put to work in the way Saddam wishes, they will rapidly make Iraq the most advanced power in the region, and we cannot allow this to happen."
That comment was made in 2002 well in advance of the invasion of Iraq. Note that Mr. Luttwak used the pronoun "we" as he is part of the group that was going after an objective.
Two days after the seven-hour fight at Qal'eh-ye Gaz, Special Forces entered the village of Sayhcow in Uruzgan province. The Taliban had cleared it of women and children, raised a flag and dug in for the assault.
The battle, which lasted two days, pitted 250 coalition troops against 70 to 80 insurgents. Rebels, maneuvering to head off U.S. reinforcements at one point, killed Staff Sgt. Michael Schafer, 25, of Spring Hill, Fla., a squad leader, as he tried to clear a compound.
I like guys who got five deferments and (have) never been there and send people to war, and then don't like to hear suggestions about what needs to be done,’ Murtha said.”
New eating behavior disorders such as bigorexia (muscle dysmorphia) and orthorexia are appearing in developed countries. These disorders have not been officially recognized so that they are not classified as independent entities. The term orthorexia comes from the Greek word orthos (straight, proper) and orexia (appetite). It is characterized by the pathological obsession for biologically pure food, which leads to important dietary restrictions. Orthorexic patients exclude foods from their diets that they consider to be impure because they have herbicides, pesticides or artificial substances and they worry in excess about the techniques and materials used in the food elaboration. This obsession leads to loss of social relationships and affective dissatisfactions which, in turn, favors obsessive concern about food. In orthorexia, that patient initially wants to improve his/her health, treat a disease or lose weight. Finally, the diet becomes the most important part of their lives. We present a clinical case that responds to the characteristics of orthorexia. The differential diagnosis with chronic delusional disorder, anorexia nervosa and obsessive-compulsive disorder is carried out
America, from the "shining city on a hill" to the dark dungeon of sadistic torturers. What a comedown! Abu Ghraib, we were told, was an "aberration." Now they want to make it a policy. How low can we go?
NumbersUSA is part of a "loose-knit" network of groups connected to a man named John Tanton ("John Tanton's Network," no pagination). Tanton has founded, co-founded, and financed numerous organizations that are gradually redirecting the movement for immigration policy reform towards an agenda of anti-immigration bigotry. The following is a list of those groups:
American Immigration Control Foundation
AICF, 1983, funded
American Patrol/Voice of Citizens Together
1992, funded
California Coalition for Immigration Reform
CCIR, 1994, funded
Californians for Population Stabilization
1996, funded (founded separately in 1986)
Center for Immigration Studies
CIS, 1985, founded and funded
Federation for American Immigration Reform
FAIR, 1979, founded and funded
1996, founded and funded
Population-Environment Balance
1973, joined board in 1980
Pro English
1994, founded and funded
1999, funded
The Social Contract Press
1990, founded and funded
U.S. English
1983, founded and funded
U.S. Inc.
1982, founded and funded (no pagination)
Some are also alleged to have been starved and subjected to extremes of temperature in specially built showers, while others later complained that they had been threatened with electric shock torture or menaced by interrogators brandishing red-hot pokers.
The centre, which was housed in a row of mansions in one of London's most affluent neighbourhoods, was carefully concealed from the Red Cross, the papers show. It continued to operate for three years after the war, during which time a number of German civilians were also tortured.
I was dropped at Paradiso, the last middle-class area before barrio La Vega, which spills into a ravine as if by the force of gravity. Storms were forecast, and people were anxious, remembering the mudslides that took 20,000 lives. "Why are you here?" asked the man sitting opposite me in the packed jeep-bus that chugged up the hill. Like so many in Latin America, he appeared old, but wasn't. Without waiting for my answer, he listed why he supported President Chavez: schools, clinics, affordable food, "our constitution, our democracy" and "for the first time, the oil money is going to us." I asked him if he belonged to the MRV, Chavez's party, "No, I've never been in a political party; I can only tell you how my life has been changed, as I never dreamt."
It is raw witness like this, which I have heard over and over again in Venezuela, that smashes the one-way mirror between the west and a continent that is rising. By rising, I mean the phenomenon of millions of people stirring once again, "like lions after slumber/In unvanquishable number", wrote the poet Shelley in The Mask of Anarchy. This is not romantic; an epic is unfolding in Latin America that demands our attention beyond the stereotypes and clichï¿s that diminish whole societies to their degree of exploitation and expendability.
[He who pays the piper calls the tune.]
Overseas investors owned $2.06 trillion, or half the $4.11 trillion in tradable Treasuries as of August, up from less than 40 percent three years ago and 34 percent in 2000.
Debt strategists have credited foreign investors with keeping U.S. yields in check as the budget deficit ballooned to a record $412.8 billion in fiscal 2004 ending Sept. 30 and the Federal Reserve raised interest rates 12 times. Since 2002, foreign purchases have reduced 10-year Treasury yields by 19 basis points, according to Banc of America Securities LLC. A basis point is 0.01 percentage point.
