Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Service Eligible

Nola View

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Martial law declared
Local television stations report that Orleans, Jefferson and Plaquemines parishes are all now under martial law, allowing the military to assume control over civilian forces.

Copyright 2003 All Rights Reserved.

From the beginning I said I have the right to speak to anyone. I am a free human being. They insisted I would not meet anyone, nor speak, so they kept me for 18 years. After 18 years, I decided if they let me go I should live as a normal human being. Not to fear, not to play obeying orders, like I'm a spy. I should go to the street and meet anyone and talk, because I want to exercise my humanity. For these reasons I'm challenging them and speaking all the time. If I were to follow their orders they would come with more orders, and orders for others. I also want to use my case to let the people in Palestine -- the Palestinians -- see how to challenge Israel and the rules it puts on them. They should exercise their freedom of speech on every subject.

What is true of New Mexico and Arizona is true of our nation, which is now home to an estimated 10 million to 15 million aliens who have broken our laws and broken into our country. It is a mark of the cowardice of our leaders that they are so terrified of being called "bigots" they tolerate this criminality. The moral rot of political correctness runs deep today in both national parties.

A president like Teddy Roosevelt would have led the Army to the border years ago. And if Fox did not cooperate, T.R. would have gone on to Mexico City. Nor would Ike, who deported all illegal aliens in 1953, have stood still for this being done to the country he had defended in war

A breach in the 17th Street Canal levee Monday widened sending salt water into Lakeview, Mid-City, Carrollton, Gentily, City Park and other neighborhoods, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reported.

An FBI report of investigation (FD 302) obtained by this newspaper contains never-before-published information and allegations regarding links between a former member of the Army's elite special forces, Timothy McVeigh, and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

The man at the center of these revelations is David Michael Alexander Hollaway, an individual whose life experiences appear to be as unusual as they are conflicted.

If that happens, Prestowitz predicts: "It would make the Great Depression of the 1930s look like a walk in the park."

Australia would be sucked into the vortex of such a recession, which would cause great hardship throughout the world, he warns.

Prestowitz is not a doomsayer, neither is he alone in his views. As president of the Economic Strategy Institute, a Washington think tank, he is in regular contact with the most influential US business leaders, several of whom -- Warren Buffet and George Soros included -- have taken steps to hedge their currency positions against the possibility of a cataclysmic plunge in the greenback.

"Right now," he says, "we have a situation in which the US is running huge trade deficits -- about $US650 billion ($766 billion) in 2004 -- which are financed by borrowings from the central banks of Asia -- mainly the Chinese and the Japanese. All the world's central banks are chock-full of US dollars -- they're holding many more dollars than they really want. They're holding those dollars because at the moment there's no great alternative and also because the global economy depends on US consumption. If they dump the dollar and the dollar collapses, then the whole global economy is in trouble.,5744,16416680%5E28737,00.html

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made it quite clear to U.S. officials that Denmark does not want its airspace used for purposes that are in conflict with international conventions," wrote Foreign Minister Per Stig Møller in response to an inquiry from a spokesman for military affairs for the Red-Green Alliance.

"This in many ways is the worst-case scenario that the oil industry has been fearing," said Geoff Sundstrom, spokesman for the AAA motorist group. "Production, distribution and refining has slowed to a crawl through the whole area."

"It's not out of the question that $80 could be the next barrier if there's long-term damage," said Gerard Burg, minerals and energy economist at National Australia Bank.

The last time oil prices, adjusted for inflation, averaged $80 a barrel was 1980, after the Iranian revolution
"This in many ways is the worst-case scenario that the oil industry has been fearing," said Geoff Sundstrom, spokesman for the AAA motorist group. "Production, distribution and refining has slowed to a crawl through the whole area."

"It's not out of the question that $80 could be the next barrier if there's long-term damage," said Gerard Burg, minerals and energy economist at National Australia Bank.

The last time oil prices, adjusted for inflation, averaged $80 a barrel was 1980, after the Iranian revolution

Yet, not one -- not one -- of any of Bush's children or his nieces and nephews have volunteered for service in any branch of the military or volunteered to serve in any capacity in Iraq. Not one of them has felt the cause was noble enough to put his or her life on the line.

Here is the full list of the children of Bush and his siblings who have chosen to let other young men and women -- mostly poor, rural and minorities -- die for them, because they have no desire to die for George W. Bush's alleged "noble cause" (assuming an eligible age of 17 with parental consent to join the military):

Military Service Eligible Children of George W. Bush
Jenna Bush
Barbara Bush

Military Service Eligible Children of Jeb Bush
George P. Bush
Noelle Bush
John Ellis Bush Jr.

Military Service Eligible Children of Neil Bush
Lauren Bush
Pierce Bush

Military Service Eligible Children of Marvin Bush
Marshall Bush

Military Service Eligible Children of Dorothy Bush Koch
Samuel LeBlond
Ellie LeBlond

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

With media attention paid to past hate crimes

A governmental nuclear research and development institute began work Monday to ship soil containing uranium ore from Yurihama, Tottori Prefecture, to the United States for disposal, but the work was suspended almost immediately due to an accident.

It is not every day that a Supreme Court justice calls his own decisions unwise. But with unusual candor, Justice John Paul Stevens did that last week in a speech in which he explored the gap that sometimes lies between a judge's desire and duty.

The document released today is an FBI report labeled, "Domestic Terrorism Symposium," and describes a meeting that was intended to "keep the local, state and federal law enforcement agencies apprised of the activities of the various groups and individuals within the state of Michigan who are thought to be involved in terrorist activities."

Among the groups mentioned are Direct Action, an anti-war group, and BAMN (By Any Means Necessary), a national organization dedicated to defending affirmative action, integration, and other gains of the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The FBI acknowledges in the report that the Michigan State Police has information that BAMN has been peaceful in the past.

"Labeling political advocacy as 'terrorist activity' is a threat to legitimate dissent which has never been considered a crime in this country," said Kary Moss, Executive Director of the ACLU of Michigan. "Spying on people who simply disagree with our government's policies is a tremendous waste of police resources."

Insurgents in Al- Anbar province, the center of guerrilla resistance in Iraq, have fought the U.S. military to a stalemate.

After repeated major combat offensives in Al-Fallujah and Ar-Ramadi, and after losing hundreds of soldiers and Marines in Al-Anbar during the past two years -- including 75 since June 1 -- many American officers and enlisted men assigned to Al-Anbar have stopped talking about winning a military victory in Iraq's Sunni Muslim heartland.

A soundman working for Reuters Television was shot dead Sunday in Baghdad, and a cameraman with him was wounded and then detained by United States soldiers. An Iraqi police report, read to Reuters by an Interior Ministry official, said the two had been shot by American forces.

A United States military spokesman, Lt. Col. Steven A. Boylan, said the incident was being investigated, and an official statement indicated that the Americans were responding to an attack on an Iraqi police convoy when the journalists were shot

Caracas, Venezuela, August 28, 2005 —Venezuela’s Chavez said to visiting Rev. Jesse Jackson today that he would like Jackson to help with finding a way to provide discounted heating oil and free eye operations to poor communities in the U.S. Pointing out that Venezuela provides 1.5 million barrels of oil per day to the U.S., Chavez said, “we would like to provide a part of this 1.5 million barrels of oil to poor communities.

Somehow Hasib’s mundane act of gustatory desperation doesn’t seem to square with the picture of a fanatical Islamic terrorist on a mission to send as many infidels as possible to their doom. If he’d hung out for half an hour the 18-year-old alleged jihadi could have asked the houris for a whole feast (and much else besides), but apparently he couldn’t resist the lure of the Quarter Pounder. It is as though, in his last hour on this mortal, corrupt, coil, he suddenly wondered with horror whether Paradise might be strictly vegetarian. Nuts. If you believe buying a Big Mac was the act of a man certain he was soon going to A Better Place, I have a Russian watch to sell you.

A FORMER Scottish police chief has given lawyers a signed statement claiming that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated.

The retired officer - of assistant chief constable rank or higher - has testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people.

President Hugo Chavez said Sunday that his government may ask the United States to extradite U.S. religious broadcaster Pat Robertson to Venezuela for suggesting American agents should kill him.

Oil prices surged to a record above $70 a barrel on Monday as one of the biggest hurricanes in U.S. history disrupted oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico.
The region is home to a quarter of total U.S. oil and gas production.

Though Hurricane Katrina didn't deliver a direct hit on New Orleans Monday, there still were fears that the storm could turn one of America’s most charming cities into a vast cesspool tainted with toxic chemicals, human waste and even coffins released by floodwaters from the city’s legendary cemeteries.

Experts have warned for years that the levees and pumps that usually keep New Orleans dry have no chance against a direct hit by a Category 5 storm.

