Sunday, July 31, 2005

In a banner year for documentaries

When production chiefs from selected studios trooped to Icon Prods. headquarters after an invite to read the film Mel Gibson planned for summer 2006, they were surprised at the very first page of the script.

"The dialogue you are about to read will not be spoken in English."

Gibson, who last made the most successful Aramaic-language film ever, is at it again.

"Apocalypto" hardly fits the traditional definition of a summer film. Set 500 years ago, pic will be filmed in an obscure Mayan dialect, presumably with the same kind of subtitles Gibson reluctantly added to "The Passion of the Christ." It will star a neophyte cast indigenous to the region of Mexico where Gibson will shoot in October. And it likely will carry an R rating, unless Gibson tempers the onscreen depiction of violent scenes he wrote in his script.

A French court on Wednesday convicted and sentenced 62 people for taking part in a child prostitution ring engaged in the sexual abuse of children as young as six months.
Billed as the biggest child sex trial in France, 65 men and women were accused of taking part in a child prostitution ring, in which 45 children, aged from six months to 15 years, were raped or sexually assaulted between 1999 and 2002.

The government is investigating another possible case of mad cow disease, the Agriculture Department said Wednesday.
Testing indicated the presence of the disease in a cow that died on the farm where it lived, said John Clifford, the department's chief veterinarian. The department would not say where the farm was. The cow was at least 12 years old and died of complications during calving, Dr. Clifford said.

Cyberspace is becoming a new battleground for the United States and China, amid growing concerns about Chinese industrial espionage through various types of computer worms, security experts say.
At least one "Trojan horse" program used to steal files from infected computers has been traced to servers in China, providing further evidence that US companies may be targets, say analysts.

During a visit to London in March 23, 2000, former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev, referred to the emerging European Union (EU) as 'the new European Soviet.'
I point out that what Bush is implementing in this hemisphere is the same communist regional system (regionalism is communism) and can be similarly referred to as The New American Soviet. All regions being created internationally are modelled on The European Union.
"Dictatorship can be established only by a victory of socialism in different countries or groups of countries," after which there would be federal unions of the various groupings of these socialist countries, and the third stage would be an amalgamation of these regional federal unions into a world union of socialist nations. (quote courtesy of Prof. Dennis Cuddy)

India's financial capital was paralyzed Wednesday by the strongest rains ever recorded in Indian history, with torrential downpours — 37 inches in one day — marooning drivers, forcing students to sleep at school and snapping communication lines. At least 200 people died.

ran’s Bourse Council has given the go ahead to establishment of the first-ever oil, gas and petrochemical stock market in the Islamic Republic, a deputy minister of oil said.

Mohammad Javad Assemipur told PIN the national council has promised to lay the foundation for the oil, gas and petrochemical bourse

Therefore, there MUST be some 25 minutes continuous video of first four men, riding from Luton, then video of each (supposed) "Muslim" Bomber, seated with his rucksack on each of  the 3 separate Underground cars, riding from King's Cross - to where the 3 bombs exploded SIMULTANEOUSLY!

If the London Police CANNOT produce those videos they SHOULD possess, the accused 4 men, 3 supposedly with rucksack bombs, were NOT on the Underground train cars, did NOT detonate bombs! And the Police are LYING

Nearly 4 million children live with parents who had no jobs in the previous year, an increase of 1 million since the beginning of the decade, a national charity says.

That's 5 percent of all 72.5 million children living in the United States,1280,-5169908,00.html

In recent speeches and news conferences, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and the nation's senior military officer have spoken of "a global struggle against violent extremism" rather than "the global war on terror," which had been the catchphrase of choice. Administration officials say that phrase may have outlived its usefulness, because it focused attention solely, and incorrectly, on the military campaign.

“Over the past four years, consumer spending and residential construction have together accounted for 90% of the total growth in GDP. And over two-fifths of all private sector jobs created since 2001 have been in housing-related sectors, such as construction, real estate and mortgage broking.” (

You can also help us through a more hands-on approach. If you own, operate, or have legitimate access to color laser printers or color photocopiers, please print the eight test sheets provided below on each of the machines to which you have access and send them to EFF (see address below). If there are printing stores near where you live or work, please print the eight test sheets there and send them to us. Please also print a configuration page, which will tell us information about the printer. If you cannot obtain a configuration page, please obtain the name of the manufacturer, the model type, and, if you can, the serial number. Unfortunately, EFF cannot reimburse costs incurred in printing these documents. In the event that all eight test sheets cannot be printed, please try to print as many as you can. Please print or request printing of these test sheets on normal laser printer paper and in consecutive order based on their filenames' numbering. If you plan to send us more than one machine's test sheets, please keep them separated (preferably in folders) to prevent data mixing.

Two days before the London subway bombings, Fed Master Alan Greenspan flushed nearly $40 billion in liquidity into financial markets. The sudden activity was an astonishing departure from the current policy of tightening interest rates to stifle inflation. The Chairman has not explained his erratic behavior, but there’s growing speculation that Greenspan may have had information about the likelihood of terrorist attacks and decided to “preemptively” head off a run on the markets. As it turns out, his actions may have been a positive factor in stabilizing the market following the incident, (check out “Following the Money” by The Cunning Realist for more on the Fed’s unusual action) but that doesn’t address the larger issue of whether Greenspan had inside information that an attack was imminent.

Latinos are highly susceptible to the 'hunkyness' of a young P. Bush," said the scientist. "Everyone knows Latinos will blindly vote for any handsome darkskinned, Spanish speaking man muffin, which is why I have constantly urged Erik Estrada to get into politics. And to take Spanish lessons."

In a banner year for documentaries, Bush Family Fortunes is the most important. No American reporter has uncovered more big stories than Greg Palast, but his work mainly appears on the BBC and never seems to make its way into the corporate-owned media in the U.S. Bush Family Fortunes allows Americans to see the news they’ve been missing

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I mean, it’s a rat’s nest

The same Commercial Media mercenaries who spent recent years trying to convince the public that Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez is not popular (and therefore illegitimate) have now changed their tune. Gone are the days when the Juan Foreros of big media told us that “Mr. Chávez has… managed to rankle nearly every sector – from the church to the press to the middle class” as he did three weeks prior to the attempted 2002 coup in Venezuela. Win enough elections, and I guess that dog eventually don’t hunt. The new spin is that the man in the red beret is more dangerous than ever precisely because he is too popular, not only in Venezuela, but throughout América. Now it’s his “ideas” that must be stopped

Several months ago, an official Brazilian commission visited Vietnam. With the goal of “sharing information about resistance doctrine,” the commission composed of colonels and lieutenant-colonels visited Hanoi, Ho Chi Min City (formerly Saigon), and the Cu Chi Province, where 250 kilometers (150 miles) of underground tunnels constructed during the war with the United States still remain. On the Brazilian army’s webpage, Gen. Claudio Barbosa Figuereido, head of the Amazon Military Command, asserts that Brazil will face actions similar to those that have taken place in Vietnam, and now in Iraq, should the Amazon come into conflict:

The resistance strategy does not differ much from guerrilla warfare, and it is an option the army will not hesitate to adopt facing a confrontation with another country or group of countries with greater economic and military power.” He added, “The jungle itself should serve as an ally in combating the invader.”1 The news had little impact on the media, but it demonstrates that Brazil’s armed forces have their own strategic plans and that they see the United States as a potential military enemy.
On the other hand, Latin America is one of the most stable areas in the world, and few of its resources from the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are dedicated to the military budget, a mere 1.5%. This figures contrasts with the 4% of GDP dedicated to military spending by the European Union, 3% for the United States (which accounts for 47% of total military spending worldwide), and 12% for the Middle East. A good part of the current purchases and investment in armaments by various South American countries will cover nothing more than the renovation of war materials acquired in the 1960s, which have become useless and obsolete.

Another factor in what is now an adversarial relationship between the Chávez government and the Commercial Media is that Chávez didn’t just tax or criticize the media – he became the media. In 2000, Chávez started his own TV show – Alo Presidente! – and with a very different format than, say, the weekly radio monologues by George W. Bush in Washington or Vicente Fox in Mexico City. Every Sunday, on VTV - Venezolana de Televisión (Channel 8) – and Radio Nacional Venezolana (RNV) – Chávez brings all his cabinet secretaries into the studio (sometimes the show goes out into the provinces, too), as well as a live studio audience, and he takes phone calls from the public. If a caller mentions, say, a problem at a local school, Chávez then calls the Education Minister up on camera, asks him how the problem will be fixed, and comes back a week later to report how the problem was fixed

China believes the mystery illness that has killed 19 farmers in western China is streptococcus suis, a disease common in pigs

"The new bone actually has comparable strength and mechanical properties to native bone and since the harvested bone is fresh it integrates really well at a recipient site," she said.

In response to the public outcry over the preventable murder of Scott Gardner and the injury of his family by a drunk driving illegal alien arrested thrice before, Representative Sue Myrick has written the department of homeland security director Chertoff to demand an explanation as to why North Carolina has only 1 deportation officer .

NC has between 300-600 thousand illegal aliens and just one deportation officer. Many of these illegal aliens are moving in and out of our criminal justice system after murdering, raping, injuring, robbing, and stealing the identities of our legal citizens without deportation. In fact, many walk right back onto our streets after serving sentences in prison at taxpayer expense!

So what is shown on the 87 photographs and four videos from Abu Ghraib prison that the Pentagon, in an eleventh hour move, blocked from release this weekend? One clue: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told Congress last year, after viewing a large cache of unreleased images: "I mean, I looked at them last night, and they're hard to believe.” They show acts "that can only be described as blatantly sadistic, cruel and inhumane," he added.

But as Correspondent Scott Pelley reported last March, it's happening to many others. Some are taken to prisons infamous for torture. And a few may have been rendered by mistake.

