They will emerge
Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant. He can perform mind-boggling mathematical calculations at breakneck speeds. But unlike other savants, who can perform similar feats, Tammet can describe how he does it.,,1409903,00.html
[Notice they never, ever talk about environmental factors. Maybe having 100 different industrial chemicals piling up in your body has something to do with it?]
Breast and lung cancer rates have doubled around the world over the last 30 years, a report shows.
Cancer Research UK said much of the growth was due to more people living longer - as cancer is a disease which usually affects older people.
But they said habits such as smoking and diet also had a significant effect.
They said the analysis showed which populations were at more risk of certain cancers, pointing towards ways of tackling those forms of the disease.
Whirling disease was first found in Utah in 1991 in a private hatchery, reportedly owned by the family of former Gov. Mike Leavitt. The disease is believed to have originated in the United States after infected frozen rainbow trout were transported here from Denmark in the 1950s.
It is much harder to do a controlled experiment with babies, but there is one intriguing piece of research from the Netherlands.
Paediatricians there measured the concentration of two endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the blood of pregnant women. The levels were in the range you would expect to get from eating a normal mixed diet.
Then they looked at the behaviour of the children once they reached school age.
They found that the boys whose mothers had had the most exposure were more likely to play in a "girly" way - with jewellery, and dolls, for instance; while the girls whose mothers had been most exposed were drawn to boyish toys such as guns and trains.
According to investigator Dr Nynke Weisglas Kuperis, "it was a significant effect, but it is very subtle"
Six weeks ago Randy Bird stood on a government ranch in Rock Springs, Wyo., watching as a herd of endangered wild mustangs galloped around the paddock, terrorized by his human scent.
Today he feeds his own small herd by hand on his ranch near Harwood, Ont., east of Toronto.
"They'd never seen a tree or a barn or even eaten grain when they arrived," he said proudly. "Now they come straight up to the fence when I call them."
If it hadn't been for Mr. Bird and the efforts of a little-known Canadian group called the Save the Mustangs Foundation, nine mustangs would likely be dead -- sold by the Bureau of Land Management to so-called kill-buyers under a controversial new U.S. law that allows mustangs over the age of 10 to be sold "without limitations."
"I'm horrified. The people out there - the Iraqis, the media and the troops - risk the most appalling ill health. And the radiation from depleted uranium can travel literally anywhere. It's going to destroy the lives of thousands of children, all over the world. We all know how far radiation can travel. Radiation from Chernobyl reached Wales and in Britain you sometimes get red dust from the Sahara on your car."
The speaker is not some alarmist doom-sayer. He is Dr. Chris Busby, the British radiation expert, Fellow of the University of Liverpool in the Faculty of Medicine and UK representative on the European Committee on Radiation Risk, talking about the best-kept secret of this war: the fact that, by illegally using hundreds of tons of depleted uranium (DU) against Iraq, Britain and America have gravely endangered not only the Iraqis but the whole world.
New York environmental officials said they received a preliminary positive result for chronic wasting disease in a wild deer.
The positive sample came from the tissue of a yearling white-tailed deer, which was tested as part of the state Department of Environmental Conservation's monitoring efforts in Oneida County. The sample, tested at Cornell University, will be forwarded to the National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa, to be verified.
If confirmed, it would be the first known instance of CWD in the wild in New York state.
[Is it just me, or does it seem like a lot of dieseases recently punish stupidity and carelessness?]
Did one or more of the many dead animals brought into John's taxidermy studio have CWD? John stated that he kept the rehabilitation fawns in the same garage where he did much of his taxidermy work. It was common practice for John to sweep up his shop and deposit the salt and chemicals along the deer fence as a weed retardant.
The industry has always said that movement of CWD-positive carcasses would move CWD much faster and farther than moving live animals. Is the New York situation just that? Is there a need to regulate movement of CWD-positive carcasses?
America is showing increasing signs of alarm at the influence of Hugo Chavez, the firebrand Leftist president of Venezuela who has eclipsed Fidel Castro as Washington's regional bogeyman.
The United States, obsessed with the Middle East for the past three years, has let Latin America drift to the Left, leaving Washington with almost no allies in its own back yard.
Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state, yesterday visited Colombia, the last steadfast ally of the US in South America after Ecuador's Lucio Gutierrez was driven from power last week.
Obesity in middle-aged women greatly increases the risk of dementia in later life, according to a study today.
The research, involving more than 10,000 men and women over 27 years, finds that the risk of dementia increases by 75 per cent among the obese in general but by 200 per cent in obese women. In men and women who are merely overweight the increase is 35 per cent.