Katrina reached Category 5 level Sunday before weakening just slightly to a strong Category 4 storm early Monday. But with top winds of 150 mph and the power to lift sea level by as much as 28 feet above normal, the storm threatened an environmental disaster of biblical proportions, one that could leave more than 1 million people homeless.

“All indications are that this is absolutely worst-case scenario,” Ivor van Heerden, deputy director of the Louisiana State University Hurricane Center, said Sunday afternoon.

Bunnatine Greenhouse was told last month by corps commander Lt. Gen. Carl Strock that she was being removed from the senior executive service, the top rank of civilian government employees, because of poor performance reviews. Greenhouse's attorney, Michael Kohn, appealed the decision Friday in a letter to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, saying it broke an earlier commitment to suspend the demotion until a "sufficient record" was available to address her allegations.

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society - John F. Kennedy

It is axiomatic that secrecy is the handmaiden of mischief, especially by government. When we are facing a foreign threat, the government tends to toss around terms like "national security" as a justification for increased secrecy. But often, such an invocation is not as much about making our nation safe as protecting the government from embarrassment or challenge by critics.

That is what makes the case of Sibel Edmonds so dangerous

Book Sense is a national marketing campaign on behalf of the independent bookstores of America. It is both a local and national effort to shine a light on the knowledge and diversity of independent bookstores, via the Book Sense Bestseller List -- now running in more than a dozen newspapers as well as monthly in U.S. News and World Report and on CSPAN -- and Book Sense Picks -- a monthly selection of eclectic new books chosen by independent booksellers.

With media attention paid to past hate crimes, such as KKK cross burnings on African Americans’ home lawns, it’s increasing difficult for hate groups to use conventional methods of the past to terrorize the people they hate. With today’s sophisticated electronics technology, unconventional methods, which can’t be proven in court or reported by the news media, are now being used by hate groups as a means of implementing their extreme agenda.


Sunday, August 28, 2005

Iran is being set up for an unprovoked

The army came out in style this weekend when it launched a recruitment drive aimed at tempting more gays, lesbians, transvestites and even transsexuals into the ranks.
It set up a recruitment stall at the Gay Pride festival in Manchester, backing its new-found commitment to homosexual rights by sending 10 gay and lesbian soldiers in combat trousers and tight T-shirts to join thousands of marchers on a five-mile parade through the city.

Mention the word Jew in anything except reverential tones and it’s like calling the Pope a paedophile. Talk about walking on soft-boiled eggs as Muddy Waters used to sing.

Such is the lock the Zionist propaganda machine has on the way anything to do with Israel is reported that even ‘Jews’ are not exempt from the wrath of the Zionist disinfo blitz as the various vicious campaigns being conducted on university campuses amply demonstrate against so-called self-hating Jews who don’t fall into line behind the mythology of the Zionist state testifies to.

Now many in the West excuse this craven obeisance by putting it down to some kind of collective guilt about the ‘Holocaust’, oh that such guilt should extend to my Roma brethren, who were also exterminated in their millions and to this day, remain the ‘niggers’ of Europe, excluded, ghettoized and victimised. Where are the endless stream of documentaries and rending of garments concerning our treatment of the Roma people? Where are the daily news stories about the continued treatment of the Roma right across Europe, let alone what the Nazis did to them sixty years ago?

The Jerusalem District Court sentenced a 37-year-old Talmud (Oral Law) teacher of mentally challenged students to a 12 year prison term Wednesday for acts of sodomy and sexual misconduct involving teens and children.
The teacher, who grew up in New York, arrived in Israel to study in a Yeshiva; he later returned to the U.S. to complete his degree in Computer Science, but came back to Israel to teach children with learning disabilities and serve as a boarding school counselor.,7340,L-3059359,00.html

The U.S. has ample crude oil supplies, even if major hurricane destruction trims Gulf oil output and foreign imports, but refining capacity is extraordinarily tight. As a result, prices for gasoline, heating oil, jet fuel and other products have flirted with records and could go even higher this week.

"If this thing knocks out significant quantities of refining capacity ... we're going to be in deep, dark trouble," said Ed Silliere, vice president of risk management at Energy Merchant LLC in New York.

The market has been on edge for months, with traders and speculators buying on the slightest fear. With Katrina, all those fears could be realized, Beutel said.

"Basically I could spill a can of oil at my local gas station and you'd see the price of crude go up by $1 per barrel," he said, predicting futures would likely top $70 per barrel in coming sessions.

Crude settled at $66.13 a barrel Friday on the New York Mercantile Exchange, down $1.36 after hitting $68 last week.

The spokesmen did not have information on the nature of the dispute that resulted in the senators' being held. Telephone calls to the Russian border guard service and Foreign Ministry were not answered Sunday evening.

The spokesmen also said Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., was delayed in departing from another Russian airport Sunday because of documentation problems.

WALL STREET shuddered yesterday after Alan Greenspan, the United States’ central banker, warned American homebuyers that they risk a crash if they continue to drive property prices higher.

He said that the US house-price spiral had become an economic imbalance, threatening stability like the country’s trade gap or its budget deficit.,,16849-1752866,00.html

Lapel pins sold in Arizona as a patriotic reminder of the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on this country are actually being made overseas.
In China, specifically.
The pins, which sell for $5 each to help raise money for an Arizona memorial to the 9/11 attacks, were ordered from a Tucson firm that specializes in lapel reminders.

MEMBERS of Britain’s elite have been selected as priority cases to receive scarce pills and vaccinations at the taxpayers’ expense if the country is hit by a deadly bird flu outbreak.

Workers at the BBC and prominent politicians — such as cabinet ministers — would be offered protection from the virus
Politicians and the media have been placed before sick patients, heavily pregnant women and elderly people by government planners.,,2087-1753892,00.html

The walkway, with a glass bottom and sides, will be supported by steel beams and will accommodate 120 people, though it is designed to hold 72 million pounds, said Sheri Yellowhawk, chief executive officer of the Grand Canyon Resort Corp., the tribal-owned company that is overseeing the project.

Rodriguez expressed concern over the burglary since earlier in the day he received a “warning email” from contacts close to Washington investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, who received credible information his life may be in danger.


Rodriguez was notified because he also fits the description of the potential government target, as the inside intelligence source that leaked the information to Madsen said the target was not specifically mentioned by name, but fits the description of both Madsen and Rodriguez.

More than 25 percent of adults in 10 states are obese -- Mississippi, Alabama, West Virginia, Louisiana, Tennessee, Texas, Michigan, Kentucky, Indiana and South Carolina.

London Zoo unveiled a new exhibition -- eight humans prowling around wearing little more than fig leaves to cover their modesty.
The "Human Zoo" is intended to show the basic nature of human beings as they frolick throughout the August bank holiday weekend.
"We have set up this exhibit to highlight the spread of man as a plague species and to communicate the importance of man's place in the planet's ecosystem," London Zoo said.

This is a video of Computer programmer Clinton Curtis when he testified at the December 13th, 2004 Congressional hearing in Columbus, Ohio naming Republican Congressman Tom Feeney as the person who hired him to prepare vote-rigging software.

Human Zoo Stunt Is
Elite Psy-Op - Caged Animals
By Henry Makow, PhD


The talk of the UK media Friday was eight young scantily clad humans frolicking in the bear cage at London Zoo in an exhibit labeled "Humans."
"Warning: Humans in their Natural Environment" read the sign at the entrance to the exhibit.

The announcement of bird flu in a seagull in Oulu, Finland on Friday will probably be followed by an announcement that H5N1 has indeed invaded Europe. Evidence from southern Siberia suggests H5N1 wild bird flu is in northern Siberia, and birds from northern Siberia migrate over Finland, so addition sightings will probably be reported next week (see map). Although tests of the current isolates are projected to last 3 weeks, sequencing of the HA cleavage site is routine, and such a sequence will almost certainly show the 6 basic amino acids (RRRKKR) that are diagnostic for H5N1 from Asia. and HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza), a reporable disease.

A ROYAL servant who claimed he was raped by one of the Prince of Wales's close aides died yesterday.

George Smith alleged he was raped by another royal servant in 1989, but the claim was never proven and was strenuously denied.

His father, Peter Smith, confirmed that the 44-year-old, a Falklands War veteran who had been unwell for some time, died on Wednesday.

Mr Smith, who lived in Newport, south Wales, was a former corporal in the Welsh Guards and Prince Charles's valet for nine years until being dismissed in 1997.

In Washington it is hardly a secret that the same people in and around the administration who brought you Iraq are preparing to do the same for Iran. The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney’s office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States. The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450 major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites. Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of terrorism directed against the United States. Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing—that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack—but no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections.