One of the covert missions happened in Stockholm, and the details have touched off a national scandal in Sweden

"You know there was something else going on when that invasion took place. We had some target buildings we were given to destroy. The buildings weren't any type of military threat to us and we kind of looked around at each other and said 'What the hell is this all about?', but we followed orders and blew the buildings up. I really think that grabbing Noriega was a secondary reason for the invasion. There was something else going on."

He had a very puzzled look on his face at this point

The five men in Sunday's incident were quickly freed after police determined they were just tourists.

An Italian appeals court yesterday ordered the arrest of six additional CIA agents in connection with the disappearance of a radical Muslim cleric who was snatched from the streets of Milan two years ago, a prosecutor said.

The arrest warrants bring to 19 the number of CIA operatives being sought by Italian justice officials. None is believed to be in Italy now, and no one has been arrested in connection with the case.

Plenty of people manage to follow a particular faith with varying degrees of credence in the literal truth of its sectarian doctrine, and even to incorporate their beliefs into their daily lives, without hammering their neighbors over the head with the need to follow suit. That fails to satisfy many of the faithful, however, and they must raise the subject at every conversation, stubbornly insisting that their obsession become yours. This seems especially true among those who make a direct or indirect living off such discourse, as though they feel the need to practice their skills on every innocent victim who falls within earshot.

An article by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh last week in the New Yorker magazine reveals that the Bush White House authorized a highly classified covert program to funnel financial and material aid to its favored slate in the January 30 Iraqi elections, an operation that may have included ballot-stuffing and other means of directly manipulating vote totals.

Hersh’s exposé underscores both the bogus character of the “democracy” which the American government has established in Iraq and the severely eroded character of democratic forms of rule in the United States itself, where the Bush administration feels free to override legal restrictions, congressional oversight and even objections from within the military-intelligence apparatus itself.

This new religion, also a British import first seen in America in last half of the 19th Century, is distinct from traditional Christianity. Its adherents know they are different and refer to themselves by several names, including dispensationalist, which is adopted from the footnotes of the Scofield Reference Bible published and owned by the prestigious Oxford University Press. More recently Israel’s political leaders have dubbed them “Christian Zionists.”

It was all too much for Bob to think about. He continued going to work while Jordan stayed home, appreciating the “Attention to Detail Difference.” Eventually, Bob too would join Jordan before the Houston City Council to lament the mold and the rotting and how, according to the meeting’s minutes, “the builder knew of the problems and failed to disclose it.” Jordan had looked forward to a leisurely life taking care of her new house and writing memoirs, but when the builders would not fix the structure, and when no authority would compel them to do it, Jordan experienced, for the first time, an in-justice she could not endure. On a street corner near her house, the 59-year-old Republican began picketing for all she was worth.

“I mean, it’s a rat’s nest,” she says of the house, of Texas law, of the System,“and here I am, one grandmother with no money and no help.

Last week, some 500 British imams issued a fatwa

"At first, (almost) everything looks fine, but look closer... look at the guy with the white hat... check out his left arm (HIS left arm).... the lower of the rails of the railing is IN FRONT of his left arm... where of course it shouldn't be! I'm NO image specialist, but this sure looks ridiculous. I'd say it´s a fake."

The CLG has also inspected this image. "The white-hatted man was apparently superimposed onto the photo. Not only is his arm 'behind' a railing that is supposedly several feet behind HIM, but also, upon magnification in Photoshop, part of the bar actually goes into his head. This was 'touched-up,' but pixels of his head mix unmistakably with pixels from the railing." --Michael Rectenwald.

The state of Israel - which, the last time I checked, was both a foreign and a sovereign nation - wants the American taxpayers to cough up $2.2 billion in addition to our regular $3 billion-or-so annual subsidy to pay for the withdrawal from Gaza.
Unless the American people raise hell about this, it's a done deal. In Washington, whatever Israel wants, Israel gets. Nevertheless, there are several reasons why the American people should rebel at the latest brazen attack on our treasury by Israel and its American supporters

Lee Ruston, 32, who was on the platform, said that he did not hear any of the three shout "police" or anything like it. Mr Ruston, a construction company director, said that he saw two of the officers put on their blue baseball caps marked "police" but that the frightened electrician could not have seen that happen because he had his back to the officers and was running with his head down.

The vetting of recruits to Iraq's police force is so poor that many who join up have criminal records, are barely literate, or are members of the insurgency, a new US government report has concluded.
The report, compiled by Pentagon and state department officials and quoted in this week's Time magazine, said that while training for the new Iraqi police force had improved, there were still a number of serious problems.

The recent, unprecedented accidental deaths of eight North Atlantic right whales — at least six of which were female — have shaken the belief among experts that the endangered whales were almost on the road to recovery.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) yesterday released its Third National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, finding that more than 90% of U.S. residents carry a mixture of pesticides in their bodies. Many of these chemicals are linked to health effects such as cancer, birth defects and neurological problems. Children, who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of pesticide exposure, had higher levels of some pesticides in their bodies than adults

[As America stupidly runs itself into the ground, China is busy re-making the world in its own image. Dictators helping dictators- that’s life in the 21st century.]

President Robert Mugabe has an escape plan to rescue his country from collapse and, like everything else in Zimbabwe these days, it is made in China.
Zimbabweans now travel on Chinese buses, wear Chinese shoes and have an army equipped by China, while Mr Mugabe's bedroom is said to be decorated with midnight blue tiles imported from China.
The leader has arrived in Beijing for six days of talks in an attempt to turn his embrace of all things Chinese into an escape package to relieve an economic crisis threatening to engulf Zimbabwe

Modified genes from crops in a GM crop trial have transferred into local wild plants, creating a form of herbicide-resistant "superweed", the Guardian can reveal.
The cross-fertilisation between GM oilseed rape, a brassica, and a distantly related plant, charlock, had been discounted as virtually impossible by scientists with the environment department. It was found during a follow up to the government's three-year trials of GM crops which ended two years ago.
The new form of charlock was growing among many others in a field which had been used to grow GM rape. When scientists treated it with lethal herbicide it showed no ill-effects.
Unlike the results of the original trials, which were the subject of large-scale press briefings from scientists, the discovery of hybrid plants that could cause a serious problem to farmers has not been announced.

Telus has blocked access to a union-run website, claiming it posted confidential information and was attempting to harass and intimidate workers by publishing their pictures.

The Voices for Change site, operated by members of the Telecommunications Workers Union, has been effectively closed to all customers with or accounts

[Notice the dust blowing over from Afghanistan, full of uranium. Try to hold your breathe.]

An Iraqi government newspaper said Saturday that toppled President Saddam Hussein was expected to be sentenced and executed within weeks.
      The government-financed al-Sabah daily quoted unidentified sources close to a special court hearing Saddam's case that the verdict will be issued in the next three weeks against the former leader and his top former aides.
      The sources said they expected the first death penalty against the former regime officials to be handed to Saddam after the special court convicts him on 12 charges of "crimes against humanity."
      The court last week completed its questioning of Saddam over his role in the alleged killing of 150 residents from al-Dujail by the security forces of his regime after a foiled assassination attempt against Saddam in the area in 1992

[This explains how he was able to fly a train into Big Ben so expertly.]

Police are investigating whether one of the July 7 suicide bombers obsessively used flight simulators to practise flying passenger planes.

Germaine Lindsay is listed as a "pilot" with a web-based group of flying enthusiasts who operate virtual copies of genuine airline schedules

I sincerely wish more Americans could have attended the Freedom 21 conference in Reno a couple weeks ago. I was there on July 15th and had an encouraging discussion with one of the un-sung heroes out there, Dr. Michael Coffman. There is a new DVD you can obtain titled Taking Liberty that is a comprehensive presentation of the lower 48 states, region by region showing the complete destruction of private property and where we will be in a few short years if we the people - not the hookers who serve in Congress and our state legislatures - don't stop it now

[A little poetry]
Like the World Trade Towers
They were led through the tunnel
Initial experiments were carried out
The dollar slumped against the yen
Boxun Description Of Ebola In China
I also made up patients
one would expect outrage and condemnatio n
your air passenger rights
only about 500 chicks left
But the cure proved useless against canker

While discussing last week s terror attacks on CNN, Sen. Dianne Feinstein appeared to heap blame on Muslim clerics, urging them to issue fatwa after fatwa denouncing jihad and denouncing terror . She claimed that mosques have become enablers with few leading imams if any , saying, Enough of this. Stop! This is not Islam. No doubt, Feinstein is well-intentioned but she is also, unfortunately, grossly misinformed.

Last week, some 500 British imams issued a fatwa prohibiting suicide bombing and the killing of innocents, while Sheikh Al-Azhar Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, considered a high authority for the world s one billion Sunni Muslims, has repeatedly condemned terrorism in all its forms.§ion=0&article=67507&d=26&m=7&y=2005

Monday, July 25, 2005

Like the World Trade Towers

In the news lately, there has been considerable material about 100 Ghz+ active denial weapons. It's time to take the mystery out of these new toys.
What does the military exist for? Not security, and not take you to the store when your car won't run. There are three reasons it exists: 1. Kill 2. Kill 3. Kill. Although we have called it the "Defense Dept." for almost a century, our dictator should be renaming it. Based on his new policy of strike-first-and-don't-ask-questions-later, it now should now be called the "Offense Dept." Remember The fall of 2001? Now, not September 11 but the speech that came shortly after it:: "You're either with us, or with the terrorists." He never told who "us" is. With that in mind, we need to always remember that we have been declared the enemy. As we are now the enemy of the very government that uses our tax money to attack us (?) we need to know how to protect ourselves. And be protected from all their toys.

Discover how much federal debt is attached to your property and real estate by writing the Department of the Interior and requesting an accounting of what portion of the federal debt is attached to your property. To motivate them, tell them you want to pay off the debt in full. Borrow the FRN©ˆs if necessary to discharge the debt in full, OR offer to "pay" the debt in full with gold/silver (they will refuse to accept).

Now, you can sue the title insurance company for treble damages for not revealing the hidden federal lien when you purchased the property and real estate in the first place. They failed to perform on their end of the contract. They will likely settle out of court.

