Saturday, April 30, 2005

They will emerge

Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant. He can perform mind-boggling mathematical calculations at breakneck speeds. But unlike other savants, who can perform similar feats, Tammet can describe how he does it.,,1409903,00.html

[Notice they never, ever talk about environmental factors. Maybe having 100 different industrial chemicals piling up in your body has something to do with it?]

Breast and lung cancer rates have doubled around the world over the last 30 years, a report shows.
Cancer Research UK said much of the growth was due to more people living longer - as cancer is a disease which usually affects older people.
But they said habits such as smoking and diet also had a significant effect.
They said the analysis showed which populations were at more risk of certain cancers, pointing towards ways of tackling those forms of the disease.

Whirling disease was first found in Utah in 1991 in a private hatchery, reportedly owned by the family of former Gov. Mike Leavitt. The disease is believed to have originated in the United States after infected frozen rainbow trout were transported here from Denmark in the 1950s.

It is much harder to do a controlled experiment with babies, but there is one intriguing piece of research from the Netherlands.
Paediatricians there measured the concentration of two endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the blood of pregnant women. The levels were in the range you would expect to get from eating a normal mixed diet.
Then they looked at the behaviour of the children once they reached school age.
They found that the boys whose mothers had had the most exposure were more likely to play in a "girly" way - with jewellery, and dolls, for instance; while the girls whose mothers had been most exposed were drawn to boyish toys such as guns and trains.
According to investigator Dr Nynke Weisglas Kuperis, "it was a significant effect, but it is very subtle"

Six weeks ago Randy Bird stood on a government ranch in Rock Springs, Wyo., watching as a herd of endangered wild mustangs galloped around the paddock, terrorized by his human scent.
Today he feeds his own small herd by hand on his ranch near Harwood, Ont., east of Toronto.
"They'd never seen a tree or a barn or even eaten grain when they arrived," he said proudly. "Now they come straight up to the fence when I call them."
If it hadn't been for Mr. Bird and the efforts of a little-known Canadian group called the Save the Mustangs Foundation, nine mustangs would likely be dead -- sold by the Bureau of Land Management to so-called kill-buyers under a controversial new U.S. law that allows mustangs over the age of 10 to be sold "without limitations."

"I'm horrified. The people out there - the Iraqis, the media and the troops - risk the most appalling ill health. And the radiation from depleted uranium can travel literally anywhere. It's going to destroy the lives of thousands of children, all over the world. We all know how far radiation can travel. Radiation from Chernobyl reached Wales and in Britain you sometimes get red dust from the Sahara on your car."
The speaker is not some alarmist doom-sayer. He is Dr. Chris Busby, the British radiation expert, Fellow of the University of Liverpool in the Faculty of Medicine and UK representative on the European Committee on Radiation Risk, talking about the best-kept secret of this war: the fact that, by illegally using hundreds of tons of depleted uranium (DU) against Iraq, Britain and America have gravely endangered not only the Iraqis but the whole world.

New York environmental officials said they received a preliminary positive result for chronic wasting disease in a wild deer.
The positive sample came from the tissue of a yearling white-tailed deer, which was tested as part of the state Department of Environmental Conservation's monitoring efforts in Oneida County. The sample, tested at Cornell University, will be forwarded to the National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa, to be verified.
If confirmed, it would be the first known instance of CWD in the wild in New York state.

[Is it just me, or does it seem like a lot of dieseases recently punish stupidity and carelessness?]

Did one or more of the many dead animals brought into John's taxidermy studio have CWD? John stated that he kept the rehabilitation fawns in the same garage where he did much of his taxidermy work. It was common practice for John to sweep up his shop and deposit the salt and chemicals along the deer fence as a weed retardant.
The industry has always said that movement of CWD-positive carcasses would move CWD much faster and farther than moving live animals. Is the New York situation just that? Is there a need to regulate movement of CWD-positive carcasses?

America is showing increasing signs of alarm at the influence of Hugo Chavez, the firebrand Leftist president of Venezuela who has eclipsed Fidel Castro as Washington's regional bogeyman.
The United States, obsessed with the Middle East for the past three years, has let Latin America drift to the Left, leaving Washington with almost no allies in its own back yard.
Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state, yesterday visited Colombia, the last steadfast ally of the US in South America after Ecuador's Lucio Gutierrez was driven from power last week.

Obesity in middle-aged women greatly increases the risk of dementia in later life, according to a study today.
The research, involving more than 10,000 men and women over 27 years, finds that the risk of dementia increases by 75 per cent among the obese in general but by 200 per cent in obese women. In men and women who are merely overweight the increase is 35 per cent.

"It's like swatting a fly with a sledgehammer for really what are seemingly small crimes like not having your insurance or toll violations," Henson said. "He's creating a technology that could be abused in all sorts of ways with virtually no restrictions in the bill on law enforcement."
With RFID, the government could track all of us as dots on computer screens, Henson said. Once the technology is in place, he said, it would be hard to prevent it from being used for other applications.

[Now watch this. the second link below is from the Telegraph newspaper in England. It is an article about how women in Germany on unemployment can be thrown off if they refuse to work as prostitutes.

The first article is also from the Telegraph newspaper of England.

It says stories about women being thrown off unemployment for refusing to work as prostitutes as just fictional stories. Hmmm.]

The regulations have even given birth to a powerful, if totally apocryphal, urban myth that women have been threatened with benefit loss for refusing to work in brothels.

'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'

No doubt about it, albatrosses are wondrous, albatrosses are utterly charismatic, albatrosses are very special creatures indeed. And they are being slaughtered. In a massacre of immense proportions, the birds are being killed in tens of thousands all across the Southern Ocean where most of them make their home. In less than 20 years, 19 of the 21 albatross species have gone from healthy populations to facing extinction

A Guardian story on "The ricin ring that never was" has been pulled from the newspaper's website, for what are said to be 'legal reasons'. The story, by Duncan Campbell (the investigative writer, not the Guardian journalist of the same name), analysed the collapse of the UK's 'ricin conspiracy' trial, and reported Porton Down evidence that had made it clear that claims of mass poisoning attacks had no basis.

Campbell's story, which is still widely available on the web (including here), covered similar territory to George Smith's pieces at (here and here). Campbell and Smith were both involved in the preparation of the defence case in the ricin trial, and what they and the Porton evidence had to say was essentially that ricin is a one-on-one poison, not a weapon of mass destruction; that Kamel Bourgass' efforts to manufacture it were amateurish and had left no sign of having been successful; and that the distribution of ricin by smearing it on car door handles was not feasible, because it is not absorbed through the skin

The threat is a sign that sky-high gas prices are rippling through the Seattle economy. Not everyone is getting pushed to the brink -- some drivers are just canceling vacations or taking the bus. But those with low-wage jobs or little financial cushion can face dramatic lifestyle changes, especially if they have no choice but to drive to or for their jobs.

[I am shocked that those fools in Guantanamo felt the need to create a Potemkin torture chamber to give the other fools from DC a warm fuzzy feeling about how well Camp Destroy America was working down there.

“Immoral” may have replace “coincidence” as the word most frequently appearing in this blog.]

AUTHORITIES at Guantanamo Bay staged interrogations of detainees for visiting politicians and generals to give the impression that valuable intelligence was regularly being gathered, says a former US Army translator at the camp.

Sergeant Erik Saar told CBS television's 60 Minutes that he believed "only a few dozen" of the 600 detainees at the camp were terrorists and that little information was obtained from them.

"Interrogations were set up so the VIPs could come and witness an interrogation ... a mock interrogation, basically," Sgt Saar told the program, to air on Sunday.

"They would find a detainee that they knew to have been cooperative. They would ask the interrogator to go back over the same information," he said, calling it "a fictitious world" created for the visitors,5744,15122310%255E1702,00.html

During the first Intifada, an Israeli high official was quoted as saying that the army should not kill the Palestinian youth, because a youth killed by the army would then be honored as a martyr and thousands would follow their lead. He said that it is better to paralyze and disable the youth, knowing the way society looks down on disabled people.

This official decided that the army, especially the well trained 'death squads' should 'give their utmost effort' to paralyze the youth of the Intifada.
Now, many years later, am still paralyzed of course, but my life is a clear proof of the failure of the Israeli vision that paralyzing, injuring and killing us will make us give up. I have learned that the bullet which does not kill us makes us stronger.

But these workers are also nervous wrecks, for they know that Americans are very angry about the offshoring of middle-class jobs--and American callers often take out their anger on them, using creative combinations of four-letter words. The Indian call centers try deception to deflect this anger. Rahail Manzoor, for example, is told to call himself "Jim" on the phone, and he has undergone lessons in how to speak "American." Some call centers have giant TV screens showing the current weather in U.S. cities, the latest sports scores, and such, so workers can make small talk and pretend to be in the U.S.