Friday, August 26, 2005


"At a time when the American people are turning against the Iraq War
and favor a withdrawal of U.S. troops, and British and American leaders are
publicly discussing a partial pullback, the leading Democratic presidential
candidates for '08 are unapologetic war hawks. Nearly 60 percent of Americans
now oppose the war, according to recent polling. Sixty-three percent want U.S.
troops brought home within the next year. Yet a recent National Journal
'insiders poll' found that a similar margin of Democratic members of Congress
reject setting any timetable. The possibility that America's military presence
in Iraq may be doing more harm than good is considered beyond the pale of
'sophisticated' debate."

Matthew, 31, decided that since he’d spent much of his time in Iraq lugging
around DU-damaged equipment, he’d better get tested too. It turned out he was
the most contaminated of them all.

Brigitte Bardot, the 1950s and 1960s film star turned animal rights campaigner, has called on the French government to halt the reported use by fishermen on the island of Reunion of live puppies and kittens as shark bait.

"It is imperative that the government does something to end this practice," she said in a letter to the minister for French overseas territories, Francois Baroin, a copy of which was given to AFP Thursday.

According to Clicanoo, a newspaper in Reunion, a French island located in the Indian Ocean, a six-month-old puppy was found last month with hooks implanted in its snout and one of its legs

Several years ago, two Harvard researchers, Susan Starr Sered and Rushika
Fernandopulle, set out to interview people without health-care coverage for a
book they were writing, “Uninsured in America.” They talked to as many kinds of
people as they could find, collecting stories of untreated depression and
struggling single mothers and chronically injured laborers—and the most common
complaint they heard was about teeth. Gina, a hairdresser in Idaho, whose
husband worked as a freight manager at a chain store, had “a peculiar mannerism
of keeping her mouth closed even when speaking.” It turned out that she hadn’t
been able to afford dental care for three years, and one of her front teeth was
rotting. Daniel, a construction worker, pulled out his bad teeth with pliers.
Then, there was Loretta, who worked nights at a university research center in
Mississippi, and was missing most of her teeth. “They’ll break off after a
while, and then you just grab a hold of them, and they work their way out,” she
explained to Sered and Fernandopulle. “It hurts so bad, because the tooth aches.
Then it’s a relief just to get it out of there. The hole closes up itself
anyway. So it’s so much better.”

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Friday President Bush would be
to blame if anything happened to him after an American evangelist said
Washington should assassinate the leftist leader.


Chavez, a former soldier who often accuses the United States of plotting to kill
him, was reacting to conservative evangelist Pat Robertson who said on Monday
that U.S. officials should execute the Venezuelan president;_ylt=AinZRBRSNswi1

A circumcision ritual practiced by some Orthodox Jews has alarmed city health
officials, who say it may have led to three cases of herpes - one of them fatal
- in infants. But after months of meetings with Orthodox leaders, city officials
have been unable to persuade them to abandon the practice.

The city's intervention has angered many Orthodox leaders, and the issue has
left the city struggling to balance its mandate to protect public health with
the constitutional guarantee of religious freedom.
But the most traditionalist groups, including many Hasidic sects in New York,
consider oral suction integral to God's covenant with the Jews requiring
circumcision, and they have no intention of stopping.

Anyone who still believes that the U.S. neo-conservatives who led the drive to
war in Iraq are diabolically clever geo-strategic masterminds should now
consider Iran's vastly improved position vis-a-vis its U.S.-occupied neighbour.

Not only did Washington knock off Tehran's arch-foe, Saddam Hussein, as well as
the anti-Iranian Taliban in Afghanistan, but, with this week's completion of a
new constitution that would guarantee a weak central government and substantial
autonomy to much of the Shiite south, it also appears that Iran's influence in
Iraq -- already on the rise after last spring's inauguration of a pro-Iranian
interim government -- is set to grow further.

I was talking to a friend of the 1/9th, the group we replaced, and he said when
he first arrived the market was open and the economy was puttering along after
the war, now the economy is gone and the lure of hard currency to become and
support insurgent activities is more common place.

On top of things you cannot win a hearts and mind campaign here so every time we
play that game people get hurt because it looks like weakness on our part and
they take advantage of it.

New tensions between Guantanamo Bay detainees and the US military have prompted
89 prisoners to resume a hunger strike that so far has left seven in hospital.

The prisoners, protesting against their living conditions and their continued
detention without trial, had gone on a widespread hunger strike that ended in
July. Word that the hunger strike had resumed was disclosed on Thursday by Clive
Stafford Smith, a British human rights lawyer who returned from visiting clients
at the base a week ago.

TONY Blair is expected to join one of the most exclusive groups of
businessmen in the world after he leaves Downing Street.

The PM is being lined up for a highly lucrative position with the Carlyle Group
- an American-based investment giant with strong links to the White House and
the defence industry.

A press release from the American Legion declares "Delegates to the
nation's largest wartime veterans organization meeting here [in Hawaii] for The
American Legion's national convention vowed to use whatever means necessary to
ensure the united support of the American people to support our troops and the
global war on terrorism."

"Whatever means necessary"?

Is the American Legion now a domestic terrorist organization?

John Bolton, Washington's new ambassador to the United Nations, has called for
wholesale changes to a draft document due to go before a UN summit next month
aimed at reshaping the world body.
Mr Bolton, a long-standing UN critic who was given a temporary appointment by
George Bush three weeks ago after the United States Senate failed to agree on
his nomination, has proposed 750 amendments to the draft and called for
immediate talks on them.

An Israel Defense Forces investigation into a shooting attack in Shfaram earlier
this month, in which an IDF deserter shot dead four Israeli Arabs, called for
the security forces to work together to identify soldiers with "terrorist

Eleven EPA employee unions representing over 7000 environmental and public
health professionals of the Civil Service have called for a moratorium on
drinking water fluoridation programs across the country, and have asked EPA
management to recognize fluoride as posing a serious risk of causing cancer in
people. The unions acted following revelations of an apparent cover-up of
evidence from Harvard School of Dental Medicine linking fluoridation with
elevated risk of a fatal bone cancer in young boys.

Illegal immigrants threw rocks at a Border Patrol helicopter, forcing the pilot
to make an emergency landing when one of the rocks damaged the rotor, the agency

Neither the pilot nor the Border Patrol observer was injured.

The A-Star helicopter was two miles west of the U.S. Port of Entry in Andrade,
Calif., on Tuesday when a group of immigrants began throwing rocks at the

KILLER whales and chimpanzees both pass on "traditions" to other
members of their group, according to two separate studies of feeding behaviour.
The findings add to evidence that cultural learning is widespread among

Journalists and other media representatives who wish to learn more about Paul
Hellyer's participation are invited to contact the symposium's Media Director
Victor Viggiani for pre-conference press interviews, press passes or questions


Thursday, August 25, 2005


"At the end of my career, I get to document the destruction of the species
I've been documenting for 20 years," he lamented as he watched the
bulldozers. "Wonderful."

And a growing number of GOP officials worry that, as the party in power,
Republicans will pay their own high price — at the ballot box. They are
scrambling to find ways to respond.


Berke said Mint officials couldn't prove the coins had been stolen, or were
subject to forfeiture. But Mint officials said Thursday the double eagles could
not have legally been taken from the Mint.

The number of bankruptcies in the United States surged to an all-time high in
the second quarter of this year as financially troubled consumers scrambled to
file before a rewrite of bankruptcy laws takes full effect.

While President George W. Bush travels around the country in a last-ditch effort
to sell his Iraq war, White House aides scramble frantically behind the scenes
to hide the dark mood of an increasingly angry leader who unleashes
obscenity-filled outbursts at anyone who dares disagree with him.
“I’m not meeting with that goddamned bitch,” Bush screamed at aides who
suggested he meet with Cindy Sheehan, the war-protesting mother whose son died
in Iraq. “She can go to hell as far as I’m concerned!”
Bush, whiles setting up for a photo op for signing the recent CAFTA bill,
flipped an extended middle finger at the camera before going live. Aides say the
President often “flips the bird” to show his displeasure and tells aides who
disagree with him to “go to hell” or to “go fuck yourself.”

The Police State Control Grid comes to Portland under the false pretext of
protecting us from gangsters and drive by shootings. (Hmmmm. Sounds like a
familiar strategy.) Anthony Hilder arrived in Portland on the evening of August
12th 2005 at 9pm, and we went to grab some food downtown. I have lived in this
city my entire life an I have never seen anything like this.

Thus, the Department of Anti-Semitism, applauded and advised by B'nai
B'rith/ADL, is working to create a worldwide "criticism-free zone" for
Jews in the "New World Order" that is coming. This report ignores
whether criticisms of matters Jewish are true.