This lien must be satisfied, paid or released to own equitable title to your property and real estate free and clear, as well as any outstanding bank mortgages. Then notify the County Tax Assessor that the taxes (i.e., liens) have been satisfied in full, so please take us off the tax rolls forever.

Lien and Debt Release Process

1) there's a federal lien on all property and real estate.

2) discover how much debt is attached to your property.

3) borrow the FRN's if necessary to discharge the debt in full, OR "pay" the debt in full with gold/silver (they will refuse to accept).

4) sue the title insurance company for treble damages for not revealing the federal lien when you purchased the property and real estate in the first place.

5) notify the County Tax Assessor that the property tax has been paid in full - send no more bills

In the foothills above town, there is a village unlike any other in Hawaii. It's called Pu'uhonua o Waimanalo ("Refuge of Waimanalo"), a community of 80 native Hawaiians living communally on 45 acres. If Waimanalo is a stronghold of Hawaiian sovereignty, the village is its spiritual center.

Some people refer to it as "Bumpy's town," named after the 300-pound, tattooed, activist ex-con who negotiated the village into existence — wrangling with the state's most powerful politicians — more than a decade ago.,0,6418237.story?coll=la-home-headlines

An unidentified illness has killed 17 farmers and sickened 41 in southwestern China after they butchered sick pigs or sheep, China's official news agency said Sunday.

Those affected had symptoms including high fever, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, and "became comatose later with bruises under the skin," Xinhua news agency said.

China officially claimed that bird flu in Qinghai is not H5N1, but a new type. "It is much more dangerous than H5N1", according to this official report released today.

In an unconfirmed news on May 25 2005, released by Boxun, it stated that the bird flu in Qinghai is a new form of virus rather than H5N1, "its symptom is slightly different from H5N1, but it can resist high temprature, faster to show symptoms and more likely to transfer".

In a series of reports (released but not unconfirmed by Boxun), it claimed to have people dead of this virus, but this claim has been denied by the government. (

Roll Call Vote. Get ready to, well, throw up. When we call the Legislature "lemmings" we're not kidding.

The first item, 7050-0005, gave the Department of Education $75,000 and ordered it to use it for bogus "suicide prevention" and "anti-violence" programs run by homosexual activists (NOT legitimate medical people). 

The second item, 4590-0250, gave an additional $100,000 of your money to the "Governor's Commission for Gay and Lesbian Youth" to use as they want for homosexual programs in the public schools.

Like most of the other override votes over the last few weeks, every Democrat, including our "pro-family" friends (except Phil Travis on the second vote), voted "YES". They just blindly followed the party line -- in effect selling out your kids to the homosexual lobby.

There was clearly a heated discussion which, according to one of Parker's lawyers, also involved issues surrounding discovery.  On August 2, Parker and his lawyers will find out if the state intends to cooperate with his discovery-related requests.

Parker also holds that the school cannot allow adults to introduce topics of homosexuality and transgenderism to his 6-year-old son without notifying him and allowing him to exclude his child.

Our analysis: It's probably a safe assumption that the judge and the district attorney just want all this aggravation and the media spotlight to go away. But on the other hand, they can't just let Parker off without angering the militant pro-homosexual lobby that insists parents like him must be punished for speaking out. They're caught in the middle, and it's not fun. And David Parker is standing tall.

We'll find out more on August 2, 9:00 pm, Concord District Court.

Sunday, July 24, 2005 at 15:42:05 UTC

The cold blooded murder of  Jean Charles de Menezes, in the Stockwell underground was no accident. London Metropolitan Police had approved a policy of "shoot to kill":

 "a controversial tactic deployed only in the most extreme circumstances but one police have been preparing to use for the last two weeks.".

The shoot to kill policy was undertaken under the auspices of "Operation Kratos", named after the mythical Spartan hero. It was carried out by the London Metropolitan's elite SO19 firearms unit often referred to as the Blue Berets. The latter are described as the equivalent to the US SWAT teams, yet in this particular case, they were not wearing uniforms.

The "Letter of 5,000", sent three weeks ago, branded Judaism "anti-Christian and inhumane" and accused believers of "committing ritual murders".

It warned of a "hidden campaign of genocide against the Russian people and their traditional society and values", and was backed with quotes from anti-Semitic literature from the 19th century.

When a conspiracy is unraveling, and it's every liar and his lawyer for themselves, the story takes on a momentum of its own. When the conspiracy is, at its heart, about the White House's twisting of the intelligence used to sell the American people a war - and its desperate efforts to cover up that flimflam once the W.M.D. cupboard proved bare and the war went south - the story will not end until the war really is in its "last throes."

Only 36 hours after the John Roberts unveiling, The Washington Post nudged him aside to second position on its front page. Leading the paper instead was a scoop concerning a State Department memo circulated the week before the outing of Joseph Wilson's wife, the C.I.A. officer Valerie Plame, in literally the loftiest reaches of the Bush administration - on Air Force One.

[onwards to the third world!]

He said the death of Jean Charles de Menezes was a "tragedy", but admitted more people could be shot as police hunt suspected suicide bombers.

Federal agents armed with a search warrant shut down Free Radio 96.9 FM, the self-proclaimed oldest-running and most notorious unlicensed radio broadcaster in San Diego, in a midmorning raid yesterday.

About a dozen armed agents – some wearing shirts with the initials FCC, for Federal Communications Commission – served the warrant in South Park about 10 a.m. They seized amplifiers, computers, a transmitter and other equipment that effectively knocked the station off the air, witnesses said.

According to CEPD estimates, if trends follow their current patterns, the population in Taiwan will experience a negative growth rate beginning in 2017.

        The paper, which favors new population policies geared toward fertility promotion but fails to address consistent childcare measures, sparked criticism from women's rights groups in Taiwan, which argued that the government's proposals are far from responsible.

Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's image-conscious prime minister, has urged his party chief in Sicily to follow his example and have a hair transplant in a novel attempt to prevent defeat at the next election.

Suicide is the main cause of death among young adults in China, the state media said yesterday in a report that highlights the growing pressures to succeed in love, work and education in one of the world's fastest changing societies.
Increasing stress, loneliness and a lack of medical support for depression are thought to have contributed to an annual suicide toll that is estimated at 250,000 people a year.

The burning usually occurs when chicken litter in intensive or free range farms becomes damp from water spills, leaking roofs or bird diarrhoea. The water releases ammonia from chicken waste which burns their skin.

"Find a major attraction," wrote Jim Hogan, "operating hopelessly in the red, just sold for 100% more than it was worth, insurance clasue for terrorism, located near an urban area, and you have a prime site for an "attack." This is modern refinancing as discovered by a group of citizens activists in Boston. They went to the City of Boston with a list of apartment building that they pedicted would burn to the ground based upon ownership turnover and appraisal price increases. The city ignored the group. Buildings burned. When corned by one woman whose husband was burned to death, an 'owner' explained to her that she had to understand, "This is modern refinancing."
Like the World Trade Towers. The more one looks closely at the WTC "attack" the less one sees a terrorist attack and the more one recognizes an urban renewal project with a huge insurance payout, catastrophic collateral damage suitable for a false flag operation, which would allow blaming a country possessing huge reserves of a coveted natural resource--oil.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

They were led through the tunnel

A newly declassified CIA training manual details torture methods used against suspected subversives in Central America during the 1980s, refuting claims by the agency that no such methods were taught there.

"Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual -- 1983" was released Friday in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by The Sun on May 26, 1994.

The CIA also declassified a Vietnam-era training manual called "KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation -- July 1963," which also taught torture and is believed by intelligence sources to have been a basis for the 1983 manual.

At least 45 people have been killed and more than 130 wounded in a string of explosions in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, police said.

The news this morning that a 'suspected suicide bomber' had been shot dead at a London train station and that other house raids had resulted in individuals being shot to death by police has been received with barely a mumur of questioning as to who these individuals were and why police needed to use deadly force.

Reuters is now quoting Sky News in saying that the man shot five times at Stockwell was not one of the would-be suicide bombers who attempted to detonate bombs on Thursday and whose CCTV photos have been released.

Fifteen days later, on July 17th, a plane from Dyncorp passed only once to fumigate La Luna. That was enough to provoke a complete disaster. Some days ago, I saw the rushes of a second movie we have made on the Kogis.
Now, La Luna is like some places in Asia after the tsunami... I could not believe it.
The Kogis took five years to regenerate the soil, now they will have to wait, at least, five more years to replant. Everything is contaminated and the streams are dry because there are no more trees to retain water. What are they going to eat? What are they going to drink? Where to go? Tchendukua's director in Santa Marta organized some time ago with the Kogis and the farmers around, the eradication of coca by hand. There was no coca in La Luna.
It is impossible that your sophisticated planes are unable to detect Indians villages.
In the movie there is a scene with a Kogi shaman sitting in front of his house, in the middle of the devastation. He is crying.
This image is unbearable and it will remain in my memory forever. Yes, Mr. Bush, an image can turn people really angry.

The bottom line is that today's move, while small and barely noticed, coincides with the beginning of phase two of the gold bull market. Phase one was all about gold's inverse correlation with the Dollar. Phase two began earlier this summer when gold broke off its like to the Euro price and started to rise in every currency. The adult citizens of China, all one billion of them, have recently been given the freedom to own gold. Now the government is actually encouraging them to purchase gold as a form of savings. As the Yuan strengthens against the Dollar and other currencies, gold becomes cheaper for the Chinese to buy. We have long known that the day of revaluation was coming, now that it is here, the light says "green" for gold.

US federal agents have shut down an elaborate 360ft drug-smuggling tunnel dug underneath the US-Canadian border - the first such passageway discovered between the countries.
Five people were arrested on marijuana trafficking charges in this town about 90 miles north of Seattle, the US Attorney for the Western District of Washington, John McKay, said.
The tunnel runs from a prefabricated hut on the Canadian side and ends under the living room of a home on the US side, 300ft from the border. Built with lumber, concrete and metal reinforcing bars, the passageway had lights and ventilation, and ran underneath a highway. "They were smart enough to build a sophisticated tunnel. They weren't smart enough to not get caught," Mr McKay said

Police say the man they shot dead at a London Underground station was a Brazilian national "not connected" with this week's attempted bombings on the city's transit system.