Lexington, Mass., father of 6-year-old arrested, spends night in jail over objections to homosexual curriculum in son's kindergarten class.

Had demanded that school inform him and allow child to opt-out; superintendent refused.

Governor Romney Supports Parent
The governor's statement on Thursday:  "We have in Massachusetts a parental notification statute specifically in matters related to human sexuality. If a parent wants to be informed of what is being taught in a classroom and wants to have their child withdrawn from the classroom for that portion of the class dealing with human sexuality, that parent has the right."
Read the Massachusetts Parental Notification Act which the school is ignoring. In this case, the Superintendent claims  that homosexuality is not about "human sexuality issues" but "real life" that must be taught to kids.

I however, filed MY OWN PERSONAL LIBEL suit against the Great Atlantic Telecast Co., out of Wilmington, North Carolina for claiming on their news broadcast that my claims about many powerful & prominent individuals I named, were a lie. I won that suit & got a big cash settlement (as part of the agreement I am not allowed to disclose the amount) & a public apology on their National TV station two nights in a row on the evening news. Based on what I have seen from Ms. Hartwell, it is my intent absolutely to file same type libel lawsuit against her.

[It’s good he is learning this now, BEFORE he goes off to be irradiated and otherwise screwed over.]

McSwane contacted his local army recruiting office in Golden with a scenario he created. He told a recruiter that he was a dropout and didn't have a high school diploma.

"No problem," the recruiter explained. He suggested that McSwane create a fake diploma from a non-existent school.

McSwane recorded the recruiter saying that on the phone.

"It can be like Faith Hill Baptist School or something -- whatever you choose," the recruiter said.

As instructed, McSwane went on the computer to a Web site and for $200 arranged to have a phony diploma created that certified him as a graduate of Faith Hill Baptist High School, the very name the recruiter suggested. It came complete with a fake grade transcript.

"What was your reaction to them encouraging you to get a phony diploma?" CBS4's Rick Sallinger asked.

"I was shocked," McSwane said. "I'm sitting there looking at a poster that says 'Integrity, Honor, Respect' and he is telling me to lie."

Commenting on the joint investigation by the two nations into the March 4 shooting of Nicola Calipari, Berlusconi said "we certainly will never endorse things that do not convince us," according to news agencies ANSA and Apcom. "If there are differing positions, they will emerge.";_ylt=AgPwt6ClD30Yur4Bg7x0Huis0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2NzN0azRvBHNlYwN3bA

Friday, April 29, 2005

Al Jazzera

A state Senate committee approved a proposal Tuesday to put a serial number on every handgun bullet made or sold in California.

Climate scientists armed with new data from the ocean depths and from space satellites have found that Earth is absorbing much more heat than it is giving off, which they say validates computer projections of global warming.
Lead scientist James Hansen, a prominent NASA climatologist, described the findings on the planet's out-of-balance energy exchange as a "smoking gun" that should dispel doubts about forecasts of climate change. A European climate expert called it a valuable contribution to climate research

A priest in charge of bringing Polish pilgrims to the Vatican was a secret communist informer during the era of Pope John Paul II, it has been alleged.

Father Konrad Stanislaw Hejmo, 69, was said to have collaborated with the secret services in communist Poland during the 1980s.

The allegations have been made by a Polish institute investigating Nazi and communist crimes in Poland.

Swedish investigators are baffled by a mysterious illness affecting over 400 children of asylum-seekers, mostly from former Soviet and Yugoslav states, who fall into a deep depression and lose the will to live.
The government presented its first study of the so-called "apathetic children" on Wednesday, after King Carl XVI Gustav added his voice to a chorus of concern from charities, church groups and politicians who want them protected from deportation.
"It is dreadful what is happening to these poor children," the Swedish king told reporters.
The condition is known as Pervasive Refusal Syndrome and can be life-threatening. It affects boys and girls of all ages, but mostly aged 8-15, who refuse to speak, move, eat or drink for days or many months, and must be drip-fed to keep them alive.
Virtually unknown before 2000, the condition has been seen on a large scale only in Sweden. But the researchers ruled out that the children were faking their condition.

[It would be interesting to know if these nuerons are stunted or missing in socio-paths.]

Since their discovery, mirror neurons have been implicated in a broad range of phenomena, including certain mental disorders. Mirror neurons may help cognitive scientists explain how children develop a theory of mind (ToM), which is a child's understanding that others have minds similar to their own. Doing so may help shed light on autism, in which this type of understanding is often missing.

A farmer is at his “wits’ end” after a mystery gunman shot dead newborn lambs on his farm for the third time in a fortnight.

[I bet this has something to do with echelon or an allied project.]

They have seen their cars' remote-controlled locking systems go berserk meaning many motorists have been locked out of their own vehicles.

And to add to their fury, the cars' alarms are going off day and night apparently for no reason.

Eight months ago, Huseyin Yousuf was looking forward to retiring from his successful dry cleaning business in Norbury, now the 72-year-old is blind in one eye and facing months of painful recovery after a horrific acid attack.

Huseyin, known as Joe, was blinded in one eye and received terrible burns after a man walked into his business and threw a bottle of acid over him.

Seven months after the unprovoked attack and with no leads from investigating officers Joe's family is offering a £5,000 reward to catch the person responsible.

At an FDA hearing on the safety of psychotropic drugs on Feb 2, 2004, dozens of tortured parents testified that their children had committed suicide or other violent acts after being prescribed the same drugs that are being marketed in the Bush-backed pharmaceutical industry schemes aimed at recruiting the nations 52 million school children as customers.
In July 2003, the Bush appointed New Freedoms Commission on Mental Health (NFC) recommended screening all children for mental illness and designated TeenScreen as a model program to ensure that every student receives a mental health check-up before finishing high school.
The NFC also has a preferred drug program in place modeled after the Texas Medication Algorithm Project (TMAP), that lists what drugs are to be used on children found to be mentally ill.
The list contains every drug that people complained about at the FDA hearing, including Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, Wellbutron, Zyban, Remeron, Serzone, Effexor, Buspar, Risperdal, Zyprexa, Seroqual, Geodone, Depakote, Adderall, and Prozac.

There has recently been a marked decrease in the export of U.S. arms, especially military aircraft, to the world market, and the war in Iraq is to blame, Sergei Chemezov, the director general of Rosoboronexport, Russia’s military exporter, said in an interview to the Red Star newspaper published Thursday.

School nurses treating sexual infections and offering alcohol and drug addiction services said yesterday that many children have dangerously amoral attitudes to relationships and high-risk habits such as drug taking and alcohol abuse.
Health professionals addressing the Royal College of Nursing's annual congress reported dramatic rises in sex among the young, including alarming new trends such as "daisy chaining" - where groups of teenagers indulge in a variety of sexual activities.

A leading Russian scientist has claimed that the sarcophagus entombing Chernobyl's broken nuclear reactor is dangerously degraded and he warned that its collapse could cause a catastrophe on the same scale as the original accident almost 20 years ago

[I would sya at this point the Zimbabweans are in the running for stupidest people on Earth.]

Zimbabwe's national parks have been ordered to work with rural district councils to begin the wholesale slaughter of big game. National park rangers said they had already shot 10 elephants in the past week. The meat was barbecued at festivities to mark 25 years of independence. Four of the animals were reportedly shot in view of tourists near Lake Kariba, the largest man-made lake in Africa and a major wildlife haven.

[I wonder if this coud be related to the electromagnetic effects in England? Also recall the bridge in England or Scotland that was causing dogs to jump off to their deaths a little while back.]

Hundreds of toads have begun to explode near a lake in the town of Låsby in Mid-Jutland. According to reports, the toads climb on to land, swell to up to three times their normal size, and burst, casting their innards up to one metre in the air. A similar phenomenon has also been reported in the German city of Hamburg, where authorities report that over 1000 toads are dead.
Experts are at a loss to explain what is causing the toads' painful deaths, which primarily take place between two and three a.m.

[What happened to all those people who lost their jobsi nt he dot-com bust? Surely they have not evaporated?]

The United States should remove visa limits to allow more skilled foreign citizens to work at U.S. companies if it wants to remain a leader in technology, Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates said on Wednesday.
Microsoft is having a hard time finding skilled workers within the United States, and the lack of H-1B visas for skilled workers is only making the situation worse, Gates said in a panel discussion at the Library of Congress.
"The whole idea of the H-1B visa thing is, don't let too many smart people come into the country. The whole thing doesn't make sense," Gates said.
Gates echoed the concerns of other business and education leaders who warn that the United States must improve science education and boost spending on research and development to avoid falling behind India, China and other countries that are rapidly gaining ground.