Evangelical programs on Capitol Hill seek to mold a new generation of leaders
who will answer not to voters, but to God.,1,538928

The White County sheriff says the time-consuming and methodical task of searching for arrowheads on farmland and in river beds seems to appeal to methamphetamine addicts.  Sheriff Pat Garrett says that after more than 100 search warrants, he has come to expect arrowheads, many thousands of years old, when he storms the homes of suspected meth makers.

The team believes a special type of "handed" space radiation destroyed more right-handed amino acids on the icy dust from which the solar system formed. This dust, along with the comets it condensed into, then crashed into Earth and other planets, providing them with an overabundance of left-handed amino acids that went on to form protein

America's fundamentalist carnival includes many fascinating acts. Pay your
money, and you can watch preachers weeping and screaming, dismissing whole
segments of humanity as evil, threatening murder, shaking down congregations for
extra donations to named-after-themselves projects, or hitting people in the
head to heal cancer. You will also see some monsters finally caught after years
of molesting children or hear others advocating crimes against humanity such as
using nuclear weapons.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, popular with the poor at home, offered on
Tuesday to help needy Americans with cheap supplies of gasoline.

A police source said

Germs are inherently unpredictable. You cannot predict how far they spread and how many people will be affected. And yet, since most people are afraid of germs, a "pandemic" lends itself to a cover story. The question remains, what, in actuality, are our leaders gearing up for? Could it be a chemical attack?
It is not a far fetched notion that the people intent on depopulation might use The Avian Flu hoax to stage multiple chemical incidents. Chemicals are much more controllable than biologicals and who would be the wiser?
The word "depopulation" is not in most people's vocabulary and the mere use of it puts a huge sign on the speaker, "conspiracy theorist occupies this body.

More than 40 percent of Mexican adults say they would move to the U.S. if they could, and 1 in 5 say they would do so illegally if necessary, according to surveys released yesterday by the Pew Hispanic Center.

Surveys of 1,200 Mexican adults in February and 1,200 in May, conducted in their homes, show that Mexicans' rising education levels have not weakened the desire to live and work in this country.
More than half of Mexicans say they would be inclined to come if the U.S. established a temporary worker program.

YOU could argue that she is the most influential woman in America, not least because her daily television program reaches into the living room of almost every home in the US.
Television insiders insist she can single-handedly turn books into bestsellers and mere celebrities into megastars. But now, glamorous talk show host Oprah Winfrey has become the target of the controversial Church of Scientology.

The campaign is being led by its most famous disciple, 43-year-old Tom Cruise, who is doing everything in his considerable power to convert her to the cultish faith. Cruise recently bought a house two doors away from Oprah in the glamorous suburb of Santa Barbara, California. The two are close friends. Winfrey regularly sings Cruise's praises on her show, and it was there that he chose to make his first public declaration of love for his new fiancee, 26-year-old Katie Holmes, in a toe-curling spectacle,10221,16328380-7485,00.html

[Looks like a porpoise]

A Quebec innkeeper claims to have picture proof that the legendary monster of Lake Massawippi exists.

General Vallely, Colonel Alexander, and Lt. Colonel Aquino (ret.) are but three leading figures within the Special Operations community, who have promoted the application of New Age and outright Satanic practices to the art of war, conducting experimental programs aimed at creating a Nietzschean "Übermensch warrior."
In preparation for this article, EIR has interviewed a number of senior retired military and intelligence officers, who have identified, from their own personal experiences, a number of other leading military officers who promoted these efforts and funnelled massive amounts of Pentagon money into "black programs," testing the military applications of a whole range of bizarre "non-lethal" techniques and technologies. Some of the top-secret programs funded by taxpayer dollars over the past 25 years betray a significant degree of outright "spoon-bending" lunacy. Others lead directly to the doorsteps of Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib military detention centers, where prisoners have been turned into human guinea pigs for experimental torture techniques, drawn from the same New Age bag of tricks.

At one point in his probe of the military's spoon-benders, author Jon Ronson asked Stuart Heller, the friend of Marilyn Ferguson and Jim Channon, if he could name one soldier who was "the living embodiment" of the First Earth Battalion. Without a second thought, Heller replied: "Bert Rodriguez." "Bert's one of the most spiritual guys I've ever met," Heller told Ronson. "No. Spiritual is the wrong word. He's occultic. He's like a walking embodiment of death. He can stop you at a distance. He can influence physical events just with his mind. If he catches your attention he can stop you without touching you."

Antoine Pinay was extremely influential in Europe and the United States, where he had forged links with President Nixon. Pinay attended the Bilderberg inaugural meeting in Oosterbeek, Holland during May 1954. By 1969, Pinay together with Jean Violet, a Lawyer working for the French Intelligence Service SDECE, and Archduke Otto von Habsburg, heir to the Austrian throne, formed Le Cercle, and secretly began recruiting men of influence as members.[iii] The intention was to shift the political climate of Europe to the far right via a secretly financed campaign of propaganda, and to establish a private intelligence service that would work, unofficially, with the existing security apparatus of the west. Author Stephen Dorril also believes there are serpentine inter-connections between Le Cercle and the Gladio network, a “stay-behind anti communist” [iv] military guerrilla force set up by Nato’s Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) during the “fifties”, that was largely composed of ex Nazi’s.

This land was being exposed for the first time for millions of years. Even a century ago, where I stood would have been solid ice, and I was struck by just how much vegetation there was.

Phillip, the biologist on the trip, was every bit as excited as Richard, identifying the dark brown lichens on the rocks, the grasses and beautiful purple flowers somehow managing to cling to just a few millimetres of soil.
The Earth's climate has warmed before, albeit naturally.

A ruined church on the banks of a fjord marks the remains of a Viking farming civilisation.

The sun casts shadows through the arched window to the site of the altar, last used in the 1400s before the area was abandoned when it became too cold to support habitation.

Today, the farmers are back.

Sheep once again graze the surrounding hillside and shiny new tractors work the fields near the southern coast.

Greenland is turning green, something the rest of us should be very worried about indeed.

You may have got the impression that the European constitution was dead - that the French had felled it, and the Dutch had pounded a stake through its heart. If so, think again. The constitution is being implemented, clause by clause, as if the No votes had not happened.
Whenever a chunk of the constitution comes before my committee in the European Parliament for approval, I ask: "Where in the existing treaties does it say that we can do this?"

"Where does it say we can't?" reply my federalist colleagues, giggling at their own cleverness like Mr Toad in The Wind in the Willows. Pressed for a proper answer, they point to a flimsy cats-cradle of summit communiqués, Council resolutions and commission press releases. The more honest of them go on to explain that this is how the EU has always operated: first it extends its jurisdiction into a new area and then, often years later, it authorises its power-grab in a retrospective treaty.

Additional Cercle targets may have been Olaf Palme, Sweden’s Prime Minister. In 1987 the leading Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter carried a sensational story that the 03 section of the Swedish intelligence service, SAPO, were heavily involved in Palme’s assassination, following their fury at his policy of détente towards the Soviet Union, and possibly fearful that he may discover the extent of their implication in arms sales to Iran. Other “direct actions” possibly include a Coup d’etat in Belgium during 1973. “planned by gendarmerie officers and extreme right-wing groups.” By no means least were the allegations by France’s leading daily, Le Monde, which in 1978 revealed the activities of Circle member and head of the intelligence service SDECE, Alexandre de Marenches. Le Monde claimed that de Marenches led a domestic campaign of terrorism and disinformation.[xiv] It is fairly apparent that these activities were, “designedly”, to keep Francois Mitterand from office during the 1974 elections. However, with the exception of the Langemann papers, and an ISC memo published in Lobster 17, there are no other Cercle documents available to confirm these allegations.

Becoming a Freemason

People generally become Freemasons by recommendation of a sponsor, and Lodges vote on accepting new members once a new member is recommended. The Worshipful Master appoints three investigators who draft reports about the candidate. These three reports are done independently and are read out loud to the entire lodge prior to acceptance. The candidates picture is posted with their name, address and other personal information on a board and displayed in the lodge. After members are briefed on the person’s profile, the candidate is brought into the room while wearing a blindfold and questioned by the current members. Then the lodge votes on acceptance or denial.

Space images taken by NASA reveal a mysterious ancient bridge in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka. The bridge currently named as Adam´s Bridge is made of chain of shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long

You would have thought that the National Physical Laboratory would be the darling of every British Government. Not so. I was invited to visit at that time because they were concerned the government did not fully appreciate that science in peace was as vital as science in war

A hospital doctor in the poor rural area around the Mekong Delta in Vietnam has used his PC and some cheap parts to create a homemade endoscope.