London police identified the man as 27-year-old Jean Charles de Menezes.

The murder of an Asian man

A lot of people have noted the execution of an Asian man in London as recounted by witness Mark Whitby to the BBC (my emphasis in bold):

"'I saw an Asian guy. He ran on to the train, he was hotly pursued by three plain clothes officers, one of them was wielding a black handgun.

'He half tripped... they pushed him to the floor and basically unloaded five shots into him," he told BBC News 24.

'As [the suspect] got onto the train I looked at his face, he looked sort of left and right, but he basically looked like a cornered rabbit, a cornered fox.

'He looked absolutely petrified and then he sort of tripped, but they were hotly pursuing him, [they] couldn't have been any more than two or three feet behind him at this time and he half tripped and was half pushed to the floor and the policeman nearest to me had the black automatic pistol in his left hand.

'He held it down to the guy and unloaded five shots into him."

Pursued by a group of men without uniforms, at least one of who has a gun, who wouldn't run? The authorities will claim they had to shoot him as they were afraid he was going to set off a bomb, but since they had him under surveillance, why did they let someone they suspected of carrying a bomb onto a crowded subway train? Did they want him to set off a bomb? It is also highly unlikely that the police would put themselves in that much risk by getting close to him if they really thought he had a bomb he could trigger (watch for them to be lauded as 'heroes').

It is important in creating this kind of strategy of tension to have all the gory details immediately shown to the target community. This will create the anger which will either lead to retaliation or to a plausible claim that retaliation has occurred once the next attack takes place. Thus the violence is rapidly ratcheted up. People like Rudy and Bibi will be around to offer expertise on how to deal with the problem, expertise which can be sold for a lot of money, and which will only make the problem worse.

It appears that the Israeli technical advice involved in Operation Kratos is already in full force, and it is even possible that this whole incident, with so many duds, was just a training exercise for the British police. Asking Israel for advice on how to deal with this problem is particularly funny. I understand why Israel does what it does: it wants to create terrorism so it can use its state terrorism in 'self defense' to eventually drive the Palestinians off the Occupied Territories. But why would the British want to go down this sorry road? With each incident the problem is made worse, and it will take years and years to undo the damage. The domestic security measures taken to attempt to deal with the insecurity, up to an including murdering people who wear coats too heavy for the weather, make life worse for everybody (and the British problems just helped the Americans make the Patriot Act a permanent affront to American civil liberties). Wouldn't it be easier to get rid of Tony, pull out of Iraq, take some steps to alleviate the plight of the Palestinians, and start the process of mending bridges with the Muslim community? Is fighting the 'war on terror' so much fun that it is worth living in fear for the rest of your life?

The city of Oakland has agreed to pay half a million dollars to settle a lawsuit filed by an anti-war protester who was injured when police fired wooden dowels and rubber balls during an April 2003 demonstration.

The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," he said.

They were led through the tunnel to the platform at Aldgate, which was just a few hundred yards away, and taken out of the station to wait for an ambulance.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Initial experiments were carried out

Gun control campaigners such as Bratton display a mentality that is unbelievably unfathomable. Actual recorded statistics as well as true historic references and their analysis consistently show an armed populace as a serious retardant to criminal activity, which in turn promotes a sharp decline in crime and the resultant reduction in murders committed against police

A Delaware brewer with a penchant for exotic drinks recently concocted a beer similar to one brewed in China some 9,000 years ago.

Sam Calagione of the Dogfish Head brewery in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, used a recipe that included rice, honey, and grape and hawthorn fruits. He got the formula from archaeologists who derived it from the residues of pottery jars found in the late Stone Age village of Jiahu in northern China

They won't be leaping tall buildings in a single bound, but Japan's growing number of elderly may someday have a new lease of life that allows them to care for themselves -- and maybe even pump a little iron.

As the country's population ages rapidly and its workforce shrinks, care workers may be hard to come by, so researchers are trying to develop the ultimate personal care givers: robots.

"Unlike the United States or Europe, Japan is reluctant to allow in cheap foreign labourers," said Takashi Gomi, president of Canada-based Applied AI Systems, whose company has developed a prototype of an "intelligent" wheelchair that can move around on its own and sense obstacles to avoid them.

"I don't think this will change easily in the next 20 to 30 years, so robots are about the only solution," said Gomi, a Canadian researcher born in Japan

On one of the Earth's most remote islands, mice have learned, and are apparently teaching each other, how to attack and kill bird chicks that are 200 times their size.

US chemicals giant DuPont is facing a lawsuit accusing the company of failing to warn consumers about the health hazards of Teflon non-stick coatings.
Two Florida law firms said they were filing the suit on behalf of 14 people who bought and used Teflon cookware

One of the suspected "masterminds" behind the attacks, Egyptian Magdy el Nashar, challenged officials to find any credible evidence to implicate him. It seems they have failed as he has been cleared of involvement by Egyptian authorities.

Simple chemical tests would narrrow the options still further. And mass spectrographic analysis could not only identify the explosive, but can even potentially tell how it was manufactured -by identifying contaminants in the explosives.
It is hard to imagine how it would take more than 24hrs. to be pretty certain, maybe 48hrs. to be definitive.
It's been just two weeks

"...Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been on his way to a London hotel near the scene of one of the four blasts that ripped through the city today, said Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom.

Netanyahu was the scheduled keynote speaker at an Israeli corporate investment conference at the Great Eastern hotel near the Liverpool Street subway station..."

July 8, 2005 - "...Giuliani was having breakfast at the Great Eastern Hotel a half block from the Liverpool Street Station in Central London, when he heard an explosion, according to his spokeswoman Sunny Mindel...",0,612860.story?coll=nyc-homepage-breaking2

"It is a shame that a recent official letter of condolence over the bombings from the Iranian embassy in London and condemnations by Iranian government spokesmen in Tehran have been followed by such irresponsible statements," the spokesman said.;_ylt=Aha4auf_GM6q5wPMB2Bj6fkDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

What we are witnessing is an insurgency arising to take back Washington from the occupiers. It is a two-pronged legal assault, launched from within the FBI and the Department of Justice by patriotic Americans who mean to take back their country from the invader. That is the meaning of the Plame investigation and the AIPAC-Larry Franklin spy case. The battlefield is not Baghdad, it's an American courtroom: the weapon of choice is not the RPG but the subpoena. As the prosecutor-insurgents inch slowly toward the White House, occasionally scoring direct hits inside the Green Zone, the panic begins to spread: talk of "staying the course" is tempered by hints of negotiations and rumors of withdrawal. Donald Rumsfeld tells us that the Iraqi insurgency could last a decade or more, but the Washington version is likely to end much sooner – in a clear victory for the insurgents

Chinese and Indian investments in countries and regions of US concern include India's multi billion dollar project to pipe in Iranian gas via Pakistan - a plan criticised this month by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; billion-dollar investments by India's main oil and gas enterprise in far-flung projects that include Syria - accused by Washington of failing to prevent insurgents from crossing its border into Iraq and of suppressing democracy in Lebanon. India has also signed a pipeline deal with gas-rich Myanmar's hard-line military junta.

Tomorrow, Thursday, July 21, 2005, Senator Bruce Tarr is holding a news conference in front of the State House at 11:30 AM to introduce to the media a significant alternative fuels bill for the Commonwealth. The bill will apparently be filed on Friday.

Of particular note, this bill was developed in close consultation with the Senate President, Robert E. Travaglini, who is also apparently co-sponsoring the legislation. This will facilitate its timely introduction to the floor of the Senate and ultimately its passage.

The purpose of this quick note is to provide a heads up on the news conference and the legislation, both of which were firmed up only this afternoon. Note that Hydrogen is specifically mentioned as one of the alternative fuels covered by the bill. Also note that the Mass Maritime is receiving some project monies to support the powering of a fuel cell tug boat and a land-based hydrogen energy storage syst6em.

Provided below is a summary of the major points of the bill. For more information, and to receive an electronic copy of the legislation as it currently stands, please contact Brad Bradshaw (978) 232- 0080 -

Please let the Hydrogen Coalition know of specific recommendatinos that you might have with respect to strengthening the hydrogen and fuel cell industry in Massachusetts with respect to this bill. I was told by Senator Tarrs' office that opportunities remain for making suggested adjustments to this legislation.

Fonda didn't have a clue. Ho Chi Minh's ideological warriors were staging Miller's drama because they saw it as "agitprop" against America. The protagonist is a corrupt American manufacturer who causes American pilots to die when he deliberately sells faulty equipment to the U.S. Armed Forces. First produced in 1947, it was given a vigorous thumbs-up by the Communist Daily Worker, which hailed Miller as a "leading figure" in a new generation of playwrights. It has been much admired in Red circles ever since. Death of A Salesman, another terrific punch tossed at the American way of life, became a favorite of the left as well.

Here is the translation of the email messages:
"Hey, are we going to war? Something's not right. I can see many armoured vehicles and soldiers with guns on the road. I can ever hear planes in the air. Rumor has it that they're from Yushu (i believe that this's a location, but i'm not sure which) Can someone please clarify what's happening?"

Initial experiments were carried out on a small piece of human fingernail measuring 2 x 2 x 0.4 mm3. The writing system comprises a Ti:Sapphire oscillator and Ti:Sapphire amplifier. Pulses of less than 100 fs at 800 nm are then passed through a microscope and focused to three set depths (40, 60 and 80 microns) using an objective lens.

The dollar slumped against the yen

A man widely reported to have been the 'mastermind' behind the London attacks by slipping into Britain was an innocent Pakistani who happened to have a similar name to that of someone suspected to be an al-Qa'ida leader

A cluster of BSE is being investigated by scientists who fear that contaminated feed is still being given to British cattle, nearly 10 years after it was banned.
The cluster involving three young cows born long after the 1996 ban on contaminated feed is believed to have been found on a dairy farm in England. It is only the second such cluster of young BSE cases.