The protective ozone layer over the Arctic has thinned this winter to the lowest levels since records began, alarming scientists who believed it had begun to heal.
The increased loss of ozone allows more harmful ultraviolet light to reach the earth's surface, making children and outdoor enthusiasts such as skiers more vulnerable to skin cancer - a disease which is already dramatically increasing.
Scientists yesterday reinforced the warning that people going out in the sun this summer should protect themselves with creams and hats.
Research by Cambridge University shows that it is not increased pollution but a side effect of climate change that is making ozone depletion worse. At high altitudes, 50% of the protective layer had been destroyed.
The research has dashed hopes that the ozone layer was on the mend. Since the winter of 1999-2000, when depletion was almost as bad, scientists had believed an improvement was under way as pollution was reduced. But they now believe it could be another 50 years before the problem is solved.

Sunday, April 24th marked the 90th anniversary of the first genocide of the twentieth century: the Turkish government’s slaughter of over a million unarmed Armenians. The key word is "unarmed."

The Turks got away with it under the cover of wartime. They suffered no greater postwar reprisals for this act of genocide than if they had not conducted mass murder of a peaceful people.

Other governments soon took note of this fact. It seemed like such a convenient international precedent.

Seventy-nine years after that genocide began, Hotel Rwanda opened for business.

The Hutus also got away with it. Ironically, at least a decade before – I wish I could remember the date – Harper’s ran an article predicting this genocide for this reason: the Hutus had machine guns. The Tutsis didn’t. The article was written as a kind of parable, not a politically specific forecast. I remember reading it at the time and thinking, "If I were a Tutsi, I’d emigrate."

It did not pay to be a civilian in the twentieth century. The odds were against you

Belgian doctors sent an Iraqi girl home on Thursday after treating her for leg wounds caused by a bomb during the U.S. invasion -- and sent the 51,570 euro ($66,650) bill to the U.S. embassy.


"We haven't heard from them yet," said Bert De Belder, coordinator of the humanitarian agency Medical Aid for Third World which brought the girl to Belgium.

"I'm curious to know their reaction," he told Reuters. "We're giving them 10 days to respond ... I don't think they will pay it."

The girl, 15-year-old Hiba Kassim, smiled to reporters as she waited for her flight to Jordan to meet her father.

"Thank you, Belgium," she said.

Doctors brought Kassim to Belgium last year to try to save her left ankle, seriously injured by a cluster bomb that also killed her brother in Baghdad in 2003

What matters is that MPs were not made aware of - to put it politely - the progression of his thinking. When Goldsmith sat in the cabinet seat vacated hours earlier by Robin Cook, he was asked by the Prime Minister to make a presentation of the legal case for invasion. Blair did not invite questions before the Attorney was thanked for his contribution and left.

Our statistical analysis of their coverage, however, showed that there was startling disparity in how deaths were reported, depending on the ethnicity of the victim.

For example, we found that in 2004, at a time when 8 Israeli children and 176 Palestinian children were killed – a ratio of 1 to 22 – Times headlines and lead paragraphs reported on Israeli children’s deaths at a rate almost seven times greater than Palestinian children’s deaths.

A one-month sub-study indicated that this disparity grew even larger when the entire article was analyzed, with Israeli children’s deaths mentioned (through repetitions of deaths reported on previous days) at a rate ten times greater than Palestinian children’s deaths.
Such patterns of distortion gave readers the impression that equal numbers of people on both sides were being killed – or that more Israelis were being killed – when the reality is that Palestinians have always been killed in far greater numbers. In particular, we found that Times stories so often repeated reports of Israeli children’s deaths that in some periods they were reporting on Israeli deaths at a rate of 400 percent.

[This is the same man who was fingered asn an iranian spy a few months ago. Before thathe lied to get us to invade Iraq. before that he embezzled an amount of money from Jordan equal to 3% of their entire yearly GDP.]

Iraq failed to name an oil minister for its new government on Thursday and controversial politician Ahmad Chalabi was appointed actingminister of an industry plagued by sabotage attacks and uncertainty.

In this context Zoellick's trip, which was covered by a small group of US journalists, was illuminating. The deputy secretary of state had to travel to this "liberated" city in a Black Hawk helicopter flying low over palm trees to avoid being shot down. He wore a flak jacket under his suit even though Falluja's streets were largely deserted. His convoy of eight armoured vehicles went "so quickly past an open-air bakery reopened with a US-provided micro-loan that workers tossing dough could be glanced only in the blink of an eye," as the Washington Post reported. "Blasted husks of buildings still line block after block," the journalist added.
Meeting hand-picked Iraqis in a US base, Zoellick was bombarded with complaints about the pace of US reconstruction aid and frequent intimidation of citizens by American soldiers. Although a state department factsheet claimed 95% of residents had water in their homes, Falluja's mayor said it was contaminated by sewage and unsafe.
Justin Alexander, a volunteer for Christian Peacemaker Teams, recently found hundreds living in tents in the grounds of their homes, or in a single patched-up room. A strict system of identity cards blocks access to anyone whose papers give a birthplace outside Falluja, so long-term residents born elsewhere cannot go home. "Fallujans feel the remnants of their city have been turned into a giant prison," he reports.

[How does a weapon that essentially allows you to shoot around corners help you minimize collateral damage if you don’t also have something that allows you to see around corners?]

The XM25 is ideal for urban combat. It puts precision firepower in the hands of the soldier, allowing them to eliminate threats without causing significant collateral damage.

[An ideal weapon for the hands of Satanists.]

However, such "earth-penetrating" nuclear weapons cannot go deep enough to avoid massive casualties at ground level, and they could still kill up to a million people or more if used in heavily populated areas, said the committee that wrote the report.

The issue affects far more than Rutan's ability to sign a contract with Virgin. Other firms, including a group in Dubai, have expressed interest in buying spaceships, he said.

"We have wrestled with this problem in terms of technology transfer to Virgin Atlantic for about five months now, and it has been difficult," he explained, adding that he has been discouraging foreign sales until a routine personal-spaceflight industry

* In 1998, a study conducted jointly by statisticians from the U.S. Department of Justice and the University of Cambridge in England found that most crime is now worse in England than in the United States.

* "You are more likely to be mugged in England than in the United States," stated the Reuters news agency in summarizing the study. "The rate of robbery is now 1.4 times higher in England and Wales than in the United States, and the British burglary rate is nearly double America's."6 The murder rate in the United States is reportedly higher than in England, but according to the DOJ study, "the difference between the [murder rates in the] two countries has narrowed over the past 16 years."7

* The United Nations confirmed these results in 2000 when it reported that the crime rate in England is higher than the crime rates of 16 other industrialized nations, including the United States.8

The trial judges correctly dismissed both complaints. In a carefully reasoned Memorandum Opinion, Judge Hannon based his decision in No. 79-6 on "the fundamental principle that a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any particular individual citizen." See p. 4, infra. The duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large, and, absent a special relationship between the police and an individual, no specific legal duty exists. Holding that no special relationship existed between the police and appellants in No. 79-6, Judge Hannon concluded that no specific legal duty existed. We hold that Judge Hannon was correct and adopt the relevant portions of his opinion. Those portions appear in the following Appendix.[fn1]

Los Angeles riots -- USA Today reported that many of the people rushing to gun stores during the 1992 riots were "lifelong gun-control advocates, running to buy an item they thought they'd never need." Ironically, they were outraged to discover they had to wait 15 days to buy a gun for self-defense.

Professional Jewish leaders demand obeisance to a vision of Jews as helpless and passive by nature -- childlike victims toward whom the entire world, not just the perpetrators of the Holocaust, owes groveling remorse. They preach that our entire nation is populated by similar victims whose sufferings give them an unquestionable moral claim -- victims of poverty, disease, racism, government funding cuts, ignorance, sexism, violence, and a whole host of newly discovered inequities and inequalities.

And they invariably propose one balm to heal all miseries: government. And more government. Government unbound, unlimited, unhindered.

The Iraqi insurgency is just as strong now as it was one year ago, the most senior US military officer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Myers has admitted.

ronically, the CPB was created to shield PBS from political pressure, just as PBS was intended to address the "needs of unserved and underserved audiences." One can hardly argue that the WSJ edit page or Tucker Carlson fit into that category. "To find the same combination of conviction, partisanship and ideological extremism on the far left," wrote my colleague Eric Alterman, "A network would need to convene a 'roundtable' featuring Noam Chomsky, Alexander Cockburn, Vanessa Redgrave and Fidel Castro."

Why isn't Bush being more strongly criticized for inviting Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah to his ranch on Monday?

If ever there was an existing medieval theocracy that fits the definition, it's the Saudi monarchy. It is the most fundamentalist country in the world, period. The monarchy is unaccountable to its people. Women have an almost total absence of basic rights. Immigrant workers are grossly abused. A visit I made to the country in 2002 as part of a group of journalists confirmed some of this firsthand for me.