In Vietnam, there is a shortage of endoscopes, with normally only one in each province

Ultra-close tracking and tracing of everything injected into YOU. And another dark side- It opens the door to covert drug experiments on anyone, without consent

On October 17, the new bankruptcy law will go into effect. That is the day that the banks will see their cash cow wander off into the field toward the butcher's.
The new law cuts those juicy 20-year loans to 10 years. Monthly payments will jump accordingly.
Also, the new law requires borrowers to repay these loans even after bankruptcy.
The banks asked Congress to intervene and make things less risky for the banks. Congress did as it was told, but there will be a cost: the doubling of the minimum-balance monthly payoff. That will hit borrowers like any unexpected bill does. They will have to adjust their monthly budgets.
This will come at a time when gasoline price increases are already forcing major budget readjustments

Pat Robertson calls for teh death of Hugo Chavez

An active-duty Navy captain has become the second military officer to come forward publicly to say that a secret intelligence program tagged the ringleader of the Sept. 11 attacks as a possible terrorist more than a year before the attacks

The prescheduled debt payment gave Russia an opportunity to save some $400 million in 2005

Russia has completed the prescheduled debt payment to the Paris Club of Creditors. The overall sum, which has been paid to the club from the former USSR, makes up $15 billion. Thirteen billion dollars of the sum were wired into two parts on July 15 and 29 to eleven countries (Australia, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Canada, the USA, France, Finland and Sweden). The rest of the sum, $2.3 billion, has been transferred to five other countries (Austria, Belgium, Spain, Norway and Japan) today, on August 22. The biggest part of the debt was paid to the Paris Club on August 19

Police officers from the team involved in the fatal shooting of Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes did not believe he posed 'an immediate threat'.

Senior sources in the Metropolitan Police have told The Observer that members of the surveillance team who followed de Menezes into Stockwell underground station in London felt that he was not about to detonate a bomb, was not armed and was not acting suspiciously. It was only when they were joined by armed officers that his threat was deemed so great that he was shot seven times.

Sources said that the surveillance officers wanted to detain de Menezes, but were told to hand over the operation to the firearms team.

The two teams have fallen out over the circumstances surrounding the incident, raising fresh questions about how the operation was handled.

A police source said: 'There is no way those three guys would have been on the train carriage with him [de Menezes] if they believed he was carrying a bomb. Nothing he did gave the surveillance team the impression that he was carrying a device.,6903,1553440,00.html

Monday, August 22, 2005

Aside from enabling Kurdish thuggery

Germs are inherently unpredictable. You cannot predict how far they spread and how many people will be affected. And yet, since most people are afraid of germs, a "pandemic" lends itself to a cover story. The question remains, what, in actuality, are our leaders gearing up for? Could it be a chemical attack?
It is not a far fetched notion that the people intent on depopulation might use The Avian Flu hoax to stage multiple chemical incidents. Chemicals are much more controllable than biologicals and who would be the wiser?
The word "depopulation" is not in most people's vocabulary and the mere use of it puts a huge sign on the speaker, "conspiracy theorist occupies this body.

More than 40 percent of Mexican adults say they would move to the U.S. if they could, and 1 in 5 say they would do so illegally if necessary, according to surveys released yesterday by the Pew Hispanic Center.

Surveys of 1,200 Mexican adults in February and 1,200 in May, conducted in their homes, show that Mexicans' rising education levels have not weakened the desire to live and work in this country.
More than half of Mexicans say they would be inclined to come if the U.S. established a temporary worker program.

YOU could argue that she is the most influential woman in America, not least because her daily television program reaches into the living room of almost every home in the US.
Television insiders insist she can single-handedly turn books into bestsellers and mere celebrities into megastars. But now, glamorous talk show host Oprah Winfrey has become the target of the controversial Church of Scientology.

The campaign is being led by its most famous disciple, 43-year-old Tom Cruise, who is doing everything in his considerable power to convert her to the cultish faith. Cruise recently bought a house two doors away from Oprah in the glamorous suburb of Santa Barbara, California. The two are close friends. Winfrey regularly sings Cruise's praises on her show, and it was there that he chose to make his first public declaration of love for his new fiancee, 26-year-old Katie Holmes, in a toe-curling spectacle,10221,16328380-7485,00.html

[Looks like a porpoise]

A Quebec innkeeper claims to have picture proof that the legendary monster of Lake Massawippi exists.

General Vallely, Colonel Alexander, and Lt. Colonel Aquino (ret.) are but three leading figures within the Special Operations community, who have promoted the application of New Age and outright Satanic practices to the art of war, conducting experimental programs aimed at creating a Nietzschean "Übermensch warrior."
In preparation for this article, EIR has interviewed a number of senior retired military and intelligence officers, who have identified, from their own personal experiences, a number of other leading military officers who promoted these efforts and funnelled massive amounts of Pentagon money into "black programs," testing the military applications of a whole range of bizarre "non-lethal" techniques and technologies. Some of the top-secret programs funded by taxpayer dollars over the past 25 years betray a significant degree of outright "spoon-bending" lunacy. Others lead directly to the doorsteps of Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib military detention centers, where prisoners have been turned into human guinea pigs for experimental torture techniques, drawn from the same New Age bag of tricks.

At one point in his probe of the military's spoon-benders, author Jon Ronson asked Stuart Heller, the friend of Marilyn Ferguson and Jim Channon, if he could name one soldier who was "the living embodiment" of the First Earth Battalion. Without a second thought, Heller replied: "Bert Rodriguez." "Bert's one of the most spiritual guys I've ever met," Heller told Ronson. "No. Spiritual is the wrong word. He's occultic. He's like a walking embodiment of death. He can stop you at a distance. He can influence physical events just with his mind. If he catches your attention he can stop you without touching you."

Antoine Pinay was extremely influential in Europe and the United States, where he had forged links with President Nixon. Pinay attended the Bilderberg inaugural meeting in Oosterbeek, Holland during May 1954. By 1969, Pinay together with Jean Violet, a Lawyer working for the French Intelligence Service SDECE, and Archduke Otto von Habsburg, heir to the Austrian throne, formed Le Cercle, and secretly began recruiting men of influence as members.[iii] The intention was to shift the political climate of Europe to the far right via a secretly financed campaign of propaganda, and to establish a private intelligence service that would work, unofficially, with the existing security apparatus of the west. Author Stephen Dorril also believes there are serpentine inter-connections between Le Cercle and the Gladio network, a “stay-behind anti communist” [iv] military guerrilla force set up by Nato’s Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) during the “fifties”, that was largely composed of ex Nazi’s.

This land was being exposed for the first time for millions of years. Even a century ago, where I stood would have been solid ice, and I was struck by just how much vegetation there was.

Phillip, the biologist on the trip, was every bit as excited as Richard, identifying the dark brown lichens on the rocks, the grasses and beautiful purple flowers somehow managing to cling to just a few millimetres of soil.
The Earth's climate has warmed before, albeit naturally.

A ruined church on the banks of a fjord marks the remains of a Viking farming civilisation.

The sun casts shadows through the arched window to the site of the altar, last used in the 1400s before the area was abandoned when it became too cold to support habitation.

Today, the farmers are back.

Sheep once again graze the surrounding hillside and shiny new tractors work the fields near the southern coast.

Greenland is turning green, something the rest of us should be very worried about indeed.

You may have got the impression that the European constitution was dead - that the French had felled it, and the Dutch had pounded a stake through its heart. If so, think again. The constitution is being implemented, clause by clause, as if the No votes had not happened.
Whenever a chunk of the constitution comes before my committee in the European Parliament for approval, I ask: "Where in the existing treaties does it say that we can do this?"

"Where does it say we can't?" reply my federalist colleagues, giggling at their own cleverness like Mr Toad in The Wind in the Willows. Pressed for a proper answer, they point to a flimsy cats-cradle of summit communiqués, Council resolutions and commission press releases. The more honest of them go on to explain that this is how the EU has always operated: first it extends its jurisdiction into a new area and then, often years later, it authorises its power-grab in a retrospective treaty.

Additional Cercle targets may have been Olaf Palme, Sweden’s Prime Minister. In 1987 the leading Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter carried a sensational story that the 03 section of the Swedish intelligence service, SAPO, were heavily involved in Palme’s assassination, following their fury at his policy of détente towards the Soviet Union, and possibly fearful that he may discover the extent of their implication in arms sales to Iran. Other “direct actions” possibly include a Coup d’etat in Belgium during 1973. “planned by gendarmerie officers and extreme right-wing groups.” By no means least were the allegations by France’s leading daily, Le Monde, which in 1978 revealed the activities of Circle member and head of the intelligence service SDECE, Alexandre de Marenches. Le Monde claimed that de Marenches led a domestic campaign of terrorism and disinformation.[xiv] It is fairly apparent that these activities were, “designedly”, to keep Francois Mitterand from office during the 1974 elections. However, with the exception of the Langemann papers, and an ISC memo published in Lobster 17, there are no other Cercle documents available to confirm these allegations.