"It's like swatting a fly with a sledgehammer for really what are seemingly small crimes like not having your insurance or toll violations," Henson said. "He's creating a technology that could be abused in all sorts of ways with virtually no restrictions in the bill on law enforcement."
With RFID, the government could track all of us as dots on computer screens, Henson said. Once the technology is in place, he said, it would be hard to prevent it from being used for other applications.
[Now watch this. the second link below is from the Telegraph newspaper in England. It is an article about how women in Germany on unemployment can be thrown off if they refuse to work as prostitutes.
The first article is also from the Telegraph newspaper of England.
It says stories about women being thrown off unemployment for refusing to work as prostitutes as just fictional stories. Hmmm.]
The regulations have even given birth to a powerful, if totally apocryphal, urban myth that women have been threatened with benefit loss for refusing to work in brothels.
'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'
No doubt about it, albatrosses are wondrous, albatrosses are utterly charismatic, albatrosses are very special creatures indeed. And they are being slaughtered. In a massacre of immense proportions, the birds are being killed in tens of thousands all across the Southern Ocean where most of them make their home. In less than 20 years, 19 of the 21 albatross species have gone from healthy populations to facing extinction
A Guardian story on "The ricin ring that never was" has been pulled from the newspaper's website, for what are said to be 'legal reasons'. The story, by Duncan Campbell (the investigative writer, not the Guardian journalist of the same name), analysed the collapse of the UK's 'ricin conspiracy' trial, and reported Porton Down evidence that had made it clear that claims of mass poisoning attacks had no basis.
Campbell's story, which is still widely available on the web (including here), covered similar territory to George Smith's pieces at (here and here). Campbell and Smith were both involved in the preparation of the defence case in the ricin trial, and what they and the Porton evidence had to say was essentially that ricin is a one-on-one poison, not a weapon of mass destruction; that Kamel Bourgass' efforts to manufacture it were amateurish and had left no sign of having been successful; and that the distribution of ricin by smearing it on car door handles was not feasible, because it is not absorbed through the skin
The threat is a sign that sky-high gas prices are rippling through the Seattle economy. Not everyone is getting pushed to the brink -- some drivers are just canceling vacations or taking the bus. But those with low-wage jobs or little financial cushion can face dramatic lifestyle changes, especially if they have no choice but to drive to or for their jobs.
[I am shocked that those fools in Guantanamo felt the need to create a Potemkin torture chamber to give the other fools from DC a warm fuzzy feeling about how well Camp Destroy America was working down there.
“Immoral” may have replace “coincidence” as the word most frequently appearing in this blog.]
AUTHORITIES at Guantanamo Bay staged interrogations of detainees for visiting politicians and generals to give the impression that valuable intelligence was regularly being gathered, says a former US Army translator at the camp.
Sergeant Erik Saar told CBS television's 60 Minutes that he believed "only a few dozen" of the 600 detainees at the camp were terrorists and that little information was obtained from them.
"Interrogations were set up so the VIPs could come and witness an interrogation ... a mock interrogation, basically," Sgt Saar told the program, to air on Sunday.
"They would find a detainee that they knew to have been cooperative. They would ask the interrogator to go back over the same information," he said, calling it "a fictitious world" created for the visitors,5744,15122310%255E1702,00.html
During the first Intifada, an Israeli high official was quoted as saying that the army should not kill the Palestinian youth, because a youth killed by the army would then be honored as a martyr and thousands would follow their lead. He said that it is better to paralyze and disable the youth, knowing the way society looks down on disabled people.
This official decided that the army, especially the well trained 'death squads' should 'give their utmost effort' to paralyze the youth of the Intifada.
Now, many years later, am still paralyzed of course, but my life is a clear proof of the failure of the Israeli vision that paralyzing, injuring and killing us will make us give up. I have learned that the bullet which does not kill us makes us stronger.
But these workers are also nervous wrecks, for they know that Americans are very angry about the offshoring of middle-class jobs--and American callers often take out their anger on them, using creative combinations of four-letter words. The Indian call centers try deception to deflect this anger. Rahail Manzoor, for example, is told to call himself "Jim" on the phone, and he has undergone lessons in how to speak "American." Some call centers have giant TV screens showing the current weather in U.S. cities, the latest sports scores, and such, so workers can make small talk and pretend to be in the U.S.
Lexington, Mass., father of 6-year-old arrested, spends night in jail over objections to homosexual curriculum in son's kindergarten class.