[This dosn’t sound quite right to me. The guy sort of claims to be supporting the Minuteman Projct, but I think he is really trying to do something else. At first glanceit looks like he is just trying to shoehorn his pet project to strangle the US war machine in on top of the Minuteman people, but I think this is really something else. I am not aware of anyone in America, outside of this one guy, who doesn’t want foreigners to continue shovelling money into this country as fast as they can. I think this might be a kind of flase flag type thing to make either the Minuteman people sound bad, or to make the anti-war people sound bad, or possibly something else. But this just sounds to me like somehow he is trying to put one over on people.]

Consider some migrant laborers who travel the U.S. Mexican border. They have been meeting a new force there. It goes by the name of the Minuteman Project, comprised of volunteers. The MP's mission is to defend the U.S. border. Soon the MP will expand its mission from intercepting foreign workers to slowing foreign capital. This money has been flooding into the U.S. below the political radar screen of public sentiment. The time for financial flood control is here, according to the MP. Its mission creep is striking fear into the hearts of overseas investors whose excess cash has been funding the American nation's federal deficit.

Of course, mounting a financial defense of Uncle Sam won't be easy. The MP must understand that. Taking on foreign labor is one thing. Confronting foreign capital is another. Foreigners who perform low-wage labor that profits U.S. employers from Wal-Mart to California agribusiness have names and faces. They breathe, eat, laugh and speak. By contrast, foreign lenders are faceless and nameless. Their surplus capital is mobile and invisible. Clearly, what we have is an "identity" issue.

"In 1991," sneers former terror czar Richard Clarke in his book "Against All Enemies," "Qatari police cars that were escorting my motorcade managed to crash into each other in a city with almost no traffic."

Today, the city is bursting with rush-hour traffic and a construction boom, thanks to the vision and guile of its ruler/emir, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, who not only hosts the largest U.S. regional military base outside of Iraq (which spawned the Coalition Media Center during the invasion of Iraq), but earlier patronized Al-Jazeera in 1996 and serves as its chairman.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

You have a problem

Federal fisheries officials are investigating why hundreds of dead seals are washing ashore along parts of the Northern Peninsula. Ron Burton, an official with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, says DFO has received reports of as many as 1,700 carcasses spotted in areas around Port au Choix.

For a growing number of students, the easiest way to make a couple of hundred dollars has nothing to do with chores or after-school jobs, and everything to do with informing on classmates.

An immigration activist group is drawing attention to a photograph showing a billboard ad for a Spanish-language TV newscast in L.A. on which the "CA" abbreviation after "Los Angeles" has been crossed out and the word "Mexico" added in its place.

The cash-strapped U.S. Forest Service can no longer afford to maintain many of its parks and has started ranking recreational sites, including campgrounds and trailheads, for possible closure.
Oregon's Deschutes and Winema national forests are among the first to go up for review, The Oregonian reported.
Forest Service officials say the crunch is partly a result of President Bush's Healthy Forest Initiative, a push to thin flammable Western forests, which has diverted money away from the upkeep of forest facilities.

But Illegal Aliens stop at no medical checkpoint. Whoever walks through our foolishly open Golden Door comes in healthy or sick. If a border patrol sentry catches a healthy Illegal Alien he might be sent back home immediately. However, if we catch and detain a sick Illegal Alien, who after examination by physicians in a detention center proves to have a serious disease, we keep him! Foolish compassion makes us fear that his home country has neither adequate medical resources nor modern wonder drugs. So we release sick Illegal Aliens to the American streets, to infect others if their diseases are contagious, or we place them in our Medicaid program where we pay for their expensive treatments.
Leprosy, a scourge in Biblical days and in medieval Europe, so horribly destroys flesh, faces, and fingers it was called Disease of the Soul.[34] Lepers quarantined in leprosaria sounded noisemakers when they ventured out to warn people to stay far away. Leprosy or Hansen's Disease was so rare in America that in 40 years only 900 people were afflicted.[35] ,[36] ,[37] ,[38] Suddenly, in the past three years America has more than 7,000 cases of leprosy. Leprosy now is endemic to northeastern states. There are leprosy clinics in New York City. Illegal Aliens and other immigrants brought leprosy from India, Brazil, the Caribbean, and Mexico.[39] ,[40] ,[41]

But when I try to, I think of that series of photos taken at a checkpoint in Iraq in which triggerhappy U.S. troops shot first and asked questions later, later to find six terrified and bleeding children in the car that rolled to a stop. I think of that little bleeding girl screaming over her butchered parents, and U.S. soldiers wearing masks to hide their identities from the photographer. That little girl is my boss. And the rage I feel at the people who put her in that position, I'm telling you, is simply more than you want to hear. Why do I do what I do, and how can I stand what I have to look at? I work for that little girl, and if you don't too, then you have a problem with me.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Patterns of Global Terrorism

A state department report which showed an increase in terrorism incidents around the world in 2004 was altered to strip it of its pessimistic statistics, it emerged yesterday.

The country-by-country report, Patterns of Global Terrorism, has come out every year since 1986, accompanied by statistical tables.

This year's edition showed a big increase, from 172 significant terrorist attacks in 2003 to 655 in 2004.

Much of the increase took place in Iraq, contradicting recent Pentagon claims that the insurgency there is waning.,12271,1468541,00.html

[Aren’t the Indians supposed to be poor?]

Newsweek has learned that investigators probing supperlobbyist Jack Abramoff's finances have found some of the money meant for a charity he started for inner-city kids went instead to fight the Palestinian intifada. In 2002 alone, records show, three Indian tribes donated nearly $1.1 million to the Capital Athletic Foundation. The group of Indian tribes had hired Abramoff to protect their interests in Washington, after they opened up lucrative gaming casinos. Donating to the fund had a side benefit, Abramoff told his clients: it was a favored cause of Rep. Tom DeLay.

(Photo: )

More than $14,000 of foundation funds were actually sent to the Israeli West Bank where they were used by a Jewish settler to mobilize against the Palestinian uprising, reports Investigative Correspondent Michael Isikoff in the May 2 issue of Newsweek (on newsstands Monday, April 25). Among the expenditures: purchases of camouflage suits, sniper scopes, night-vision binoculars, a thermal imager and other material described in foundation records as "security" equipment.

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said Sunday that a woman linked to the U.S. military had been arrested while photographing a military installation, and several U.S. citizens were also arrested for taking pictures of a refinery, signs that the Washington may be plotting an invasion of his country.

[The Japanese seem strangely immoral. They have all those commercial schemes for finding ways to have sex with people you aren’t supposed to as well.]

In the first modification of its kind, Japanese researchers have inserted a gene from the human liver into rice to enable it to digest pesticides and industrial chemicals. The gene makes an enzyme, code-named CPY2B6, which is particularly good at breaking down harmful chemicals in the body.

[It seems like ishould be pretty easy to assign blame here. It’s not like people are buying perchlorate at the grocery store or something.]

An emerging threat of uncertain dimensions looms in this working-class suburb, where a chemical used in rocket fuel and defense manufacturing has befouled nearly half the drinking water supply. But Rialto is just one of many communities facing this problem. The choices faced here — when to close wells, whom to sue and how not to get sued — confront officials in 36 states where the Environmental Protection Agency says perchlorate has been detected.

An American patrol roared past us with the soldiers gesturing furiously with their guns for traffic to keep back on an overpass in central Baghdad. A black car with three young men in it did not stop in time and a soldier fired several shots from his machine gun into its engine.

The driver and his friends were not hit, but many Iraqis do not survive casual encounters with US soldiers. It is very easy to be accidentally killed in Iraq. US soldiers treat everybody as a potential suicide bomber. If they are right they have saved their lives and if they are wrong they face no penalty.

"We should end the immunity of US soldiers here," says Dr Mahmoud Othman, a veteran Kurdish politician who argues that the failure to prosecute American soldiers who have killed civilians is one of the reasons why the occupation became so unpopular so fast. He admits, however, that this is extremely unlikely to happen given the US attitude to any sanctions against its own forces.

Every Iraqi has stories of friends or relatives killed by US troops for no adequate reason.

Venezuela has ordered US military instructors to stop working with its armed forces in an abrupt cessation of a 35-year-old bilateral military exchange programme.

A US official on Friday said four American military instructors and one student in Venezuela under the bilateral programme had been told to leave the bases and schools where they were working.

The complaint was filed Friday April 15, 2005 in the Supreme Court of British Columbia at New Westminster. It alleges that all financial institutions who are in the business of lending money have engaged in a deliberate scheme to defraud the borrowers by lending non-existent money which are illegally created by the financial institutions out of "thin air."