Becoming a Freemason

People generally become Freemasons by recommendation of a sponsor, and Lodges vote on accepting new members once a new member is recommended. The Worshipful Master appoints three investigators who draft reports about the candidate. These three reports are done independently and are read out loud to the entire lodge prior to acceptance. The candidates picture is posted with their name, address and other personal information on a board and displayed in the lodge. After members are briefed on the person’s profile, the candidate is brought into the room while wearing a blindfold and questioned by the current members. Then the lodge votes on acceptance or denial.

Shiite and Kurdish militias, often operating as part of Iraqi government security forces, have carried out a wave of abductions, assassinations and other acts of intimidation, consolidating their control over territory across northern and southern Iraq and deepening the country's divide along ethnic and sectarian lines, according to political leaders, families of the victims, human rights activists and Iraqi officials.

A Utah television station is refusing to air an anti-war ad featuring Cindy Sheehan, whose son's death in Iraq prompted a vigil outside U.S. President George W. Bush's Texas ranch.
The ad began airing on other area stations Saturday, two days before Mr. Bush was scheduled to speak in Salt Lake City to the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
A national sales representative for KTVX, a local ABC affiliate, rejected the ad in an e-mail to media buyers, writing that it was an "inappropriate commercial advertisement for Salt Lake City.

Back in 1975, the First National Family Violence Survey turned up results that surprised even the sociologists conducting the survey. Wives attack husbands about as often as husbands attack wives. And wives attack first about as often as husbands attack first, which is strong evidence that women's assaults on men can't be explained away simply as self-defense.[1] But battered women's advocates were intent on portraying domestic violence as something only men do and only women suffer from. So they'd conveniently leave out the part about women's assaults on men whenever they cited the study's results.[2]

The most controversial finding, as it would turn out, was that the rate of adult female-to-adult male intimate violence was the same as the rate of male-to-female violence. Not only that, but the rate of abusive female-to-male violence was the same as the rate of abusive male-to-female violence. When my colleague Murray Straus presented these findings in 1977 at a conference on the subject of battered women, he was nearly hooted and booed from the stage. When my colleague Suzanne Steinmetz published a scholarly article, ”The battered husband syndrome,” in 1978, the editor of the professional journal published, in the same issue, a critique of Suzanne’s article.
Second, contrary to the claim that women only hit in self-defense, we found that women were as likely to initiate the violence as were men. In order to correct for a possible bias in reporting, we reexamined our data looking only at the self-reports of women. The women reported similar rates of female-to-male violence compared to male-to-female, and women also reported they were as likely to initiate the violence as were men.

When we reported the results of the Second National Family Violence Survey the personal attacks continued and the professional critiques simply ignored methodological revisions to the measurement instrument. This round of personal attacks was much more insidious—in particular, it was alleged that Murray had abused his wife. This is a rather typical critique in the field of family violence—men whose research results are contrary to political correctness are labeled ”perps.”
Battered men face a tragic apathy. Their one option is to call the police and hope that a jurisdiction will abide by a mandatory or presumptive arrest statute. However, when the police do carry out an arrest when a male has been beaten, they tend to engage in the practice of ”dual arrest” and arrest both parties.

Battered men who flee their attackers find that the act of fleeing results in the men losing physical and even legal custody of their children. Those men who stay are thought to be ”wimps,” at best and ”perps” at worst, since if they stay, it is believed they are the true abusers in the home.

Thirty years ago battered women had no place to go and no place to turn for help and assistance. Today, there are places to go—more than 1,800 shelters, and many agencies to which to turn. For men, there still is not place to go and no one to whom to turn. On occasion a shelter for battered men is created, but it rarely lasts—first because it lacks on-going funding, and second because the shelter probably does not meet the needs of male victims. Men, who retain their children in order to try to protect them from abusive mothers, often find themselves arrested for ”child kidnapping.”

Having just gone through a controversy about a Supreme Court
decision about government's power of eminent domain, most Americans
may be surprised to learn that the Trading With the Enemy Act and
the International Emergency Economic Powers Act could expropriate
them instantly and far more broadly without any of the due process
extended to parties in eminent domain cases. All that is needed is a
presidential proclamation of an emergency of some kind -- and of
course Americans lately have been living in a state of perpetual

Aside from enabling Kurdish thuggery, the American "liberators" are also in league with aspiring Shi'ite tyrants who want to impose sharia law on the nation. As Juan Cole points out, the Shi'ite parties' demand that Islamic law must be the fundamental source of legislation – rather than one source among others – has been met and is likely to be enshrined in the constitution with full American support. Cole cites al-Hayat newspaper:

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Our armed forces in Viet Nam

President George Bush, a man who has never soiled his hands with a hard day's work for a day's pay in his life, promotes illegal alien migration by saying, "They do work that Americans won't do." What he really means is--corporations welcome illegal aliens so they can work for slave wages which aids his corporate friends to help buy more Lear Jets and drive Rolls Royces along with a third home in Aspen, Colorado. What's he's really saying is that Americans can't earn a decent living at such wages, so it's okay to have millions of illegal aliens living 20 to a trailer and suffering inhumane conditions in ghettoes forming across the USA. They are called 'colonias' or 'new neighborhoods'. These are our new slave class.

Mark Oaten, the Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman, said the plans were being brought in by the Government without informing the public. "A new system capable of mass public surveillance is being created with no public debate. The arrival of CCTV cameras which can recognise you and track you without your knowledge means we are stepping into an unknown future," he said.
The monitoring will be possible using the country's four million CCTV cameras - more than any country in the world. Images could be swiftly cross-referenced with the database

Jewish terrorist Asher Weissgan responsible for Wednesday's shooting attack in which three Palestinians were killed, worked as a driver transporting Palestinian laborers on a daily basis to and from the Ortal factory in Shilo.

Several hours prior to the attack, Weissgan ate lunch with the very people he would later kill.,7340,L-3129278,00.html

Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano declared an emergency Monday in four border counties because of problems related to lax border enforcement and moved to provide local governments in those counties with up to $1.5 million in state funding

When you crunch the numbers behind the statistics for children abducted by non-family members, a disturbing picture emerges.
When you divide 58,200 by 365 days of the year, you get 159.45 children who go missing every day!
Remember, these are only children that were abducted by non-family members and only in the USA.
That's about a 1,119 children disappearing each week. And that's data from 1999!

The parents of a Taylor Middle School student who was pulled off a school bus and searched after sharing orange Tic Tacs with his friends    
have filed a civil rights lawsuit claiming unreasonable search and seizure and excessive force

An illegal alien, Jose Ramirez, 28, has been arrested and charged with the brutal beating of a 15-year-old girl who allegedly ignored his whistles at a construction site in Spotsylvania County.

Many gunmen who had taken hundreds of schoolchildren and their parents hostage in the South Russian town of Beslan a year ago owe their escape from the school stormed by the security forces to people dressed in police uniforms, a former hostage, Inga Kharebova, told a court where the only hostage-taker detained by the authorities — Nurpasha Kulayev — is currently facing trial.

A pilot scheme due to be launched next month will automatically inform different Government departments when people move house or change address., and the Royal Mail - which all provide change of address services - will take part in the Net-based trial.

Until now, the problem has been that while people might inform utilities, banks and other key groups about change of address, many people forget, or delay, or refuse to tell different Government departments about their new circumstances

The second-highest diplomat at the United States Embassy in Baghdad is one of the anonymous government officials cited in an Aug. 4 indictment as having provided classified information to an employee of a pro-Israel lobbying group, people who have been officially briefed on the case said Wednesday.

"We did make an error, the IPCC should have been called in immediately," the police source said.

Later that same day, after an exchange of opinions between Sir Ian, the Home Office and the IPCC, the commissioner was overruled. A Whitehall insider said: "We won that battle. There's no ambiguity in the legislation, they had to do it."

But a statement from the Met yesterday showed that despite the agreement to allow in independent investigators, the IPCC was kept away from Stockwell tube in south London, the scene of the shooting, for a further three days. This runs counter to usual practice, where the IPCC would expect to be at the scene within hours,16132,1551340,00.html

Those who believe in the adage "when it rains, it pours" might take the tale of the plaintiffs in Kelo v. New London as a cue to buy two of every animal and a load of wood from Home Depot. The U.S. Supreme Court recently found that the city's original seizure of private property was constitutional under the principal of eminent domain, and now New London is claiming that the affected homeowners were living on city land for the duration of the lawsuit and owe back rent. It's a new definition of chutzpah: Confiscate land and charge back rent for the years the owners fought confiscation.

In some cases, their debt could amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Moreover, the homeowners are being offered buyouts based on the market rate as it was in 2000 .

magine: an American journalist using his cover for the most prominent paper in the country to inform on and demonize select political critics of the government! The Godfather had his "newspaper friends" on the payroll, and the IRS has theirs: David Cay Johnston.