A new Canadian study that found pedophiles have a strong tendency to be left-handed could help change decades of thinking about such sexual deviants -- and lead to new ways of combating the problem, says one of the researchers behind it.
Most experts have theorized that pedophiles are motivated by psycho-social factors such as their early upbringing or sexual history, and treatment has responded accordingly.
But the study published this month in Archives of Sexual Behaviour indicates there is a strong neurological factor, perhaps triggered by birth defects, that one day might be prevented.

Here's the key quotation: -- "A couple of weeks ago, the British press reported that Her Majesty's cabinet is considering a plan to ration energy consumption. The immediate reason for implementing such a system is to reduce the UK 's emission of greenhouse gases as required by the Kyoto Treaty. The plan's authors, however, claim that if the proposal works, it will deal equally well with equitably allocating dwindling energy supplies caused by peak oil."

-weapons-program development sites. Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of terrorism directed against the United States. Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing - that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack- but no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections.

China's military put its new guided missile destroyers on display last week, disclosing its two new warships that are equipped with Aegis-type battle management systems.

Two new Luyang II guided missile destroyers are part of China's naval builduup.

The two Luyang II guided missile destroyers are Beijing's first Aegis-type ships. The ships are currently undergoing sea trials.

U.S. intelligence officials say China stole the technology for the Aegis battle management system by setting up a front company in the United States that became a subcontractor for the Aegis system manufacturer.

An Army report says that the majority of the American soldiers in Iraq reported morale problems, with psychological stress weighing heavily specially among National Guard and Reserve troops.

Fifty-four per cent of the U.S. occupying soldiers in Iraq, questioned as part of an Army survey, stated that morale in their individual units was either "low" or "very low".

US INVESTIGATORS, including CIA agents, will be allowed interrogate Irish citizens on Irish soil in total secrecy, under an agreement signed between Ireland and the US last week.

Suspects will also have to give testimony and allow property to be searched and seized even if what the suspect is accused of is not a crime in Ireland.

SYRIA said today its border troops had been fired on by US and Iraqi forces and accused Washington, London and Baghdad of lack of cooperation in preventing insurgents infiltrating into Iraq.
It was the first time Syria, which has a 600km desert border with Iraq, had reported cases of US troops firing on its forces.

The Foreign Ministry told heads of diplomatic missions in Damascus in a letter obtained by Reuters that Syrian border troops had been subject to attacks "not only by infiltrators and smugglers but by the Iraqi and American forces",10117,16011506-23109,00.html

Key points
• 28,000 pacemakers worldwide suffering quality control problem
• Seals can degrade, causing moisture to build up and the pacemaker to fail
• Many fitted with device face difficult decision on how best to proceed

The N.Y.P.D. turns out to have some advantages, when it comes to counterterrorism work, over the federal agencies traditionally responsible for doing it. For instance, in the languages considered critical to counterterror work today—Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, and so on—the N.Y.P.D. has deeper resources than the Feds. That’s partly because New York is a city of immigrants. When the police department’s leaders decided, in the wake of the September 11th attacks, to get serious about doing counterterrorism—to start doing it at a level, certainly, that no American city had ever attempted—they looked into the rank and file and found there a wealth of language expertise. There were literally thousands of officers, many of them originally from the Middle East, who were native-level speakers of dozens of foreign languages. A lot of those people were writing parking tickets—and a lot of them were ready to get into something more challenging. The N.Y.P.D.’s employment-application form now lists sixty languages that the department is interested in.

Another structural advantage that the N.Y.P.D. has is simply its size—it’s almost twice the size of the F.B.I., for instance. Paradoxically, the N.Y.P.D. seems to be far more nimble, institutionally, than its federal counterparts. The Administration’s efforts to reform our national-security agencies since the catastrophic failures that allowed the 9/11 attacks to succeed—I’m talking about the creation of the Homeland Security Department, as well as the attempts to radically restructure both the F.B.I. and the C.I.A.—have been, so far, a disheartening spectacle. You start to wonder if we’re dealing with bureaucracies that are so dysfunctional they’re simply impervious to reform. The reorganization of the N.Y.P.D., by contrast, has been fast, fairly smooth, and basically self-driven. You get the sense that the N.Y.P.D., big as it is, can practically turn on a dime. David Cohen, who is the N.Y.P.D.’s Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence, spent thirty-five years at the C.I.A.—he rose to become director of operations there—and he told me, “The N.Y.P.D. is on a hair trigger. The air gap between information and action is the shortest I’ve ever experienced.” He said that he and Kelly started talking about stationing N.Y.P.D. officers overseas, but when he, Cohen, tried to bring up the idea, which he thought was pretty interesting, the following week, Kelly cut him off by saying, “Didn’t we already decide that?” In virtually no time, the N.Y.P.D. had detectives stationed in France, Britain, Israel, Canada, and Singapore, filing daily reports. It wasn’t as if there was any blueprint for these kinds of deployments. It simply got done.

The dollar slumped against the yen in heavy trading on Thursday after China abandoned its dollar peg in favor of a basket of currencies to manage the yuan.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Boxun Description Of Ebola In China

Malaysia 'teapot cult' attacked

The large teapot dominates Ayah Pin's Sky Kingdom

Arsonists have attacked the base of a small inter-faith sect in Malaysia called the Sky Kingdom.

At a cocktail reception to open "Civil War Medicine," a new exhibit at the ever-so-curious William P. Didusch Center for Urologic History, located in the Baltimore suburbs, onlookers quietly groan as a Civil War surgeon tosses a Union soldier's amputated arm into the piles of bloody body parts littering the floor.

According to Jean Carper's Food: Your Miracle Medicine, aspartame increased migraine frequency in more than 50 percent of the migraine patients who participated in the study. Additionally, Carper writes, "[The test subjects'] headaches lasted longer and some subjects experienced an increase in 'unusual symptoms' during aspartame-inspired headaches, such as dizziness, shakiness and diminished vision."

Can any of you tell me what are the odds against a so-called "suicide-bomber" ending up blowing himself and a bus up; when the bus had been diverted from its normal route and ended up "lost" in Tavistock Square; right outside Fortress GB in Tavistock House, and that the "blood of the sacrificed" would end up spattered right on the two doorposts and lintel of the entrance to the original Tavistock Clinic from where the Tavistock Institute emanated, like a Satanic "passover" ritual?

"It's just crazy to make the pipeline go through the leopards' habitat," he says. "We've proposed other routes that would be better for the people of Primorye region and for the leopard."

Beyond the initial construction work, Sergei is also concerned about plans to build a terminal in the pristine bay at Perevoznaya. The water here is shallow and the winds strong, so local scientists calculate oilspills from tanker traffic are a real risk. Russia's only marine reserve is just a few miles out to sea.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has collected at least 3,500 pages of internal documents in the last several years on a handful of civil rights and antiwar protest groups in what the groups charge is an attempt to stifle political opposition to the Bush administration.

    The F.B.I. has in its files 1,173 pages of internal documents on the American Civil Liberties Union, the leading critic of the Bush administration's antiterrorism policies, and 2,383 pages on Greenpeace, an environmental group that has led acts of civil disobedience in protest over the administration's policies, the Justice Department disclosed in a court filing this month in a federal court in Washington.

Irrespective of geographic location, kindness and humanity cannot be segregated by mere borders. Equally, a segment of common people in all countries do not necessarily agree with the policies - and crimes - of their own governments. Hence, we are appealing to the decency of those in America who care about the unspeakable tragedies the people of Afganistan have suffered under the current US administration

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has just let the cat out of the bag about what's really behind our trade agreements and security partnerships with the other North American countries. A 59-page CFR document spells out a five-year plan for the "establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community" with a common "outer security perimeter."
"Community" means integrating the United States with the corruption, socialism, poverty and population of Mexico and Canada. "Common perimeter" means wide-open U.S. borders between the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

One of the suspected bombers in the London attacks visited Israel for one day in 2003, an Israeli official said on Monday, bolstering a news report the British-born Muslim helped plan a Tel Aviv suicide bombing.

The government official said Mohammad Sidique Khan, who London police believe blew himself up on an underground train this month, arrived in Israel on Feb. 19, 2003, and left the next day

One of the London bombers was investigated by MI5 last year but was deemed not to be a threat, it has been revealed.

Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, was subject to a routine assessment by the security service because of an indirect connection to an alleged terror plot.

He was one of hundreds investigated but not considered a risk.

British police are considering the possibility that the four key suspects in the London terrorist attacks may have been tricked into triggering their bombs.

The theory comes as Scotland Yard issued chilling new images of the four terrorists setting off on their fatal journey from Luton station.

Police believe the bombers may have been tricked by a "master" who told them they would have time to escape when in fact the devices were set to explode instantly. Investigators are giving the hypothesis serious attention given the unusual behaviour of the four bombers for such a sophisticated terrorist action.

Soldiers are facing the undignified prospect of being forced to shout "bang, bang" on military training exercises after an admission by the Army that it is running out of blank ammunition.

The shortage is also likely to result in a large number of important training exercises being cancelled or severely restricted.


The Army faces a shortage of ammo for the SA80 rifle

The crisis has emerged at a time when the Army is operating at full-stretch with up to 9,000 troops deployed in Iraq and 4,000 training for a possible deployment to Afghanistan next spring

The reason the US firms specify that they have employment opportunities only for foreigners who hold work visas is because the foreigners will work for less than the prevailing US salary.

Gentle reader, when you read allegations that there is a shortage of engineers in America, necessitating the importation of foreigners to do the work, you are reading a bald faced lie. If there were a shortage of American engineers, employers would not word their job listings to read that no American need apply and that they are offering jobs only to foreigners holding work visas.

A recent study has predicted that more male Asian elephants in China will be born without tusks because poaching of tusked elephants is reducing the gene pool, the China Daily reported Sunday.