The legal action brings to the fore one of the major economic "drag factors" - the interest charged by banks for money that technically and legally is not theirs to lend, because even governments end up paying interest to banks lending money for public spending, and they in turn charge tax payers. A large part of every country's tax revenue goes first and foremost - before any "internal" spending - to payment of interest, largely because of the basic flaw in our way of creating money by the rich and for the rich.
Dempsey says the transactions constitute counterfeiting and money laundering in that the source of money, if money was indeed advanced by the defendants and deposited into the borrowers' accounts, could not be traced, nor could it be explained or accounted for.
The complaint alleges that the loan transactions are fraudulent because no value was ever imparted by the defendants to the Plaintiff; these defendants did not risk anything, nor lost anything and never would have lost anything under any circumstances and therefore no lien has been perfected according to law and equity against the Plaintiff.

[I worked with a guy who got fired because they found out something he did when he was like 13. maybe he should go get a job at FEMA. They’d probably make him vice president.]

The complaint alleges that the loan transactions are fraudulent because no value was ever imparted by the defendants to the Plaintiff; these defendants did not risk anything, nor lost anything and never would have lost anything under any circumstances and therefore no lien has been perfected according to law and equity against the Plaintiff.
t is not known how many in the whole work force might have criminal records because FEMA will not release the names of any of its inspectors or their supervisors, citing an "unwarranted invasion of their personal privacy." The Sun-Sentinel has filed a federal suit against FEMA and its umbrella agency, the Department of Homeland Security, seeking the identities of inspectors and aid recipients,0,669473.story?coll=ny-leadnationalnews-headlines

According to information obtained by NEWSWEEK, since January 2004 NSA received—and fulfilled—between 3,000 and 3, 500 requests from other agencies to supply the names of U.S. citizens and officials (and citizens of other countries that help NSA eavesdrop around the world, including Britain, Canada and Australia) that initially were deleted from raw intercept reports. Sources say the number of names disclosed by NSA to other agencies during this period is more than 10,000. About one third of such disclosures were made to officials at the policymaking level; most of the rest were disclosed to other intel agencies and, perhaps surprisingly, only a small proportion to law-enforcement agencies. Civil libertarians expressed dismay at the numbers. An official familiar with NSA procedures insisted the agency maintains careful logs of all requests for U.S. names and doles out such info only after agency officials are satisfied "that the requester needs the information [and that it's] necessary to understand the foreign intelligence or assess its importance."

[Operation bail-out Wallstreet.]

When you retire, your annual benefit would be docked by the amount of money you contributed to your private account, plus 3 percent a year, plus each year's inflation rate.
What are the odds that you'd succeed? Yale economist Robert Shiller looked at what you might earn if you're 21, save continuously for 44 years and retire at 65. He used the returns from various types of U.S. investments over every 44-year period since 1871. The results surprised me. With money invested half in stocks and half in bonds, young people would have broken even or made money only 80 percent of the time. Your odds of coming out behind were one in five. If you played it "safe" by investing entirely in bonds, you'd have lost money 89 percent of the time.

We think of buyers as participants in a mania. But it takes two to tango. Lenders are equally maniacal.

Lenders seem reluctant to turn away any potential borrowers, no matter how few their qualifications. At the moment, at least, this is a profitable venture, although by their own admission it is becoming a riskier one too.

As the petite, middle-aged teacher shouts desperately for the 20th time for the out-of-control class to be quiet, a faint, childish boy's voice can be heard, calling out above the deafening din: "Suck me off, miss"

Growing at a rate of about 900 inmates each week between mid-2003 and mid-2004, the nation's prisons and jails held 2.1 million people, or one in every 138 U.S. residents, the government reported Sunday.

By last June 30, there were 48,000 more inmates, or 2.3 percent, more than the year before, according to the latest figures from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Such "bank credit" now forms 96% of the money stock in most industrial nations, with a mere 4% the notes and coins created by government, and free from a parallel debt.

Dear Excellency:
The Republic of X presents its compliments to the French Republic. I have the honor to draw to your attention the Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare of 17 June 1925, for which the Government of the French Republic serves as the depositary. The Geneva Protocol of 1925 prohibits the use in war of asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and of all analogous liquids, materials or devices, as well as the use of bacteriological methods of warfare. The government of X believes that the Geneva Protocol of 1925 already prohibits the use in war of depleted uranium, uranium ammunition, uranium armor-plate and all other uranium weapons. We respectfully request your Excellency to circulate this communication to the other High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Protocol of 1925.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurance of our highest consideration.
Foreign Minister
Republic of X
Day, Month, Year

The UN's top human rights investigator in Afghanistan has been forced out under American pressure just days after he presented a report criticising the US military for detaining suspects without trial and holding them in secret prisons.

Cherif Bassiouni had needled the US military since his appointment a year ago, repeatedly trying, without success, to interview alleged Taliban and al-Qa'ida prisoners at the two biggest US bases in Afghanistan, Kandahar and Bagram.

Mr Bassiouni's report had highlighted America's policy of detaining prisoners without trial and lambasted coalition officials for barring independent human rights monitors from its bases.

It is very hard to be optimistic about anything at the moment but there is a joke doing the rounds which is particularly appropriate as we hurtle backwards into the dark ages. Using a stick, an old shoelace and a bent paper clip a hungry man crafts a crude fishing rod and goes down to try his luck at the river. Against all the odds he manages to catch a small fish and he hurries home to his wife with the first meat they've seen for weeks. He asks his wife to grill the fish immediately but she says she can't because they are having an extended power cut. Then he suggests that she uses the paraffin stove instead and poaches the fish but she can't do that either because there is no paraffin in the country for the stove. The man goes off to collect firewood and says now they can fry the fish but that is also impossible because there is neither margarine nor cooking oil in the country. In despair, the hungry man suggests they simply boil the fish but that too is impossible as there is no water in the taps. Resigned to just smoking the fish on an open fire, the hungry man bends to light the sticks but cannot even do that as the country even ran out of matches this week. In disgust he gets up, grabs the fish and takes it back to the river. The fish slides into the water and turns back to wave a fin at the hungry man and says: "Well, you voted for them."

Hundreds of police officers nationwide also are on payrolls of companies that supply weapons, riot gear and other equipment to the officers' departments, creating possible conflicts of interest.

[And what would they do with this information?]

In the second experiment, John-Dylan Haynes and Geraint Rees of University College London showed volunteers two images in quick succession, with the first flashing so quickly that the subjects couldn't clearly identify it. But by analyzing their brain activity, the scientists successfully identified which image had been shown, even when the subjects themselves didn't remember seeing it. Together, the results elucidate how the brain reacts to stimuli, even when they are "invisible." If scientists could gain a true understanding of the neural basis of subjective experience, Kamitani and Tong write, it might one day "allow for reliable prediction of a person's mental state based solely on measurements of his or her brain state."

[It’s true, the nuclear power industry is looking to make a comeback. Look for “news” stories about how radiation isn’t really all that bad in the near future or else on how they have made such wonderful progress on containing it longterm.]

Jean McSorley, senior adviser, nuclear, at Greenpeace, said: "This plan is so far off it is not an adequate response to climate change. There has been a huge amount of lobbying by the nuclear industry over the past year."

One of his two poodles licks my hand. Jess has a story to tell me. Three times cars have pulled up to the curb and the occupants have said they did not understand the number on his sign. How much was he selling his dogs for? We both laugh; it feels good.


Sunday, April 24, 2005

More energy

A potent toxin produced by common algae has been found in the brains of nine Canadians who died of Alzheimer's disease.
The same neurotoxin has turned up in brain tissues taken from people in Guam who died of dementia, say researchers, who warn that chronic exposure to the algal toxins may pose a public health threat.

"I saved Israel from its madness to go toward nuclear genocide war," Vanunu said in the chat set up by Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet.
"I am very proud of publishing (Israel's) nuclear secret," Vanunu said,

I am sure they do NOT want to find cases of vCJD or sporadic CJD in those who ate the meat. State and Local health officials won't have to lie, they simpy won't follow up.
The deadly and outrageous cover-up continues.
Dr. Ermias Belay was the report's principal author but he said New York and Oneida County officials are following the proper course by not launching a study.
"There's really nothing to monitor presently. No one's sick," Belay said, noting the disease's incubation period in deer and elk is measured in years. "This was one carcass, one meal. It was an animal without symptoms. If it becomes an issue, if other studies suggest there is a risk, we have a list to go back to."
This is such ludicrous nonsense.
Of course, people are not sick NOW, it has only been about one month. We don't know how CWD will effect humans, a study would enable us to determine incubation time. There have been clusters of sporadic CJD in hunters who had eaten deer meat. Following up on those who ate infected deer meat would give us so many answers and eliminate the "fuzziness" i.e. the relation between CWD and human health.