Had demanded that school inform him and allow child to opt-out; superintendent refused.
Governor Romney Supports Parent
The governor's statement on Thursday: "We have in Massachusetts a parental notification statute specifically in matters related to human sexuality. If a parent wants to be informed of what is being taught in a classroom and wants to have their child withdrawn from the classroom for that portion of the class dealing with human sexuality, that parent has the right."
Read the Massachusetts Parental Notification Act which the school is ignoring. In this case, the Superintendent claims that homosexuality is not about "human sexuality issues" but "real life" that must be taught to kids.
I however, filed MY OWN PERSONAL LIBEL suit against the Great Atlantic Telecast Co., out of Wilmington, North Carolina for claiming on their news broadcast that my claims about many powerful & prominent individuals I named, were a lie. I won that suit & got a big cash settlement (as part of the agreement I am not allowed to disclose the amount) & a public apology on their National TV station two nights in a row on the evening news. Based on what I have seen from Ms. Hartwell, it is my intent absolutely to file same type libel lawsuit against her.
[It’s good he is learning this now, BEFORE he goes off to be irradiated and otherwise screwed over.]
McSwane contacted his local army recruiting office in Golden with a scenario he created. He told a recruiter that he was a dropout and didn't have a high school diploma.
"No problem," the recruiter explained. He suggested that McSwane create a fake diploma from a non-existent school.
McSwane recorded the recruiter saying that on the phone.
"It can be like Faith Hill Baptist School or something -- whatever you choose," the recruiter said.
As instructed, McSwane went on the computer to a Web site and for $200 arranged to have a phony diploma created that certified him as a graduate of Faith Hill Baptist High School, the very name the recruiter suggested. It came complete with a fake grade transcript.
"What was your reaction to them encouraging you to get a phony diploma?" CBS4's Rick Sallinger asked.
"I was shocked," McSwane said. "I'm sitting there looking at a poster that says 'Integrity, Honor, Respect' and he is telling me to lie."
Commenting on the joint investigation by the two nations into the March 4 shooting of Nicola Calipari, Berlusconi said "we certainly will never endorse things that do not convince us," according to news agencies ANSA and Apcom. "If there are differing positions, they will emerge.";_ylt=AgPwt6ClD30Yur4Bg7x0Huis0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2NzN0azRvBHNlYwN3bA,,1409903,00.html
[Notice they never, ever talk about environmental factors. Maybe having 100 different industrial chemicals piling up in your body has something to do with it?]
Breast and lung cancer rates have doubled around the world over the last 30 years, a report shows.
Cancer Research UK said much of the growth was due to more people living longer - as cancer is a disease which usually affects older people.
But they said habits such as smoking and diet also had a significant effect.
They said the analysis showed which populations were at more risk of certain cancers, pointing towards ways of tackling those forms of the disease.
Whirling disease was first found in Utah in 1991 in a private hatchery, reportedly owned by the family of former Gov. Mike Leavitt. The disease is believed to have originated in the United States after infected frozen rainbow trout were transported here from Denmark in the 1950s.
It is much harder to do a controlled experiment with babies, but there is one intriguing piece of research from the Netherlands.
Paediatricians there measured the concentration of two endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the blood of pregnant women. The levels were in the range you would expect to get from eating a normal mixed diet.
Then they looked at the behaviour of the children once they reached school age.
They found that the boys whose mothers had had the most exposure were more likely to play in a "girly" way - with jewellery, and dolls, for instance; while the girls whose mothers had been most exposed were drawn to boyish toys such as guns and trains.
According to investigator Dr Nynke Weisglas Kuperis, "it was a significant effect, but it is very subtle"
Six weeks ago Randy Bird stood on a government ranch in Rock Springs, Wyo., watching as a herd of endangered wild mustangs galloped around the paddock, terrorized by his human scent.
Today he feeds his own small herd by hand on his ranch near Harwood, Ont., east of Toronto.
"They'd never seen a tree or a barn or even eaten grain when they arrived," he said proudly. "Now they come straight up to the fence when I call them."
If it hadn't been for Mr. Bird and the efforts of a little-known Canadian group called the Save the Mustangs Foundation, nine mustangs would likely be dead -- sold by the Bureau of Land Management to so-called kill-buyers under a controversial new U.S. law that allows mustangs over the age of 10 to be sold "without limitations."