Take a look at this photo. Does that look like a bomb went off about waist-high, or in fact exploded downward from the ceiling.
Capt. Jim Ingledue said two days after 9/11 he found the perfectly unscathed ID of Susanne Calley, 42, one of the alleged passengers, adding he thought the find "highly unusual and strange to find a perfectly intact card amidst the devastation and rubble at the Pentagon."
But what makes the Iskandar ATM card even more suspicious and intriguing than even Calley's ID card is that it was returned one year later. Why one year after the fact? Where was it found? Was it used in the interim? But, most importantly, how on earth could a plastic card, normally contained inside a man's wallet or his pocket, survive a massive explosion that completed consumed an airliner as well as pulverized a 100 story skyscraper?
THREE OF THE alleged hijackers listed their address on drivers licenses and car registrations as the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.—known as the “Cradle of U.S. Navy Aviation,” according to a high-ranking U.S. Navy source
"The Graham amendment embodies an effort to alter fundamental precepts of our constitutional order. It consigns the protection of fundamental human liberties to unilateral executive determination."
Shamrock Capital Advisors, the California-based investment arm of the Roy Disney family, said yesterday that it is launching a new $125 million fund to invest in Israel over a four-year period.
Another diplomatic incident threatens to taint U.S.-Israeli relations: The American government has recently demanded Israel clarify how five U.S.-made helicopters sold to Israel in the mid-70s found their way into the hands of a Columbian drug cartel.
Much of the nation has had a lovely real estate boom for the past five years, but the house party is almost over and the cleanup won't be pretty.
That's the word from economists and investors who have watched housing prices march ever higher.
"The collapse of the housing bubble will throw the economy into a recession, and quite likely a severe recession," warned a July report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research.
The Pentagon has confirmed that US troops used white phosphorus during last year's offensive in the northern Iraqi city of Falluja.
"It was used as an incendiary weapon against enemy combatants," spokesman Lt Col Barry Venable told the BBC - though not against civilians, he said.
The US earlier denied it had been used in Falluja at all.
Col Venable denied that the substance - which can cause burning of the flesh - constituted a banned chemical weapon
High levels of estrogen, both natural and man-made formulations used in birth control pills, are thought to cause such abnormalities in fish. Estrogen makes its way into sewage water and then the ocean through women's excretions
This is a version of the standard USMC Shoulder Mounted Assault Weapon but with a new warhead. Described as NE - "Novel Explosive"- it is a thermobaric mixture which ignites the air, producing a shockwave of unparalleled destructive power, especially against buildings.
A catastrophic collapse in sea and bird life numbers along America's Northwest Pacific seaboard is raising fears that global warming is beginning to irreparably damage the health of the oceans.
Scientists say a dramatic rise in the ocean temperature led to unprecedented deaths of birds and fish this summer all along the coast from central California to British Columbia in Canada.
Recent documents leaked to RAW STORY reveal that as of Nov. 8, coalition forces in Iraq held 13,514 in Iraqi prisons. The documents also reveal the grim landscape of Iraq’s internment system, in which just two percent of those detained been convicted. A UN report has confirmed the basic figures.
According to the leader of the Jewish congregation in Sao Paulo (the largest in Brazil), Mr. Bush was ”surprised” and had said that he was ”concerned” about the situation. He had mentioned to the Rabbi that he would instruct someone to look into the matter and ”to make a report to him”. (AFP) (Translated by R. Johannessen)
The return to civilian life for U.S. Soldiers deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan is full of pitfalls, with an unemployment rate three times the national average.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that for the first three quarters of 2005, nearly 15 percent of veterans aged 20-24 are jobless -- three times the national average.
The comptroller general of the United States is explaining over eggs how the nation's finances are going to hell. "We face a demographic tsunami" that "will never recede," David Walker tells a group of reporters. He runs through a long list of fiscal challenges, led by the imminent retirement of the baby boomers, whose promised Medicare and Social Security benefits will swamp the federal budget in coming decades
we've done worse than Melvin Sembler, the Ambassador to Italy who couldn't speak Italian. Unlike the FEMA chief, who had real responsibilities, Sembler sometimes found himself a fifth wheel around his own embassy. As the Washington Monthly has reported, the scandal that claimed Scooter Libby's job last month may have sprung from secret Rome meetings between neocons, an Iran-Contra figure and an Italian intelligence boss who later pushed phony WMD documents -- all behind Sembler's back.