It is almost all smuggled illegally from Indonesia in what the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has described as the "world's biggest timber smuggling racket".
The British-based agency said last month that it had uncovered a merbau trade route controlled by crime syndicates that sent some 20 shiploads a month to China from Indonesia, which banned timber exports more than two years ago.
According to the group, the syndicates pay bribes of about $200,000 (£105,000) a shipment to ensure the logs can leave Indonesian waters. Most head for Zhangjiagang, about an hour's drive north of Shanghai, where they are reportedly cleared through customs using fake Malaysian papers

The child was knocking down blocks and throwing a temper tantrum When they sat her down and calmed her, the three cops reportedly said "Do you want us to put handcuffs on you?" She didn't answer, and here you see them handcuffing her.

The American historian Norman Finkelstein, whose book "The Holocaust Industry" provoked a fierce debate in Germany four years ago, is creating new furor. There are protests in the USA against the publication of his new book "Beyond Chutzpah. On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History". Finkelstein plans to bring the book out in August through the University of California Press. The attorney and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, has, however, expressed his vigorous reservations against Finkelstein's book in a number of letters to the publishers as well as to CA Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's legal department. "This would be a scandal equal to Holocaust denial" Dershowitz told the Tagesspiegel.
In his new book Finkelstein attacks the new anti Semitism. Primarily, however, it is about the "dishonesty in the research on the Israeli - Palestinian conflict", as it is called in one of the publisher's synopsis. The point being: The criticism is aimed at no other than Alan Dershowitz. Finkelstein makes serious allegations against Dershowitz' book "The Case for Israel" which has recently appeared in Germany through the Europa Verlag and was called "an intelligent argument" by the New York Times

[Special gay police for DC? Not surprised.]

"Brett, we got one of yours," a patrol officer radios.

Inside a Northwest apartment, a 39-year-old man has been beaten by his male partner. The victim is a lieutenant colonel who works at the Pentagon and can't show up at a military hospital with injuries caused by same-sex domestic violence without risking his career.

Two mutilated animals were found on April 19, 2005 at a rural establishment located on Provincial Route No. 14, jurisdiction of "La Arana", some 35 km west of Toay (La Pampa, Argentina).

We have information on this astonishing high-tech city from a number of sources. In South America the story is a common subject among certain metaphysical groups. Says the French writer Robert Charroux in his book The Mysteries of the Andes (1974, 1977, Avon Books), the Ciudad Subterranean de los Andes, is discussed in private from Caracas to Santiago. Charroux goes on to tell the story of Marconi and his secret city, plus the story of a Mexican journalist named Mario Rojas Avendaro, who investigated the Ciudad Subterranean de los Andes (Underground City of the Andes) and concluded that it was a true story. Avendaro was contacted by a man named Nacisso Genovese, who had been a student of Marconi's and was a physics teacher at a high school in Baja, Mexico.

Genovese was an Italian by origin and claimed to have lived for many years in the Ciudad Subterranean de los Andes. Sometime in the late 1950s he wrote an obscure book entitled My Trip to Mars. Though the book was never published in English, it did appear in various Spanish, Portuguese and Italian editions.

A federal judge ordered the Justice Department yesterday to begin providing testimony to attorneys for Steven J. Hatfill, the former Army scientist who is suing the government for identifying him as "a person of interest" in the anthrax investigation.

For months, the Justice Department had opposed Hatfill's attempts to begin deposing government witnesses, citing the sensitive nature of the investigation. Hatfill's attorneys said that stalled their efforts to identify the source of leaks in the massive probe.

Four months after the tsunami hit, Sri Lankans still don’t have their money. Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin rushed to the scene for a weeklong photo op. Generous Canadians donated record amounts of money on line.

The Canadian government promised to match dollar for dollar, donations from the public.

But the promised mega millions never arrived.

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf said on Wednesday he would never allow foreign inspectors into the country to examine its nuclear facilities.

"That is tantamount to admitting that we cannot be trusted in our own house," he told a breakfast meeting of the Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines, reports AFP news agency.

Asked whether he would allow inspectors from the United Nation's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to inspect the country's nuclear facilities, Musharraf said: "Why?".

Either way, opponents consider the commission a serious threat. "The end result," says Waxman, "would be a field day for corporate lobbyists."

The show features an unseen interrogator haranguing alleged insurgents for confessions. Virtually every press account notes that the suspects appear to have been beaten or tortured, their faces bruised and swollen. The London Guardian states "some have. robotic manners of those beaten and coached by police interrogators off-camera." The Boston Globe observed, "The neat confessions of terrorist attacks at times fit together so seamlessly as to seem implausible." And then there's the nature of the confessions. Many suspects admit to "drunkeness, gay orgies and pornography," according to the Guardian. The Financial Times reported that, "One long-bearded preacher known as Abu Tabarek recently confessed that guerrillas had usually held orgies in his mosques." Another preacher giving a confession says he was fired for "having sex with men in the mosque," the Globe account stated that suspects "frequently admit to rape and pedophilia."

The show is said to be popular, particularly among many Shiites and Kurds, which causes concern that depicting Sunni Arab nationalists as "thieving scumbags" could deepen communal strife. Political and religious leaders from the Sunni Arabs have denounced the show, calling for it to be pulled off the air.

The police commandos' penchant for tall tales caused them considerable embarrassment after they crowed about a major operation that killed more than 80 insurgents at a training camp along Lake Tharthar in Al Anbar on March 22. Within a day many discrepancies emerged-how many insurgents were killed, reports of more than 20 prisoners versus none, a number of different locations cited, many miles apart. The story fell apart after an AFP reporter visited the camp and still found 40 to 50 insurgents camped there.

Case 1
The donor was an 18-year-old boy killed in an automobile accident. The recipient was an 18-year-old girl diagnosed with endocarditis and subsequent heart failure.
The donor's father, a psychiatrist, said:
"My son always wrote poetry. We had waited more than a year to clean out his room after he died. We found a book of poems he had never shown us, and we've never told anyone about them. One of them has left us shaken emotionally and spiritually. It spoke of his seeing his own sudden death. He was a musician, too, and we found a song he titled "Danny, My Heart Is Yours"—the words about how my son felt he was destined to die and give his heart to someone. He had decided to donate his organs when he was 12 years old. We thought it was quite strong, but we thought they were talking about it in school. When we met his recipient, we were so...we didn't know, like, what it was. We don't know now. We just don't know."

The recipient reported:
"When they showed me pictures of their son, I knew him directly. I would have picked him out anywhere. He's in me. I know he is in me and he is in love with me. He was always my lover, maybe in another time somewhere. How could he know years before he died that he would die and give his heart to me? How would he know my name is Danny? And then, when they played me some of his music, I could finish the phrases of his songs. I could never play before, but after my transplant I began to love music. I felt it in my heart. My heart had to play it. I told my mom I wanted to take guitar lessons—the same instrument Paul [the donor] had played. His song is in me. I feel it a lot at night and it's like Paul is serenading me."

The recipient's father reported:
"My daughter, she was what you say....a hell-raiser. Until she got sick—they say from a dentist, they think—she was the wild one. Then she became quite quiet. I think it was her illness, but she said she felt more energy, not less. She said she wanted to play an instrument and she wanted to sing. When she wrote her first song, she sang about her new heart as her lover's heart. She said her lover had come to save her life."

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Caribeean holiday

-governors island
-homeland security

There has been great concern that genetically engineered crops might increase allergies or immune sensitivity in the population. Soon after Monsanto's genetically engineered soy was imported into the UK, for example, soy allergies skyrocketed by 50 percent. (No follow-up studies were conducted to confirm a link.) At a Russian press conference held on 11 December 2003, a group of scientists announced that the number of people with symptoms of allergy increased by three times over the past three years, and that the increased consumption of genetically engineered foods by the population might be the cause. Allergies are similarly on the rise in the U.S., where genetically engineered foods are eaten regularly.

In what may be the first experiment of its kind, scientists infected cell cultures with two related viruses. One was a genetically engineered poxvirus, (vaccinia virus (VIC) with a transgene from the influenza virus). The other was a naturally occurring relative of the first virus, isolated from Norwegian wildlife. Both were orthopoxviruses. The two viruses interacted and created many new hybrid viruses by recombination. The characteristics of some of the new viruses included traits not expressed in either parent virus. Some viruses, for example, spread faster than either parent, while others produced different, more serious cell culture changes. A single virus multiplied into hundreds of thousands of viruses in a few hours, with unpredictable consequences. Since the marker gene in the transgenic virus was not present in some of the newly formed hybrid viruses, it would not be possible to track transgenic viruses as the origin of the hybrids, if they were found in the wild.
In a second series of experiments, various mammalian cell lines were infected with avipoxviruses. In some cell lines, the avipoxviruses were able to perform full multiplication. This was previously considered to be impossible. The assumption that avipoxviruses were incapable of full multiplication was used as a basis for safety claims of vaccines using avipoxviruses.