The study, conducted in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China's Yunnan province, where two-thirds of China's Asian elephants live, found that the tuskless phenomenon is spreading, the report said

His death marks the second time in a week that someone died after a Taser shock and comes only two days after the mayor of Birmingham, Ala., ordered police there to stop using Tasers because of concerns over the stun gun's safety.

When a German court ordered Monsanto to make public a controversial 90-day rat study on June 20, 2005, the data upheld claims by prominent scientists who said that animals fed the genetically modified (GM) corn developed extensive health effects in the blood, kidneys and liver and that humans eating the corn might be at risk. The 1,139 page research paper on Monsanto’s “Mon 863” variety also revealed that European regulators accepted the company’s assurances that their corn is safe, in spite of the unscientific and contradictory rationale that was used to dismiss significant problems. In addition, the study is so full of flaws and omissions, critics say it wouldn’t qualify for publication in most journals and yet it is the primary document used to evaluate the health impacts.

The Chinese government has not provided information requested urgently by international health experts about recent avian flu outbreaks in birds, which now threaten to spread the highly lethal virus to previously unaffected countries, according to U.N. officials and independent researchers.

President Robert Mugabe is pleading for a loan worth hundreds of millions of dollars from Zimbabwe's neighbour South Africa to buy food, fuel and electricity in what is being seen as a sign of the deepening crisis afflicting the country.
Far-ranging negotiations are taking place between South Africa and Zimbabwean officials that could lead to Mr Mugabe agreeing to significant economic and political reforms, South African officials said yesterday

U.S. livestock experts are voicing increased concern about possible invasion of foreign microbes that could devastate the dairy, beef and pork industries.

At the stationhouse, Dominguez claimed he was kicked in the groin by one of the arresting officers, Police Officer Francisco Rodriguez. But he and his brother-in-law were later released and no criminal charges were filed against them. Hours later, Dominguez was taken to Montefiore Medical Center because his testicle was swollen. Weeks later, it had to be surgically removed.

Dominguez sued the city and Rodriguez. In 1994, a departmental judge found the cop guilty of abuse and recommended he lose 30 days' pay and be put on probation for a year

A Boston police officer was scheduled to appear in court Monday in connection with a homicide at a Randolph, Mass., nightclub earlier this year. Baltazar DeRosa was indicted on Friday for allegedly driving the getaway car after the killing.

It was a cold winter night in January when the Copa Grande Oasis nightclub was packed with patrons who were there to enjoy Cape Verdean night.

2 religious soldiers believed behind J'lem fake bomb

A federal judge ruled in March that the U.S. must charge Padilla with a crime or release him within 45 days. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said the following day that the U.S. has the right to hold suspects in the war on terrorism ``for the duration of hostilities.

According to Makgaka, who has been with the metro police for three years, he tried to take the firearm from the man.

"I wrestled with him and we ended up on the ground. His mate took my firearm from its holster on my hip and ran off."

Makgaka said that while he wrestled with the man, several motorists raced by.

"One man stopped and from his car repeatedly told the robber to drop the weapon. He refused, after which the motorist fired two shots at him."

The man, a 35-year-old businessman from Meyersdal in Alberton, hit the robber just above his right buttock.

The would-be robber ran away.,,2-7-1442_1735302,00.html

You may have got the impression that the European constitution was dead - that the French had felled it, and the Dutch had pounded a stake through its heart. If so, think again. The constitution is being implemented, clause by clause, as if the No votes had not happened.

Neil Bush's escapades across Asia came to the attention of the Grace Semiconductor Management Company, which recruited Bush onto its board of directors. Despite the fact that Neil admitted he knows nothing about semiconductors, the Chinese company recompensed Bush with $2 million in stock and $10,000 per board meeting. Grace is controlled by Taiwanese tycoon Winston Wong and Jiang Mianheng, son of Jiang Zemin, former president of China
While Neil was doing Interlink business in Thailand and Hong Kong, he enjoyed the exotic experience of hearing an urgent knocking on his hotel room door. Upon opening the door, Neil was confronted by a beautiful young woman who said she wanted to have sex with him. On at least three difference occasions, Neil accepted the hospitality of his hosts. He admitted to the sexual encounters in his bizarre deposition during his divorce proceedings. The deposition was released earlier this year.

However, quiet moves by China since the late eighties to develop safe line of energy supply from the Persian Gulf to the South China Sea set off alarm bells in Delhi. India appears to fear this line of supply defined by the strategic facilities that China has developed along this route could give Beijing naval advantage in the region. This concern should be seen in the light of the fact that China has developed naval facilities on the Greater Cocos Island, which is part of the Andaman Archipelago but belongs to Myanmar.

China has built a naval base in Bandar Abbas on Iran's coast on the northern side of the Hormuz Strait in the Persian Gulf. (One need not elaborate on the importance of the Hirmuz Strait to world oil trade).

Further east on the Pakistan coast China is building a dual-purpose naval facility in Gwador. The next stop on this line of supply are Maldives and Sri Lanka.

China negotiated a deal with Maldives from 1999 to build a base in Marao one of the largest islands of the 1192 a tolls that make up Maldives. It lies 40 kilometres from Male. The base deal was finalised after two years of negotiations when Chinese PM Zhu Rongji visited Male on 17 May 2001 on his four nations South Asian tour.

The Marao base will not be operational until 2010.Beijing will use Marao Island for 25 years on lease and pay back Maldives in foreign currency.

An Indian defence reporter, sounding the alarm at the time, wrote: "Coral islands make fine submarine pens.The People's Liberation Army - Navy (PLAN) proposes to deploy nuclear submarines fitted with sea launched Dong Feng 44 missiles and ballistic missiles in Marao"(Curiously, the official organ of a pro-Chinese Tamil party launched a tirade against me for mentioning the Maldives base deal in passing in my column for the Sunday Virakesari)

In 2002, for instance, Bush signed a consulting contract with Grace Semiconductor -- a Shanghai-based company managed in part by the son of former Chinese president Jiang Zemin. Bush's contractual duties consist solely of attending board meetings and discussing "business strategies." For this, he is to be paid $2 million in company stock over five years, plus $10,000 for every board meeting he attends.

"Now, you have absolutely no educational background in semiconductors, do you Mr. Bush?" Brown asked.

"That's correct," Bush responded¬Found=true

Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung has told Justice Department investigators he funneled illegal campaign contributions from a Chinese military officer to Democrats during the 1996 campaign cycle, congressional sources familiar with the case said Friday.

Congressional members and some staff received classified FBI briefings on Chung's contributions Thursday night, according to sources.

In all, Chung gave $100,000 to the Democrats in 1996. Confirming a Friday New York Times story, sources said Chung told investigators much of those contributions came from the People's Liberation Army via a Chinese lieutenant colonel
It is not clear what Liu or the Chinese military sought to gain via the alleged payments. In 1996, however, Clinton facilitated the launch of American civilian communication satellites by Chinese rockets. This action benefited Liu's employer, China Aerospace International Holdings, which sells missiles for the military.

Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) announced at the onset of last year's campaign finance hearings he had information from intelligence officials of a Chinese plan to influence the 1996 elections.

More than two dozen doctors walked out of one of Baghdad's busiest hospitals on Tuesday to protest what they said was abuse by Iraqi soldiers, leaving about 100 patients to fend for themselves in chaotic wards.
Physicians said the troubles started when soldiers barged into a woman's wing at Yarmouk hospital, opened curtains and conducted searches as patients lay in their beds on Monday.

Doctors think STARI doesn't cause the same complications as Lyme, but that's not certain, either.
Lyme disease cases in Florida often exhibit strange symptoms, said Carina Blackmore, the acting state public health veterinarian. Sometimes patients don't seem to have the classic rash. Often they're sick enough to be hospitalized, generally because they're diagnosed late.

Boxun Description Of Ebola In China


By Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD

Recombinomics Commentary

Sunday, July 17, 2005

I also made up patients

The current low U.S. unemployment rate probably understates the true level of joblessness by 1 to 3 percentage points, the senior economist at the Boston Federal Reserve says

Pasquale "Pat" Gallina arrived unannounced, Damschroder said.

"I’m here to give you $10,000," the elections director recalls Gallina saying. "Who do I make it payable to?"

"Well, you’re certainly not going to make it out to me," Damschroder says he told Gallina. "But I’m sure the Franklin County Republican Party would appreciate a donation."

Gallina wrote the check, and Damschroder says he took it on Jan. 9, 2004. That weekend, Damschroder said, he mailed the check to the county party. Damschroder had been executive director of the party until June 2003, when he was appointed director of the elections board.

Egyptian interrogators have been questioning a biochemist who lives in England about the London bombings, but a senior official says the man has no links to the al-Qaida terror network.

Police have not yet definitively established that four men who carried bombs on to London's transport network intended to die in last week's blasts, a Scotland Yard spokesman said on Saturday.

He was commenting on a report in the Daily Mirror newspaper suggesting the bombers, who all died in the July 7 explosions, may have thought they had time to get away after planting the devices.
Police have not yet definitively established that four men who carried bombs on to London's transport network intended to die in last week's blasts, a Scotland Yard spokesman said on Saturday.

He was commenting on a report in the Daily Mirror newspaper suggesting the bombers, who all died in the July 7 explosions, may have thought they had time to get away after planting the devices.

The uneasy truce inside the Labour Party over the London bombings ended last night as an ex-cabinet minister and left-wing Labour MPs linked the attacks with the war in Iraq.

Left-wing Labour MPs said they would use a conference in London today to pile the pressure on Tony Blair to hasten the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq. And Clare Short, the former cabinet minister, said in a television interview to be broadcast tomorrow that she "had no doubt" that the bombings were connected to the Iraqi conflict

SUICIDE bomber Lindsay Jamal’s wife last night insisted: “They’ll have to prove to me he did it.”,,2005320810,00,00.html

THE London bombers may have been duped into killing themselves so their secrets stayed hidden.