"I'm horrified. The people out there - the Iraqis, the media and the troops - risk the most appalling ill health. And the radiation from depleted uranium can travel literally anywhere. It's going to destroy the lives of thousands of children, all over the world. We all know how far radiation can travel. Radiation from Chernobyl reached Wales and in Britain you sometimes get red dust from the Sahara on your car."
The speaker is not some alarmist doom-sayer. He is Dr. Chris Busby, the British radiation expert, Fellow of the University of Liverpool in the Faculty of Medicine and UK representative on the European Committee on Radiation Risk, talking about the best-kept secret of this war: the fact that, by illegally using hundreds of tons of depleted uranium (DU) against Iraq, Britain and America have gravely endangered not only the Iraqis but the whole world.
New York environmental officials said they received a preliminary positive result for chronic wasting disease in a wild deer.
The positive sample came from the tissue of a yearling white-tailed deer, which was tested as part of the state Department of Environmental Conservation's monitoring efforts in Oneida County. The sample, tested at Cornell University, will be forwarded to the National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa, to be verified.
If confirmed, it would be the first known instance of CWD in the wild in New York state.
[Is it just me, or does it seem like a lot of dieseases recently punish stupidity and carelessness?]
Did one or more of the many dead animals brought into John's taxidermy studio have CWD? John stated that he kept the rehabilitation fawns in the same garage where he did much of his taxidermy work. It was common practice for John to sweep up his shop and deposit the salt and chemicals along the deer fence as a weed retardant.
The industry has always said that movement of CWD-positive carcasses would move CWD much faster and farther than moving live animals. Is the New York situation just that? Is there a need to regulate movement of CWD-positive carcasses?
America is showing increasing signs of alarm at the influence of Hugo Chavez, the firebrand Leftist president of Venezuela who has eclipsed Fidel Castro as Washington's regional bogeyman.
The United States, obsessed with the Middle East for the past three years, has let Latin America drift to the Left, leaving Washington with almost no allies in its own back yard.
Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state, yesterday visited Colombia, the last steadfast ally of the US in South America after Ecuador's Lucio Gutierrez was driven from power last week.
Obesity in middle-aged women greatly increases the risk of dementia in later life, according to a study today.
The research, involving more than 10,000 men and women over 27 years, finds that the risk of dementia increases by 75 per cent among the obese in general but by 200 per cent in obese women. In men and women who are merely overweight the increase is 35 per cent.
"It's like swatting a fly with a sledgehammer for really what are seemingly small crimes like not having your insurance or toll violations," Henson said. "He's creating a technology that could be abused in all sorts of ways with virtually no restrictions in the bill on law enforcement."
With RFID, the government could track all of us as dots on computer screens, Henson said. Once the technology is in place, he said, it would be hard to prevent it from being used for other applications.
[Now watch this. the second link below is from the Telegraph newspaper in England. It is an article about how women in Germany on unemployment can be thrown off if they refuse to work as prostitutes.
The first article is also from the Telegraph newspaper of England.
It says stories about women being thrown off unemployment for refusing to work as prostitutes as just fictional stories. Hmmm.]
The regulations have even given birth to a powerful, if totally apocryphal, urban myth that women have been threatened with benefit loss for refusing to work in brothels.
'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'
No doubt about it, albatrosses are wondrous, albatrosses are utterly charismatic, albatrosses are very special creatures indeed. And they are being slaughtered. In a massacre of immense proportions, the birds are being killed in tens of thousands all across the Southern Ocean where most of them make their home. In less than 20 years, 19 of the 21 albatross species have gone from healthy populations to facing extinction
A Guardian story on "The ricin ring that never was" has been pulled from the newspaper's website, for what are said to be 'legal reasons'. The story, by Duncan Campbell (the investigative writer, not the Guardian journalist of the same name), analysed the collapse of the UK's 'ricin conspiracy' trial, and reported Porton Down evidence that had made it clear that claims of mass poisoning attacks had no basis.
Campbell's story, which is still widely available on the web (including here), covered similar territory to George Smith's pieces at (here and here). Campbell and Smith were both involved in the preparation of the defence case in the ricin trial, and what they and the Porton evidence had to say was essentially that ricin is a one-on-one poison, not a weapon of mass destruction; that Kamel Bourgass' efforts to manufacture it were amateurish and had left no sign of having been successful; and that the distribution of ricin by smearing it on car door handles was not feasible, because it is not absorbed through the skin
The threat is a sign that sky-high gas prices are rippling through the Seattle economy. Not everyone is getting pushed to the brink -- some drivers are just canceling vacations or taking the bus. But those with low-wage jobs or little financial cushion can face dramatic lifestyle changes, especially if they have no choice but to drive to or for their jobs.
