Friday, October 21, 2005

demoralized and pessimistic

Estonian police announced Thursday they have detained five Israelis in the capital city of Tallinn, on charges of smuggling 43 kilos of top-grade Peruvian cocaine into the former Soviet republic, the Russian news agency Interfax reported.

She finished her letter: "We must maintain a constant vigilance against the erosion of our basic freedoms; the freedoms Mount Shasta Spring Water Company mistakenly believes our troops in Iraq are fighting and dying for."

At a veterans' support group on First Street in Chico called VECTORS Joe D'Amico said that upon hearing of Oshima's story, the organization decided to terminate its water service and have asked Mt. Shasta to remove the water cooler in their office as a sign of solidarity with Oshima.

A defense lawyer for one of Saddam Hussein's co-defendants who was kidnapped by gunmen has been found shot dead, police said on Friday.
Police said the body of Saadoun Janabi was found shortly after his abduction late on Thursday with several gunshot wounds to the head and chest

The bill, nicknamed "BioShield 2" is expected to pass in the Senate by year's end. In its technically accurate assessment, the NVIC warns the legislation will "strip Americans of the right to a trial by jury if harmed by an experimental or licensed drug or vaccine that they are forced by government to take whenever federal health officials declare a public health emergency."

The Russian aircraft industry has developed and will soon start producing stealth aircraft which will radically differ from existing U.S. models. The Russian version uses plasma screens to cushion and disperse radar waves, the Novye Izvestia daily reports

Daniel Alford, of Devon, found four corpses laid out in a square. Two others were near stones and apparently arranged to make a pagan symbol.

Mr Alford said he believed occultists could be responsible. Devon and Cornwall Police said the incident is being investigated.

THERE WAS panic yesterday at Maracas Beach, when a series of towering waves, many more than 25 feet high, sent seabathers, vendors and lifeguards running for their lives.

Knowing the source of this piece makes it all the more disturbing. It is not every day that the editor of a respected national magazine publishes an essay claiming that America is not on the road to becoming, but ALREADY IS, a fascist state.... or words to that affect.

To help prepare you for what follows, here are the final sentence from this piece.... [I think we can look forward with confidence to character-building bankruptcies, picturesque bread riots, thrilling cavalcades of splendidly costumed motorcycle police.]

On message By Lewis H. Lapham Harper's Magazine, October 2005, pps. 7-9 "But I venture the challenging statement that if American democracy ceases to move forward as a living force, seeking day and night by peaceful means to better the lot of our citizens, then Fascism and Communism, aided, unconsciously perhaps, by old-line Tory Republicanism, will grow in strength in our land." -Franklin D. Roosevelt, November 4, 1938

A cunning rat released on a deserted island off New Zealand outsmarted scientists and evaded traps, baits and sniffer dogs before being captured four months later on a neighbouring island, researchers said on Wednesday.
Scientists from the University of Auckland in New Zealand released the Norway rat on the 9.5-hectare (23.5-acre) island of Motuhoropapa to find out why rats are so difficult to eradicate.
They got more than they bargained for.
"Our findings confirm that eliminating a single invading rat is disproportionately difficult," James Russell and his colleagues said in a report in the science journal Nature.

A JAMA editorial notes that the new analysis contrasts sharply with data company sponsors presented to the FDA showing no significant excess risk of death or cardiovascular problems.

Company-provided data might have fostered an "illusion of safety" because of numerous omissions, such as excluding patients most likely to face cardiovascular risks, including elderly diabetics, said editorial author Dr. James Brophy of McGill University.

Strategists working with the White House in support of the Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers are becoming increasingly demoralized and pessimistic about the nomination's prospects on Capitol Hill in the wake of Miers's meetings with several Republican and Democratic senators. On a conference call held this morning, they even discussed whether Miers should simply stop visiting with lawmakers, lest any further damage be done — and so that time spent in such get-acquainted sessions will not cut into Miers's intensive preparation for her confirmation hearing


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