But where Melvin Sembler, 74, demands attention is as an object lesson in how cruelty can be redeemed by the transformative power of political donations. For 16 years, Sembler, with his wife Betty, directed the leading juvenile rehab business in America, STRAIGHT, Inc., before seeing it dismantled by a breathtaking array of institutional abuse claims by mid-1993. Just one of many survivors is Samantha Monroe, now a travel agent in Pennsylvania, who told The Montel Williams show this year about overcoming beatings, rape by a counselor, forced hunger, and the confinement to a janitor's closet in "humble pants" -- which contained weeks of her own urine, feces and menstrual blood. During this "timeout," she gnawed her cheek and spat blood at her overseers. "I refused to let them take my mind," she says of the program. The abuse took years to overcome.
[I think they might be on to something there.]
Kazakhstan's Foreign Ministry threatened legal action on Monday against comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, who wins laughs by portraying the central Asian state as a country populated by drunks who enjoy cow-punching as a sport.
Horse slasher leaves stables in fear
By Ben Macintyre
Up and down the country animals have been stabbed and mutilated but the culprits are elusive
[Well, well. Imagine that.]
There is good reason for the embarrassment of the Pentagon in the affair. The orders to take the sexually-oriented photos and videos, some of which involve teenage Iraqi boys and girls and sodomization by their guards, came directly from a pedophile and closeted male homosexual ring operating in the White House, according to the intelligence sources. Copies of the tapes and photos were sent directly to the White House for the entertainment of senior members of the Bush White House, including officials in the Vice President's office and the Executive Office of the President.
William Thomas, who has researched chemtrails since their appearance in the latter 90s, has noted stunted plant growth in once-healthy gardens and wilderness areas in Santa Fe and Aspen. Similar
plant problems are commonly associated with chemtrails in other regions of the U.S.
“A lot of it is very whacko stuff,” Mr McCarthy said. “One thing I always look for in horse attacks is whether the assault took place on a Tuesday.” This is the day dedicated to Mars, god of war, horses and sex.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency yesterday warned an estimated 150,000 Hurricane Katrina evacuees living in government-subsidized hotels that they have until Dec. 1 to find other housing before it stops paying for their rooms.
The announcement effectively starts the clock ticking toward a new exodus of Gulf Coast storm victims who have been living rent-free in 5,700 hotels in 51 states and U.S. territories under the $273 million program
From Jill
Hi There,
We have all noticed the same thing down here in Virginia. All of the hunters have noticed, too.
I work on a 65 acre property which last year had About 8-9 deer on a regular basis. Now we have only one left. No tree rubbings or anything. No deer found dead either.
Did Israel have Prior Knowledge of the Amman 11/9 Terror Attacks?
Could Exxon-Mobil Works Have Tripped Indonesian Tsunami?
More than 1600 Indonesian troops have
guarded the Exxon-Mobil facilities in
Aceh at one time in recent years. The
Indonesian government gleans more than
$100 million per year from the works.
One cubic mile of natural gas extracted every four years at epicenter Aceh facility presents a probable man-made trigger in 9.0 earthquake with accompanying tsunami that killed more than 225,000 people. Think of a gigantic boulder sitting precariously, nudged over the edge with a small lever.
"Remember this simple advice - if it glows, throw it."
I don't share the president's high opinion of I. Lewis Libby, now under indictment for obstruction of justice, making false statements and committing perjury.
He was, after all, the lawyer who for years represented Marc Rich, the fugitive billionaire who renounced his own country. It was Libby who arranged the last-minute presidential pardon of Rich issued by Bill Clinton - a pardon that stank to high heaven. Rich, along with a number of Russian oligarchs the Russian government would like to get its hands on, is now an Israeli citizen.
But why is this necessary, I answered, finding Luttwak's bluntness somewhat at variance with his reputation for subtle thinking and expression. Almost warming to the subject, he continues:
"Saddam is not like the Saudi Princes who spend the bulk of their lives outside of their country, and who fritter away the Kingdom's oil profits on prostitutes and bottles of champagne in Paris. No, Saddam is building railways! Creating electrical networks! Highways and other important elements of a serious State infrastructure! After eights years of war against the Iranian regime of Khomeini, he desperately needs to demobilize his Republican Guard, which incorporates so many of this technical elite, in order to rebuild the war-devastated country. These people are his technicians, his engineers. If they are put to work in the way Saddam wishes, they will rapidly make Iraq the most advanced power in the region, and we cannot allow this to happen."
That comment was made in 2002 well in advance of the invasion of Iraq. Note that Mr. Luttwak used the pronoun "we" as he is part of the group that was going after an objective.
Two days after the seven-hour fight at Qal'eh-ye Gaz, Special Forces entered the village of Sayhcow in Uruzgan province. The Taliban had cleared it of women and children, raised a flag and dug in for the assault.
The battle, which lasted two days, pitted 250 coalition troops against 70 to 80 insurgents. Rebels, maneuvering to head off U.S. reinforcements at one point, killed Staff Sgt. Michael Schafer, 25, of Spring Hill, Fla., a squad leader, as he tried to clear a compound.
I like guys who got five deferments and (have) never been there and send people to war, and then don't like to hear suggestions about what needs to be done,’ Murtha said.”
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