David Cay Johnston, a celebrated New York Times reporter, reveals in his recent book, Perfectly Legal, his history of acting as a government informant against political dissenters on behalf of his best government sources. Criticized by many for his lack of journalistic integrity, Johnston's revelations in his book still shock the conscience. Johnston's informing and propaganda at the behest of favored insiders induced audits, secret surveillance, and criminal prosecutions of select political targets.

We lost the war in Viet Nam to a raggedy group of under-armed, but dedicated Communist insurgents. Our armed forces in Viet Nam were far better equipped and superior in training, yet we lost anyway. It was the first modern test of citizen guerilla forces waged against a standing army, and 58,000 lives later, we limped home. If you will recall, our own insurgents, loosely organized under a guy named George Washington, sent a another superior standing army from England limping home. Such is the legacy of an armed citizen insurgency, and our excellent adventure in Iraq is going exactly the same way

Friday, August 19, 2005


The animal, from the early Cambrian Period, might have belonged to a now extinct mollusc-like phylum, academics from America and China say. Other researchers have suggested the creature could represent an early annelid or arthropod. December tsunami waves that veered around the southern tip of Sri Lanka into its southwestern coast, stripped of coral reefs by illegal mining, might have been subdued by the natural barriers, according to a study in the Aug. 16 edition of Eos.Eastern Sri Lanka took the brunt of the Dec. 26 tsunami, triggered by the worst earthquake in 40 years. Lead study author Harinda Joseph Fernando traveled to southwestern Sri Lanka to study damage in areas where coral was being mined. Pomilla and Howard Rosenbaum of the American Museum of Natural History in New York have identified one whale that has contributed to this mixing, by wintering in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar in 2000 and then turning up on the other side of Africa in the Atlantic near Gabon in the winter of 2002. it has emerged that another employee, Julie Ferguson, who works at a branch in Paisley, was given a cauliflower for her desk and told that she could only pass it on when she got someone to open an account. a group of US researchers have their way, lions, cheetahs, elephants and camels could soon roam parts of North America, Nature magazine reports. The plan, which is called Pleistocene re-wilding, is intended to be a proactive approach to conservation. The initiative would help endangered African animals while creating jobs, the Cornell University scientists say. municipal officials believe a chicken manure composting facility may be dumping E. coli-laced leachate into the St. John River, the Bangor (Maine) Daily News reported. Officials from St. Hilaire, New Brunswick, charge that leachate from the compost piles of Les Production Agricoles Ouellet is entering the St. John River through a diversion ditch. George Marchand, chairman of the St. Hilare committee investigating environmental concerns with the facility, said test results received last week show that the leachate has 300 parts of E. coli per 100 milliliters of liquid taken from the ditch.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Thanks in large part to Cindy Sheehan

Gorillas, tigers, and chimps can be bought for as little as a few hundred pounds, despite international bans on their sale.
The illegal online trade in rare and exotic wildlife is now worth billions of pounds and sales are soaring, according to a new report by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW).
In just one week, IFAW investigators found more than 9,000 live animals and products made from endangered species for sale on internet auction sites, chat rooms and classified pages, despite the fact that 70 per cent of the species and specimens were protected under law.
The scale of the trade is astonishing.
Want a gorilla in your backyard? It's yours for £4,500 from a classified ad on the internet - just come to London and pick it up, with no proof needed of any capacity or ability to look after such a beast.

Just weeks after congressional investigators found that officials in charge of a new airline passenger-screening system violated a federal privacy law, the Department of Homeland Security is pushing Congress to reduce oversight of the program and to allow it to use commercial databases to screen for terrorists.
Changes proposed to next year's homeland security funding bill would allow the controversial Secure Flight program to use background checks and profiling to help determine if an airline passenger is a terrorist despite not being on a terror watch list.
Additionally, the proposed changes would permit Secure Flight to be rolled out to the nation's airports after Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff certifies the program will be effective and not overly invasive. The current bill requires independent congressional investigators to make that determination.

Wolf Blitzer is the show's famously hawkish and pro-Israel host. Imagine that - a new CNN "Situation Room" military focus news program debuts in NORTHCOM headquarters days prior to a nuclear terror drill.
They're not even bothering to pretend there's separation between the press and the government anymore. CNN here makes it obvious that they are now the New World Order's propaganda mouthpiece. At the war crimes trials, let's not forget it.

A US company operating out of Ecuador says it has signed up about 1,000 Colombian police and military staff to work as hired guns in Iraq, for less than half of their US counterparts' salaries.

Colombians "have been fighting terrorists for the past 41 years and are experts in their respective areas" such as explosives and guerrilla warfare, Epi Security and Investigation says on its website,

It appears that Moore's literary agent is the brother of Clintonista Rahm Emmanuel, a chap named Ari Emmanuel. Rahm, who is currently representing the 5th district of Illinois in Congress -- is rumored to have been the Mossad mole in the Clinton White House -- whose codename was MEGA. This is according to a July 31, 2004 news item on
So, is Michael Moore the EVERYMAN he claims and pretends to be? Or, does Moore owe his entire filmmaking career to the kindness of the Bush Crime Family?
I present the evidence -- and allow you dear reader -- to make up your own mind.
I have my opinion however...

Law Abiding Ohio Resident And Korean War Veteran Has Authorities Illegally Swarm On His Property Just Hours After He Called President Bush A Liar On A Local AM Radio Station

Although Doug Stout, 77, won't pin illegal entry on his property to his harsh comments about Bush, but says one thing for sure "I don't smoke pot and everybody in town knows it." After hovering over his property with a helicopter, officers then swarmed on his land, looked at some shrubbery and then left without any explanation.

Most of the bodies recovered from a Cypriot plane that crashed near Athens with 121 people on board were frozen solid, a Greek official said, suggesting the airliner was a flying tomb before it plunged to earth.

As accident investigators combed the crash site for clues, aviation experts were baffled at what appeared to have been a catastrophic failure of cabin pressure or oxygen supply in freezing temperatures at 35,000 feet -- nearly 10 km (6 miles) up, higher than Mount Everest.

One expert said reports of extreme cold suggested there was no air circulating in the cabin.

People laughed at me and many others, when told about Northcom,s plan for world domination. Some of these people are not laughing now, and others are finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But, that light is on the front of a freight train - a run-away train operated by the globalists to turn everyone's life in America and other parts of the world, into a living hell. These megalomaniacs plan to tear down both northern and southern borders and instantly make the continent part of the Pentagon,s Northcom Command. The Canadians are not thrilled about this either. Any Canadian enjoys freedom just like Americans do. Now Toronto is sudddenly having gun-related crimes, and their press is playing it as far as they can. Gun control in Canada is just a matter of time.

More importantly national exit polls showed Kerry winning in 2004. However, It was only in precincts where there were no paper trails on the voting machines that the exit polls ended up being different from the final count. According to Dr. Steve Freeman, a statistician at the University of Pennsylvania, the odds are 250 million to one that the exit polls were wrong by chance. In fact, where the exit polls disagreed with the computerized outcomes the results always favored Bush - another statistical impossibility

ChildLocate is a passive service that enables parents to check on their child's whereabouts, without having to rely on their children using or answering the phone. While the phone is switched on, the parent can receive up to date location information, either on a map on their PC or via text message on their mobile phone

In this obscure corner of southern China, General Motors seems to have hit on a hot new formula: $5,000 minivans that get 43 miles to the gallon in city driving. That combination of advantages has captivated Chinese buyers, propelling G.M. into the leading spot in this nascent car market.

Richardson cited "violence directed at law enforcement, damage to property and livestock, increased evidence of drug smuggling and an increase in the number of undocumented immigrants" in declaring the emergency.

He said the border security situation "constitutes an emergency condition with potentially catastrophic consequences.

Thanks in large part to Cindy Sheehan, people are starting to raise the issue of why Jenna and Barbara Bush aren't serving in the military. It's a tough question, but I think it's a fair one. The President of the United States is calling on American young people to volunteer to go to war, but his own daughters, who are certainly of the appropriate age, are better known for their drunken nightclub escapades than for any acts of patriotism.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Unbefugte eine solche Abschaltung veranlassen können

Now it isn't all that surprising that neither Hadley, nor the President, had any inkling of Operation "Able Danger." What's truly startling, however, is that when Weldon talked to those who made the chart, he discovered that not only had they identified the New York cell of Mohammed Atta and two of the other terrorists, but also that a recommendation had been made to take out the cell – and it had been vetoed. By whom – and why?

Taysir El-Heyb was convicted in June of manslaughter for shooting activist
Tom Hurndall in the head during a military operation in the Gaza Strip in April
2003. Witnesses said Hurndall, 22, a member of the International Solidarity
Movement, was helping Palestinian children avoid IDF tanks.