Broccoli and red chili peppers may help fight cancer by slowing the growth of cancerous tumor cells, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday.
They may be especially helpful in hard-to-treat cancers such as pancreatic and ovarian cancer, the team at the University of Pittsburgh said.

In February, Schwarzenegger endorsed Congressional legislation authorizing the construction of a fence along California's border with Mexico. The proposal has sparked opposition from the state's Coastal Commission, as well as many environmentalists and Democrats.

In a statement, Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, D-Los Angeles, said Schwarzenegger's comments reflected badly on the state's "productive" relationship with Mexico.

"The Gov. should ratchet down his rhetoric and retreat from this narrow-minded approach to immigration policy," Nunez said. "Closing our borders to commerce and culture is an idea that comes from political extremists, not rational policy-makers."

A 10-year-old Bronx girl has died from flesh-eating bacteria, a rare and invasive form of the same bug that causes strep throat and scarlet fever.

A leaky aerosol chamber manufactured by the University of Wisconsin at Madison was responsible for three laboratory-acquired tuberculosis infections in a Seattle BSL-3 lab last year. The infections have not been made public until now. Nearly twenty Madison chambers exist across the US and in India, New Zealand, and Northern Ireland. While tuberculosis is not a biological weapons agent, the accident underscores the inherent dangers when working with dangerous disease agents, and the grave safety risks of the US biodefense program, which is encouraging more scientists to deliberately aerosolize bioweapons agents in Madison chambers and similar equipment.

The Minuteman Project in Arizona announced yesterday it will expand its operations, putting pressure on employers of illegals and setting up civilian border watches in four states.

Project spokesman Grey Deacon told WorldNetDaily the operation has been flooded with calls and e-mails from thousands of citizens across the country volunteering to serve.

Currently hundreds of volunteers, many legally carrying guns and waving flags, are keeping watch around the clock until the end of the month along a 23-mile stretch of border. The volunteers reportedly are intimidating illegal aliens with their presence and alerting the Border Patrol via cell phones or radios when they see people crossing.

Information will be encoded on the RFID tag, and also will be linked back to a database with details on warranty and part-replacement history to give the technician in the field the information quickly. The companies also will use bar codes alongside the RFID tags for supplemental information.
The test is a precursor to a mandatory tagging program that Boeing and rival Airbus SAS will require of their suppliers. The two are jointly working to write industry standards for the commercial aircraft sector because they use products from roughly 70% of the same suppliers.

The news about plastics has been pretty alarming lately, causing some of us to go dashing for the water bottles to see what kind of plastic they are -- and find out if we've been unwittingly poisoning our children and ourselves with chemicals leaching into the water from them.

Researchers also found that two-thirds of the 42 ships sampled carried potentially deadly organisms ñ including cholera and cryptosporidium ñ in ballast water tanks that were supposed to be empty and clean, The Muskegon Chronicle reported Tuesday.
In 1993, cryptosporidium from an unknown source contaminated Milwaukee's drinking water system, killing more than 100 people and making 400,000 others ill.

A week before she was killed by a suicide bomber, humanitarian worker Marla Ruzicka forced military commanders to admit they did keep records of Iraqi civilians killed by US forces.
Tommy Franks, the former head of US Central Command, famously said the US army "don't do body counts", despite a requirement to do so by the Geneva Conventions.
But in an essay Ms Ruzicka wrote a week before her death on Saturday and published yesterday, the 28-year-old revealed that a Brigadier General told her it was "standard operating procedure" for US troops to file a report when they shoot a non-combatant.
She obtained figures for the number of civilians killed in Baghdad between 28 February and 5 April, and discovered that 29 had been killed in firefights involving US forces and insurgents. This was four times the number of Iraqi police killed.
"These statistics demonstrate that the US military can and does track civilian casualties," she wrote. "Troops on the ground keep these records because they recognise they have a responsibility to review each action taken and that it is in their interest to minimise mistakes, especially since winning the hearts and minds of Iraqis is a key component of their strategy."

[Maybe the Israeli airforce should try staying in its own airspace.]

Moreover, say Israeli sources, even if the missiles remain in the hands of the Syrian army they could be a threat to Israeli planes, if they try flying into Syrian air space.

China's warning that the Vatican must stay of out China's "internal affairs" seems to be a veiled insistence that China will not allow the Vatican a formal role in the appointment of bishops and other clergy in China, which has been a cause of dispute.
China's 12 million Catholics are divided between those who belong to state-controlled official church that accepts the pope as a spiritual leader but not as the organizational head of the Chinese church, and those who worship with "underground" priests and bishops who recognize only the authority of the pope and spurn cooperation with the Chinese government.

What was the purpose of Donald Rumsfeld's visits to Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan last week?

There was no official statement on the agenda of the meetings with top Azerbaijan government officials.

But the very next day, the commander of NATO forces in Europe, General Johns, issued a statement in the local press saying that the U.S. planned to deploy military bases in the Caspian region in order to ensure regional security.

I have long been aware of the vicious, gratuitous sadism of rabbinical kosher slaughter of meat animals. The liberal activist group, People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, unlike such worthless, possibly sold-out outfits as the ASPCA, recently decided to do something about a particularly horrific situation at a slaughterhouse run by New York based, Lubavitcher-type rabbis in a small Iowa town.

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned on Thursday that unless lawmakers come to grips with spiraling U.S. deficits, the economy was at risk of stagnation "or worse."

The investigation began in July 2004 when police receive a complaint together with intelligence information that Yitzhaki had issued Israeli passports, making tens of thousands of dollars and accepting perks such as stays in luxury hotels.
Police detectives have collected evidence apparently showing that Yitzhaki had issued some 150 Israeli passports to people who were not entitled to them. The investigation was also a joint effort by the Foreign Ministry and Justice Ministry.

The Netherlands has discovered its first case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human variant of "mad cow disease", the government said on Thursday.
The interior ministry said in a statement a patient at a hospital in the central town of Utrecht had been diagnosed with the disease and said it had informed European authorities.

As for the dead floating in the Tigris, history serves (again) -this is appears to be a classic "psywar" tactic. "The deliberate (and nominally selective) use of terror in psychological operations," writes Michael McClintock, "figured prominently in the 1960s reassessment of Philippine tactics by the U.S. counterinsurgency establishment." McClintock, in his excellent gold mine of information on U.S. counterinsurgency (Instruments of Statecraft: U.S. Guerilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and Counterterrorism, 1940-1990), cites numerous examples of the "use of dead bodies" to terrorize potential resistance sympathizers and collaborators (that is to say, much of the civilian population). As McClintock notes, this macabre "psywar" tactic was a favorite of the French in Algeria. It was also put to use during the Hukbalahap rebellion, or simply the Huk rebellion (1946-54), in the Philippines

[The Space Brothers are comin to save us.]

On April 11th, 2005, an historic document was laid before a Special Sitting of the Federal Court of Canada in Edmonton, Alberta. This document, a Form 255 "Request To Admit" and its accompanying "Response To Request To Admit", were filed as part an application by an American family to remain in Canada as political refugees.
The Deppeller family (Don Deppeller, Toni Jannelli and Louise White) had made claims that they had been harassed and kept under surveillance because of their awareness of highly-classified US gov't. projects, and in a remarkable turn of events, their claims were actually corroborated by one of America's top scientists who worked on these projects. - one Dr. Dan Burisch, Phd., H-6196-Maj-E-(ret.), who admitted to certain facts that have been withheld from the public for over fifty years.

A familiar, if desperate media push is under way to convince the British people that the main political parties offer them a democratic choice in the general election on 5 May. This demonstrable absurdity became hilarious when Tony Blair, leader of one of the nastiest, most violent right-wing regimes in memory, announced the existence of "a very nasty right-wing campaign" to defeat him. If only it was that funny. If only it was possible to read the "ah but" tributes to a "successful" Labour government without cracking a rib. If only it was possible to read warmongers bemoaning the "apathy" of the British electorate without one's laughter being overtaken by the urge to throw up.

[Is this a real story? If so, this would easily be enough fake money to destroy the US currency.]

The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on Thursday said it has arrested two British nationals with $3 trillion fake US federal bank notes in their possession, DZMM reported.

A federal appeals court Thursday barred the public from arguments in the case of a fired FBI contractor who alleged security breaches and misconduct at the agency.