[I am shocked that those fools in Guantanamo felt the need to create a Potemkin torture chamber to give the other fools from DC a warm fuzzy feeling about how well Camp Destroy America was working down there.
“Immoral” may have replace “coincidence” as the word most frequently appearing in this blog.]
AUTHORITIES at Guantanamo Bay staged interrogations of detainees for visiting politicians and generals to give the impression that valuable intelligence was regularly being gathered, says a former US Army translator at the camp.
Sergeant Erik Saar told CBS television's 60 Minutes that he believed "only a few dozen" of the 600 detainees at the camp were terrorists and that little information was obtained from them.
"Interrogations were set up so the VIPs could come and witness an interrogation ... a mock interrogation, basically," Sgt Saar told the program, to air on Sunday.
"They would find a detainee that they knew to have been cooperative. They would ask the interrogator to go back over the same information," he said, calling it "a fictitious world" created for the visitors,5744,15122310%255E1702,00.html
During the first Intifada, an Israeli high official was quoted as saying that the army should not kill the Palestinian youth, because a youth killed by the army would then be honored as a martyr and thousands would follow their lead. He said that it is better to paralyze and disable the youth, knowing the way society looks down on disabled people.
This official decided that the army, especially the well trained 'death squads' should 'give their utmost effort' to paralyze the youth of the Intifada.
Now, many years later, am still paralyzed of course, but my life is a clear proof of the failure of the Israeli vision that paralyzing, injuring and killing us will make us give up. I have learned that the bullet which does not kill us makes us stronger.
But these workers are also nervous wrecks, for they know that Americans are very angry about the offshoring of middle-class jobs--and American callers often take out their anger on them, using creative combinations of four-letter words. The Indian call centers try deception to deflect this anger. Rahail Manzoor, for example, is told to call himself "Jim" on the phone, and he has undergone lessons in how to speak "American." Some call centers have giant TV screens showing the current weather in U.S. cities, the latest sports scores, and such, so workers can make small talk and pretend to be in the U.S.
Lexington, Mass., father of 6-year-old arrested, spends night in jail over objections to homosexual curriculum in son's kindergarten class.
Had demanded that school inform him and allow child to opt-out; superintendent refused.
Governor Romney Supports Parent
The governor's statement on Thursday: "We have in Massachusetts a parental notification statute specifically in matters related to human sexuality. If a parent wants to be informed of what is being taught in a classroom and wants to have their child withdrawn from the classroom for that portion of the class dealing with human sexuality, that parent has the right."
Read the Massachusetts Parental Notification Act which the school is ignoring. In this case, the Superintendent claims that homosexuality is not about "human sexuality issues" but "real life" that must be taught to kids.
I however, filed MY OWN PERSONAL LIBEL suit against the Great Atlantic Telecast Co., out of Wilmington, North Carolina for claiming on their news broadcast that my claims about many powerful & prominent individuals I named, were a lie. I won that suit & got a big cash settlement (as part of the agreement I am not allowed to disclose the amount) & a public apology on their National TV station two nights in a row on the evening news. Based on what I have seen from Ms. Hartwell, it is my intent absolutely to file same type libel lawsuit against her.
[It’s good he is learning this now, BEFORE he goes off to be irradiated and otherwise screwed over.]
McSwane contacted his local army recruiting office in Golden with a scenario he created. He told a recruiter that he was a dropout and didn't have a high school diploma.
"No problem," the recruiter explained. He suggested that McSwane create a fake diploma from a non-existent school.
McSwane recorded the recruiter saying that on the phone.
"It can be like Faith Hill Baptist School or something -- whatever you choose," the recruiter said.
As instructed, McSwane went on the computer to a Web site and for $200 arranged to have a phony diploma created that certified him as a graduate of Faith Hill Baptist High School, the very name the recruiter suggested. It came complete with a fake grade transcript.
"What was your reaction to them encouraging you to get a phony diploma?" CBS4's Rick Sallinger asked.
"I was shocked," McSwane said. "I'm sitting there looking at a poster that says 'Integrity, Honor, Respect' and he is telling me to lie."
Commenting on the joint investigation by the two nations into the March 4 shooting of Nicola Calipari, Berlusconi said "we certainly will never endorse things that do not convince us," according to news agencies ANSA and Apcom. "If there are differing positions, they will emerge.";_ylt=AgPwt6ClD30Yur4Bg7x0Huis0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2NzN0azRvBHNlYwN3bA