Police and MI5 are probing if the four men were told by their al-Qaeda controller they had time to escape after setting off timers. Instead, the devices exploded immediately.

A security source said: "If the bombers lived and were caught they'd probably have cracked. Would their masters have allowed that to happen? We think not."

Russia has launched an ambitious, multibillion-dollar space programme designed to restore its cash-starved space agency to its former Soviet glory.
The cabinet has earmarked 305 billion roubles (£6.1 bn) [$10.6 bn] for the 2006-15 period, an amount it hopes will pave the way for a manned mission to Mars and joint manned missions to the Moon with Nasa.

The scandal has all the classic ingredients: an unmasked CIA agent - who just happens to be a glamorous blonde - and a tough-minded independent investigator. There are secret sources, leaked emails and even a reporter thrown in jail. The official White House spokesman, the normally unflappable Scott McClellan, has been caught making a grossly misleading statement. Newspapers are devoting page after page to the twists and turns of the case.,6903,1530200,00.html

17 July 2005 Email: 


Controlled Demolition
Demolition in areas where minimal disruption and minimal noise requirements are paramount. Using any combination of our specialist operations Kingstar can advise on and undertake any aspect of controlled demolition and/or dismantling.

I have written in my previous bus-postings about a theory, where the "patsies" - payed for a "drill" - where monitored by following units. Now see this pic below from the BBC and watch the minivan parking in the front with the "KINGSTAR" logo. Then go to..

Zhang Chun Song and Ji Dong Song, the parents of Zhi Song (23), borrowed money to travel to Dublin after their son was killed. He was fatally stabbed after interrupting an intruder in the house he shared with five other Chinese nationals in the Rialto area of Dublin.

Initially his parents faced the cost of bringing home their son's body, estimated at €10,000. But the Department of Justice has agreed to meet the cost of repatriating the body, saying the Songs' case was one of "extreme hardship".

Both parents, who went to considerable expense to come to Dublin at short notice after the tragedy, are retired and have a combined income of €160 a month.

The couple say they were dependent on Zhi's future income to support them in the coming years. He had been planning to return to China next month.
Looking drawn and still very distressed, Zhang Chun said: "My son's soul is in heaven and looking down on everyone who took care of us. The Irish Government and people are very good."

She added: "We want to especially thank the Chinese Information Centre and Zhi's friends who visit us every day we are here, and the Irish police."


What do George W. Bush, George Soros, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the Dalai Lama have in common?

All have thrown their support to the United Religions Initiative. And what is the URI? According to a new blockbuster book, "False Dawn: The United Religions Initiative, Globalism, And The Quest For A One-world Religion" by Lee Penn, it's something that doesn't bode well either for a sovereign America or for Christianity

The role players portray bank robbers, terrorists, murderers, crime victims, and witnesses. They sometimes carry weapons, engage in paintball shootouts with FBI trainees, and should be prepared to be "handcuffed in a variety of positions (i.e., standing, kneeling, prone, walking backwards on their knees)." On the following pages are excerpts from the bureau's RFQ, submissions for which are due July 18. Along with describing a role player's physical requirements and what kind of weapons are used in training exercises (which often occur at Quantico's Hogan's Alley facility), the 140-page document details scenarios a prospective contractor will have to staff, including episodes involving the delivery of a bomb to the home of a federal judge, more radical Islamists, an assistant pastor who sleeps with underage girls and kills his pregnant wife, and a nuclear power plant employee who has stolen blueprints in anticipation of peddling them to a North Korean intelligence officer. (12 pages)

However, Social and Family Affairs officials have so far been unable to find a way to ensure that State bodies are able to access only the information they need to deal with an individual's case. Under the Data Protection Act, electronically-stored information about members of the public cannot be shared between agencies, while the citizen also has the right to inspect and correct any such information.

Speaking on the condition that their names not be revealed, a group of former Department of Justice (DOJ) officials have told this newspaper that the FBI never seriously investigated Tim McVeigh's connections to a right-wing paramilitary training camp.

Neither, they say, were McVeigh's ties to a notorious bank robbery gang operating in the Midwest investigated. Further, FBI agents interested in working the case were thwarted by Department of Justice attorneys and by other FBI officials

An 11-year-old girl who threw a stone at a group of boys pelting her with water balloons is being prosecuted on serious assault charges in California.

Maribel Cuevas was arrested in April in a police operation which involved three police cars and a helicopter

Although speaking publicly on many occasions about the fictitious government account of 9/11, it wasn’t until Sept. 16, 2004, his controversial remarks aired on Wing TV, sparking a heated debate among pilots and others clinging to the flimsy government account.

Knowing the flight characteristics of the “big birds” like the back of his hand, Wittenberg convincingly argued there was absolutely no possibility that Flight 77could have “descended 7,000 feet in two minutes, all the while performing a steep 270 degree banked turn before crashing into the Pentagon’s first floor wall without touching the lawn.”

Wittenberg claimed the high speed maneuver would have surely stalled the jetliner sending it into a nose dive, adding it was “totally impossible for an amateur who couldn’t even fly a Cessna to maneuver the jetliner in such a highly professional manner, something Wittenberg said he couldn’t do with 35 years of commercial jetliner experience

BBC television’s “Newsnight” programme said evidence of acetone peroxide, used to make the powerful explosive TATP, had been found at a home in Leeds linked to one of the bombers.

It was the same type of explosive that Al Qaeda “shoe bomber” Richard Reid tried to detonate on a Miami-bound flight in December 2001, three months after the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington that killed some 3,000.

The development suggests that the explosives used in London were homemade, and not of military origin as had initially been thought§ion=middleeast

Why? Because it appears some profited by short selling the British pound in the 10 days leading up to the attacks.

The pound fell about 6 percent (approximately 1.82 to 1.72) against the dollar for no apparent reason – until, of course, the terror attacks sent the British markets reeling still further.

"This was an almost unprecedented weakness and far too sharp to be a coincidence," one economist with more than 35 years of experience in the investment industry, told Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence newsletter published by the founder of WND. "That is, after all, an annualized rate of loss of well over 100 percent."

The fall did not go unnoticed by investigators, who are wondering whether the terrorist masterminds behind the attacks decided to make some money on their action or whether other investors with inside information about possible attacks took advantage of that knowledge.

On this night, March 13, 1995, he had been ordered in writing by his department chair to clear up what appeared to be suspicious data.

But Friedman didn't clear things up.

"I did something which was the worst possible thing I could have done," he testified.

He went to the medical record room, and for the next three or four hours he pulled out permanent medical files of a handful of patients. Then, covered up his lies, scribbling in the information he needed to support his study.

"I created data. I made it up. I also made up patients that were fictitious," he testified.

Friedman's wife met him at the door when he came home that night. He wept uncontrollably. The next morning he had an emergency appointment with his psychiatrist.

Friday, July 15, 2005

one would expect outrage and condemnatio

The broader worry is that terrorist-style conflicts seem to be sustainable indefinitely. "These wars," Kaldor agrees, "are so much harder to end than to begin.

Proprietary software has infringement issues all the time. Microsoft just settled a patent infringement case with Alacritech, for example. But it is Linux that was said to have problems with its development methods? Based on what? Why didn't SCO ever mention this study's results and tell the world about it, or at least qualify their statements more carefully? To sell "insurance"? To smear Linux?

A BIG, straight-backed man with his thick greying hair buzz-cut for the occasion, Bernie Ebbers charged through a waiting media pack like a State of Origin prop forward when he arrived at the Manhattan District Court to hear Judge Barbara Jones deliver her sentence.

Ebbers was convicted in March, and he knew sentencing day would be rough. All the same, he sobbed like a baby when Judge Jones set the bar at 25 years and said 85 per cent of the time must be served,5744,15933128%255E643,00.html

Senator John McCain wanted to know whether the "enemy combatants" held at Guantanamo were protected by the Geneva Conventions on treatment of prisoners of war. Gen. Craddock responded that the treatment was consistent with the Conventions "where military necessity has allowed."

Mr. McCain said that wasn't good enough. "They may be al-Qaeda, they may be Taliban, they may be the worst people in the world, and I'm sure some of them are. But there are certain rules and international agreements the United States has agreed to, and that we will observe."

Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that both President Putin (Russia) and President Hu (China) have ordered the immediate activation of 10 Combat Ready Divisions to counter the increasingly aggressive moves being made by the United States in the Caspian Oil Regions of Central Asia. Special Forces Army Units of both Russian Spetsnaz and Chinese Immediate Action Units were also ordered to be immediately deployed to both Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan to surround the large American Military bases in those regions, and that the governments of both of these countries have ordered the Americans to leave.
The government of Uzbekistan had called first for these actions, and as we can read as reported by the Indian National Newspaper Hindu News Service in its article titled

With a record number of dead seabirds washing up on West Coast beaches from Central California to British Columbia, marine biologists are raising the alarm about rising ocean temperatures and dwindling plankton populations.

"Something big is going on out there," said Julia Parrish, an associate professor in the School of Aquatic Fisheries and Sciences at the University of Washington. "I'm left with no obvious smoking gun, but birds are a good signal because they feed high up on the food chain."

Coastal ocean temperatures are 2 to 5 degrees above normal, which may be related to a lack of updwelling, in which cold, nutrient-rich water is brought to the surface.

"Look, everybody knows that there's a human component [to climate change]," says Stephen Hadley, President Bush's national security adviser. "The question is, what are we going to do about these things . . . and that's what we're trying to focus on."

Even Bush himself, long a vocal skeptic, is now being forced to admit the truth, twice acknowledging in recent days that mankind is altering the planet's climate

Early in his career, he was with the CIA, where he served as Manager of Intelligence Operations and then as Executive Assistant to the Director.

Robert Kiley is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Board Member of the Salzburg International Seminar, the American Repertory Theater, MONY Group Inc, the Princeton Review Inc and Edison Schools, Inc. He is also on the Advisory Board of the Harvard University Center for State and Local Government.