Sibel Edmonds' (search) lawsuit against the government was thrown out of a lower court when the Bush administration invoked the state secrets privilege, which allows the government to withhold information to safeguard national security.,2933,154094,00.html

The allegations were made by at least seven officials who have been interviewed by the committee staff (and leaked or otherwise provided to the press) as well as, in a public hearing, by Carl Ford, a conservative Republican and career intelligence official who, until recently, was assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research. They boil down to these: On at least five occasions, Bolton intimidated and tried to get fired intelligence analysts at the State Department and the CIA who disagreed with his views. A former official with the U.S. Agency for International Development wrote a letter to the committee stating that during one run-in with Bolton, while she was working on projects in Kyrgyzstan, he harassed her in a Moscow hotel lobby, banged on her door, then went to Kyrgyzstan and spread lies about her—saying she was being investigated for absconding with government funds—that nearly derailed her work. Several officials have claimed, though anonymously for now, that Bolton blocked official documents about Iran from moving up the chain of command to Colin Powell.

The British government has ordered a D-notice clampdown on details relating to the ricin terror ring story which was exposed as being fake last week.

Inside sources from the Guardian newspaper in London have confirmed that the reason the Guardian article 'The ricin ring that never was,' was removed from its website was due to a direct order from the government. Several other websites worldwide have also removed the article but it is still available on numerous websites, being one.

On Tuesday, the company sent an e-mail to customers announcing that it is implementing "a new compliance policy." Effective April 25, whenever a customer runs a background search on someone through the Rapsheets database for employment- or volunteer-screening purposes and the search unearths a criminal record for that person, Rapsheets will automatically notify the person and provide him or her with a copy of the background report and the name and address of the organization that requested it.

The move brings the company into compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, or FCRA, which requires background-checking services to either provide employers with the most-current information available from public records or to notify workers and job applicants when they are providing an employer with damaging information about them that is likely to affect their job prospects. FCRA does not require agencies to notify workers and applicants when they are providing an employer with out-of-date information that is unlikely to affect the individual's job prospects.,1848,67276,00.html

This war has put Jews in the showcase as never before. Its primary intellectual architects--Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith--are all Jewish neoconservatives. So, too, are many of its prominent media cheerleaders, including William Kristol, Charles Krauthammer and Marty Peretz. Joe Lieberman, the nation's most conspicuous Jewish politician, has been an avid booster, going so far as to rebuke his former partner Al Gore and much of his own party.

Then there's the "Jews control the media" problem. It's probably not particularly relevant that the families who own the Times and the Washington Post are Jewish, but let's not pretend this is so in the case of the Jewish owner-editors of, say, U.S. News & World Report and The New Republic. Mortimer Zuckerman is head of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and Peretz is unofficial chair of the American Arab Defamation Committee. Neither is shy about filling his magazine with news Jews can use.

To make matters worse, many of these Jewish hard-liners--"Likudniks" in the current parlance--appear, at least from a distance, to be behaving in accordance with traditional anti-Jewish stereotypes. Much to the delight of genuine anti-Semites of the left and right, the idea of a new war to remove Saddam was partially conceived at the behest of Likud politician Benjamin Netanyahu in a document written expressly for him by Perle, Feith and others in 1996. Some, like Perle, apparently see the influence they wield as an opportunity to get rich. What's more, many of these same Jews joined Rumsfeld and Cheney in underselling the difficulty of the war, in what may have been a ruse designed to embroil America in a broad military conflagration that would help smite Israel's enemies. Did Perle, for instance, genuinely believe "support for Saddam, including within his military organization, will collapse at the first whiff of gunpowder"? Is Wolfowitz really so ignorant of history as to believe the Iraqis would welcome us as "their hoped-for liberators"?

A conservative Republican senator who proposed that federal meteorologists be forbidden from competing with companies such as AccuWeather and the Weather Channel, has received nearly $4,000 from AccuWeather's founder and executive vice president since 2000, RAW STORY has discovered

The FBI and other law enforcement agencies are looking into incidents in which people masquerading as unannounced inspectors were found poking around three hospitals in Boston, Detroit and Los Angeles.

It must have been like that in the dying days of ancient Rome when a horse was appointed to the Senate and Nero was president ... er, emperor.

That's how the system really works. All the guff about law, democracy and morality is just cornball for the yokels back home -- and for the cannon fodder sent off to die in the elite's commercial and dynastic wars. The Labyrinth -- that knotted gut of blood and bile -- has poisoned us all.

Mowbray doesn't mention that Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin, the central figure in all this, is not Jewish. That would ruin the consistency of his narrative, which focuses on the ethnic victimology angle: clearly we are supposed to think that this is not an investigation into spying operations, in which a foreign power is given ready access to top secret documents, but a reenactment of Kristallnacht. Mowbray is an expert when it comes to this kind of whining: remember how he smeared General Anthony Zinni?

There have been a series of minor terrorist attacks by extremist wine producers in the French south in recent weeks, including dynamite attacks on three government offices and the hijacking and destruction of lorry-loads of wine

Meanwhile, Seidenberg's words drew a swift reaction from numerous technology blogs.

"Verizon CEO flames Wi-Fi and demanding customers" declared

"Shut Up And Pay, Peasant," blared a headline at

A blogger at laid out a more specific grievance: "If cellphone coverage can extend to subways in Europe, I should get at least 4 bars in a residential neighbourhood."

When Christina hit a tree, police moved in. The only problem was that she was not responding. Police feared Christina could take off at any moment and decided that she must be removed from the car.

     An officer then broke the window and what happened next is the source of controversy.

     The officer dragged Christina out of the car and pulled her along the pavement. Christina’s family claims the officer continued to use force evidenced, they say, by his lunging arm

Ecuadorean President Lucio Gutierrez was ousted by Congress on Wednesday after a week of increasingly violent protests in which he was accused of abusing his power by meddling with the country's top court.

Given all of this, at a minimum the CBOE and government regulators who are conducting the secret investigations have known for some time who made the options puts on a total of 38 stocks that might reasonably be anticipated to have a sharp drop in value because of an attack similar to the 9/11 episode. The silence from the investigating camps could mean several things: Either terrorists are responsible for the puts on the listed stocks or others besides terrorists had foreknowledge of the attack and used this knowledge to reap a nice financial harvest from the tragedy.

[So according to the FBI, bin laden is a US person?]

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that fights government corruption, announced today that it has obtained documents through the Freedom of Information Act (ìFOIAî) in which the Federal Bureau of Investigation (ìFBIî) has invoked privacy right protections on behalf of al Qaeda terror leader Osama bin Laden.  In a September 24, 2003 declassified ìSecretî FBI report obtained by Judicial Watch, the FBI invoked Exemption 6 under FOIA law on behalf of bin Laden, which permits the government to withhold all information about U.S. persons in ìpersonnel and medical files and similar filesî when the disclosure of such information ìwould constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.î (5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6) (2000))

In addition to turning a blind eye to the murderous activity of their informant, ICE officials in El Paso also obstructed the efforts of Mexican law enforcers seeking to apprehend Mexican state police officers who also were complicit in the homicides.

"What we have is the possibility of retrieving energy at a lower temperature with greater efficiency and lower environmental effects," Hu said.

 Meanwhile, Yingpan Man, a nearly perfectly preserved 2,000-year-old Caucasoid mummy, was allowed this month to leave China for the first time, and is being displayed at the Edo-Tokyo Museum.
    The Yingpan Man, discovered in 1995 in the region that bears his name, has a gold foil death mask -- a Greek tradition -- covering his blond bearded face, and wears elaborate golden embroidered red and maroon garments with seemingly Western European designs.

In the largest fine ever obtained by San Francisco antitrust prosecutors, a Korean company has agreed to plead guilty and pay $185 million for its role in a conspiracy to drive up the price of computer chips.

Hynix Semiconductor Inc. manufactures dynamic random access memory, which is used in everything from desktop computers to MP3 players to digital cameras. Hynix has a subsidiary in San Jose, Calif.

In the latest study, Dr Roth and his colleagues found that the mice stopped moving and appeared to lose consciousness within minutes of breathing the air and H2S mixture.

The animals' breathing rates dropped from the normal 120 breaths per minute to less than 10 breaths per minute.

During exposure their metabolic rates dropped by an astonishing 90%, and their core body temperatures fell from 37C to as low as 11C.

After six hours' exposure to the mixture, the mice were given fresh air. Their metabolic rate and core body temperature returned to normal, and tests showed they had suffered no ill effects.

POLITICAL foes of Peter Mandelson are demanding that he should explain why he spent New Year’s Eve on the yacht of a billionaire who is at the centre of a major EU investigation.

The European Trade Commissioner was forced to admit that he was a guest at a party thrown by Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft.

Details of Mr Mandelson’s Caribbean holiday emerged as the sleaze row deepened over European commissioners accepting free hospitality,,13509-1580068,00.html