Was Giuliani in London for terror 'exercises'?
Monday, July 11, 2005

(Hey kids. Just your friendly neighborhood Libertythink Director Emeritus checking in here. This item was posted this morning to and And the sites promptly went down and have stayed down. Investigation is pending. Special thanks to TBF for leaving me the key to the back door.)

Rudolph Giuliani was in World Trade Center 7 on 9/11 for, as he testified before the 9/11 Commission, a FEMA terror 'exercise.' He went on the support the official story, earned his bones and was named Knight of the British Empire by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

So, what was he doing in London on 7-7?

Greg Nixon of 11InsideJobbers decided to find out. From a Jul 11, 2005 posting:
I spoke with Giuliani's press secretary to pose the following questions:

Giuliani Partners
5 Times Square

Question: What was Rudolph Giuliani's stated purpose of the London visit?

- She would only say it was for "business"
Question: Was he a paid/ unpaid consultant or a crisis manager for Visor Consultants in regards to a terror drill for an unnamed company as cited by a BBC Radio 5 interview 7/7/05?

Could not comment. there was nervous awkward silence. She then stated again "it (trip) was for business and that's all the information I can give out" abruptly ended call.....
The President of Visor confirmed that the "exercise" involved simultaneous bombings on the London Underground

In a state that is 96 percent non-Hispanic white but that has been seeing a rise in its Hispanic population, Chief Chamberlain's idea was born a year ago when he encountered a van with nine illegal immigrants from Ecuador. The federal Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, he says, was not interested in arresting them. He decided that in the future he would use the state's criminal trespassing law, which says that a person is guilty "if, knowing he is not licensed or privileged to do so, he enters or remains in any place."

Even some critics of the New Hampshire citations, like Susan J. Cohen, a Boston immigration lawyer, said the law's broad language made it seem applicable to immigration

There are more slaves today than were seized from Africa in four centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. The modern commerce in humans rivals illegal drug trafficking in its global reach—and in the destruction of lives.

“We . . . will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all of the cities east of Xian. Of course the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds . . . of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.”

Gen Zhu is a self-acknowledged “hawk” who has warned that China could strike the US with long-range missiles. But his threat to use nuclear weapons in a conflict over Taiwan is the most specific by a senior Chinese official in nearly a decade.

However, some US-based China experts cautioned that Gen Zhu probably did not represent the mainstream People's Liberation Army view.

"What's astonishing to me is the idea of waiting until he's outed by the media to then arrest him as a material witness — they either have the appropriate evidence to arrest him or they don't," he said.

"They seem to have felt that without the support of press attention they didn't really have a case. Relying on media attention to buttress a case is a highly dubious prosecutorial practice," he added.

Brazil will pay back $5.1 billion to the International Monetary Fund ahead of schedule as a surge in exports brings dollars into the country and sparks a currency rally, making the loan unnecessary.

An extrasolar planet under three suns has been discovered in the constellation Cygnus by a planetary scientist at the California Institute of Technology using the 10-meter Keck I telescope in Hawaii. The planet is slightly larger than Jupiter and, given that it has to contend with the gravitational pull of three bodies, promises to seriously challenge our current understanding of how planets are formed.

"It even becomes very hard for them to do simple mental tasks, such as drawing a straight line.
"This is an infection that carries nightmarish qualities, reducing many of its victims to a zombie-like state before they go into a coma and die.
"Those that do survive can be left with irreparable brain damage," he said.
In Uganda, every third person is at risk of getting sleeping sickness and in some regions it is a bigger killer than HIV/Aids, he said.
There are no vaccines, no preventative medicines and you can be re-infected - providing you survive the first bout.

Japanese food safety regulators were questioning the safety of U.S. beef after a Ministry of Agriculture study showed nearly half of the 20 mad cow cases found in Japan would have passed unnoticed if tested under U.S. methods, officials said Friday.
Scientists on a Food Safety Commission panel have called for more details on a second case of confirmed mad cow disease in the United States, a move that could delay a decision to resume imports of U.S. beef, expected in late August, officials said.

Transformed into a police state after last winter's siege, this should be the safest city in all of Iraq.

    Thousands of American and Iraqi troops live in crumbling buildings here and patrol streets laced with concertina wire. Any Iraqi entering the city must show a badge and undergo a search at one of six checkpoints. There is a 10 p.m. curfew.

    But the insurgency is rising from the rubble nevertheless, eight months after the American military killed as many as 1,500 Iraqis in a costly invasion that fanned anti-American passions across Iraq and the Arab world.

    Somewhere in the bowels of Fallujah, the former guerrilla stronghold 35 miles west of Baghdad, where four American contractors were killed in an ambush, and the bodies of two were hanged from a bridge, in March 2004, insurgents are building suicide car bombs again.

NASA has indefinitely put off its long-awaited return to space, saying Friday that engineers were no closer to knowing why a fuel gauge acted up right before a scheduled liftoff two days earlier.

The addition of finger scanning technology at the entrances of Walt Disney World theme parks for all visitors has caused concern among privacy advocates, according to a Local 6 News report.

• I think it's a step in the wrong direction," Civil Liberties Union spokesman George Crossley said. "I think it is a step toward collection personal information on people regardless of what Disney says.

Tourists visiting Disney theme parks in Central Florida must now provide their index and middle fingers to be scanned before entering the front gates.

The new study was conducted on 1,800 rats during their full lifespan. Six different dose levels were tested against a control group. The institute said the study, which is to appear in its own publication, the European Journal of Oncology, had been peer-reviewed by seven international experts "in anticipation of controversy".,3604,1528885,00.html

U.S. Congressmen Declare Biological War on South America in New Antidrug Proposal

Praying for someone who is ill and preparing to undergo a risky medical procedure appears to have no effect on the patient's future health.

That's the finding of one of the largest scientific investigations of the power of prayer, published today in the British medical journal the Lancet. Scientists said it undoubtedly will renew debates over whether prayer has a measurable effect on illness and even whether it's a suitable subject of scientific inquiry

This is a shocking development in the sense that earlier ideas about commercial or military grade explosive being used in the bombs themselves would therefore seem to be wrong."

He said the explosive's "extremely volatile" nature had prompted the police to widen a cordon around the house in the Beeston area of Leeds even further yesterday, as well as set up a no-fly zone.

Eleven years after his release from jail, Paddy Hill is back in the news. It has been reported that Hill, the best known of the Birmingham Six who were wrongly convicted of planting the pub bombs that killed 21 people in 1974, is to receive £1m compensation. I phone him to ask if he would agree to an interview. Silence. Then he erupts. "No. I would not. Not after that fucking shite in the newspapers last week. I am not getting £1m, nothing has been agreed, and I did not talk to the newspaper that quoted me."

I hold the phone away from my burning ear, and say I would also like to talk to him about Mojo, the organisation he set up to fight miscarriages of justice. In the early 90s he gave a rare and desperate interview in which he admitted he could no longer feel anything for anybody in the world beyond his mum, his girlfriend Alison and those wrongfully jailed. Since then, he has split up with Alison and his mother has died.

Some informed British sources believe that the recent London Transport bombings may have been the work of far right-wing British terrorists hoping to stir up tensions with the nation's large Muslim population.

There are several reasons for this belief. One is that GCHQ and MI-5 intercepts of the communications of Muslim groups in Britain and abroad—groups suspected of ties to militants—revealed that targeted individuals and organizations were genuinely surprised at the London bombings. Another is the statement of former Metropolitan London police commissioner Sir John Stevens that the perpetrators were "almost certainly" British. Although many accused Stevens of stirring up racial tensions, he never referred to British Muslims. British Prime Minister Tony Blair ruled out any probe of the bombings claiming it would "distract" from the investigation

In 2001, 2.8 billion prescriptions were filled in the United States for an average of 9.9 prescriptions per person. This statistic taken from Ultraprevention, by Drs. Mark Hyman and Mark Liponis, certainly supports their point that "drug industry prescriptions have gotten far out of hand." The overabundance of prescriptions isn't because of a rise in illnesses or the availability of new drugs that effectively and safely treat chronic diseases; rather, it is because of the corruption of mainstream medicine. The philanthropy that was once present in modern medicine has been replaced by a love of money, which gave rise to an elaborate system of bribery, conflict of interest and deception.

When The BRAD BLOG attempted to get a statement on the matter from the Comcast Abuse Department Manager, Jim Janco, -- whom Swanson had previously dealt with in the matter -- we were told that "company policy" dictated he "can't engage with the press in any manner," but that he would ask the Comcast PR Department to get back to us.

We received a call shortly afterwards from Jeanne Russo, corporate spokesperson from the Comcast Online Division, who told us she was not aware of the problem, but would get back to us after she was able to look into it. That was several hours ago. As of this time, we have not yet heard back from her.

In a series of emails, however, shared with The BRAD BLOG between Swanson and another employee from the Comcast Abuse Department, the employee confirms the existence of the problem.

Swanson had sent emails to two different email addresses of the employee, one of which was a address, the other at a different service provider. Until Swanson removed the "" from the body of the mail he was sending as a test to the employee, his email was not received by the Comcast employee at their address. The test email messages were received without a problem at the two Comcast customers alternate non-Comcast addresses.

Swanson had previously used "" as part of his automatic email signature

He added: "Over 30 years I have lived in Britain, I have never been involved in violence, or crime. How can you support violence? It is silly."

Having been twice wrongly linked, he said, to the atrocities in London and Madrid, he feared reprisals. "I'm scared for my safety.

"Now the same thing has happened, the newspapers, it's like they've copied the same piece as before ... they said I'm hiding in France - I am here in London, in Kilburn.",16132,1525777,00.html

When anyone, much less a former foreign minister of a supposedly friendly nation, comes before a committee of the United States Senate and issues ultimatums and thinly veiled threats against the United States, one would expect outrage and condemnation from members of Congress. Instead, we got meek acquiescence or deafening silence from the members who were present," said Stein. "If the government of Mexico is not prepared to join us in this struggle, without conditions, then they cannot claim to be an ally and our government must view them as such. Allies do not engage in extortion."