"Right now, anywhere we go from shore to 20 miles offshore, from Sarasota
to Tarpon Springs, we can't find a single creature alive on the bottom right
now," said Miller.

Miller says he's never seen such death and devastation under water in his 20
years of diving.

"All the coral, all the sponges, all the crabs, not a single living thing,
all the star fish, the brittle stars, everything's dead," said Miller.

A melting permafrost peat bog stretching across an area the size of France and
Germany could unleash billions of tons of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere,
Russian scientists have warned.

On August 2nd we reported the revelation that the "mastermind" of the
7/7 London Bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, is a British Intelligence Asset.

Former Justice Dept. Prosecutor and Terror expert John Loftus revealed that
British Intelligence and the US dept of Justice had protected Haroon Rashid
Aswat: "Back in 1999 he came to America. The Justice Department wanted to
indict him in Seattle because him and his buddy were trying to set up a
terrorist training school in Oregon... we've just learned that the headquarters
of the US Justice Department ordered the Seattle prosecutors not to touch
Aswat... , apparently Aswat was working for British intelligence"

On 29th July the London Times reported that Aswat had been arrested in Zambia in
"Britain's biggest manhunt". Aswat had been named as a "key Al
Qaeda figure" in FBI documents and According to several newspaper and wire
reports, Aswat spoke with some of the four July 7 attackers.

Jewish leaders believe that enmity toward Israel or toward Jews has made someone
go crazy. But they remain quiet because this enmity paralyses them. It leads
Jews to wonder whether it is worthwhile to get involved in a public debate that
will end in sensitive questions of dual loyalty. A debate that those who hate
Israel would be happy to see and use to sow doubt and suspicion and to incite.
The media and the Internet are already full of stupid or bad people who are
eager to use the affair to lambast "the Jewish/Israeli/neo-Conservative

The admission that army special forces were involved in the police execution of Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes confirms that the techniques perfected in the dirty war conducted by British imperialism in Northern Ireland are now being employed on the streets of Britain.

The Guardian reported August 4 that “a new army special forces regiment was involved in the operation” that resulted in de Menezes being killed with eight bullets, seven to the head, in a London subway carriage on July 22.

Killing by mistake is now perhaps one of the main causes of death in Iraq.


Trust between the people and the government has collapsed. And now we are at the mercy of the stars because neither U.S. troops nor the government have the slightest idea of who is blowing up whom and why?\2005-08-08\10477.htm

A senior lawyer for the U.S. government has told a judge hearing a lawsuit over Maher Arar's deportation to Syria that foreign citizens passing through American airports have almost no rights.

• INDEPTH: Maher Arar

Maher Arar

At most, Mary Mason told a hearing in Brooklyn, N.Y., passengers would have the right not to be subjected to "gross physical abuse."

The policy has implications for Canadians who head for international destinations via big American airports in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and other major centres.

An Oklahoma man was taken into custody after he tried to carry a bomb on board an airplane on Wednesday in Oklahoma City, an FBI spokesman said.

Charles Alfred Dreyling Jr., 24, was detained on Wednesday morning after a security screener using an X-ray machine saw the device in his luggage as he tried to board a flight to Philadelphia at Will Rogers Airport in Oklahoma City.

"Although the investigation is in its initial stages we have found no apparent connection to any type of terrorist activity or group," FBI spokesman Gary Johnson said.

Johnson said the screener saw an "improvised explosive device" in Dreyling's carry-on luggage.

A woman answering the phone at Dreyling's home on Wednesday night declined to discuss the matter.

Johnson said Dreyling would be charged in federal court on Thursday with possession of an explosive device at an airport.

One of Indonesia's leading human rights activists was murdered by an off-duty pilot who put arsenic in his orange juice, a court heard yesterday.

About 30 supporters of Munir Thalib chanted "murderer, murderer" at Pollycarpus Priyanto as he was led into the hearing in Jakarta.

[Is there anything noticeable about this list of worst landlords?]
Housing Here and Now’s

Top Ten List
1.   Aaron Parnes
2.   Moshe Piller
3.   Emmanuel Ku
4.   David Somerstein
5.   Hank Freid
6.   Nicholas Haros
7.   Belmax (Chaim Wachsman & Moishe Beilush)
8.   Frank Palazzolo
9.   Barry Singer
10. Eshel Management (Zvi Kaufman)

Washington says it has no plans to obey a NAFTA ruling that compels the United States to refund an estimated $5-billion in illegally collected duties to Canadian lumber producers -- setting up a potential trade war that experts say could threaten the future of the North American trading bloc.

Despite a zero-tolerance policy on tampering with voters, the Republican Party has quietly paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide private defense lawyers for a former Bush campaign official charged with conspiring to keep Democrats from voting in New Hampshire.

James Tobin, the president's 2004 campaign chairman for New England, is charged in New Hampshire federal court with four felonies accusing him of conspiring with a state GOP official and a GOP consultant in Virginia to jam Democratic and labor union get-out-the-vote phone banks in November 2002

How ludicrous! Our troops in Iraq are being blown to bits, women are being sexually assaulted at the Air Force Academy - a majority of the cases there are legitimate - yet the Air Force is making itself look ridiculous on the altar of "political correctness" and "cover-your-ass at any cost."

Gee, maybe some of the women who worked for Hassan will claim PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) as a result of the foot "ministrations" they received. Then they can leave the Air Force and collect a fat VA pension check. After all, such an "ordeal" should be worth a few hundred thousand bucks to these "traumatized" young women, right? Maybe they can score a book or movie deal, too! How about: "My Feet Were Fondled by the Foot Fetish General"?

What we can't figure out is how that nasty man Hassan was able to tackle these gals and grab their feet and "rub" them if the women didn't consent? Maybe he did it while they weren't looking. At least he didn't suck on their toes. A source within the investigation tells us Hassan liked females who wore dark-colored hose. "Bare feet" apparently wasn't his style.

The FBI is deploying hundreds of new agents across America to crack down on spying by a small army of Chinese agents who are stealing information designed to kick-start high-tech military and business programmes.

The new counter-intelligence strategy reflects growing alarm at the damage being done by spies hidden among the 700,000 Chinese visitors entering the US each year.

I asked him if he would have a problem firing upon women and children under martial law. He bluntly replied, "NO." And admitted that neither would the REST of the men the military has been quietly conditioning for this coming NWO takeover.

R____further confirmed the SATANIST NATURE of the entire coming NWO takeover, both of the world and America. He admitted that SATANISM IS RAMPANT throughout the US military, especially in the US ARMY.

In fact, R_____ is also an admitted Satanist. Just like my very own USAF father was a NWO Satanist...BUT one whom Almighty God finally got ahold of and brought to Jesus Christ.;article=88951;title=APFN

MOE stands up for hairstyle freedom

Publish Date:08/12/2005
Story Type:National Affairs;
Byline:Cecilia Fanchiang
Education Minister Tu Cheng-sheng recently called for hairstyle
regulations imposed by public secondary and elementary schools to be permanently
abolished. Pubic school students will be free to sport their chosen hairstyles
starting in the new school year come September. Education authorities further
promised to liberalize long-standing student dress codes, describing them as a
"disgrace to democracy." Many schools in Taiwan maintain rigid
restrictions on student hairstyles even though the Ministry of Education (MOE)
discarded government restrictions years ago, Tu explained, adding that he feels
teachers and students are unnecessarily at odds over antiquated policies.

Arguing that the right of choosing one's own hairstyle is a freedom
protected by the Constitution, officials with the MOE expressed the view that
letting students decide their own hair and dress styles is good for nurturing
aesthetic taste among young people. "Schools should encourage students to
learn how to style their hair appropriately," said an MOE official.
According to government data, the nation's secondary and primary schools last
year issued a total of 140,000 reprimands ordering students to correct their
hairstyles or dress styles.

School superintendents and educational authorities from cities and
counties islandwide will be required to abide by the MOE new rules after
undergoing orientation at an MOE seminar to be held in August. The ministry will
try its best to win over, but not force, private schools to discontinue
restrictions on student hair and dress styles, according to the MOE. It is the
ministry's goal to create friendly and healthy school environments where
students can freely express themselves.

"Hairstyle codes were a sort of imprisonment that failed to embody
the spirit of democracy," said a local parents' association leader in the
northern county of Hsinchu. "Taiwan should long ago have abandoned control
of hairstyles, which is an objectionable practice from a time when students were
always pushed to prepare for entrance exams and ignore how their hair looks.
Without restrictions on hairstyle, students will have the opportunity to learn
self-management." On the other hand, some parents have expressed concern
that abolishing rules on personal appearance will render their children more
vulnerable to peer pressure and overly worried about their looks, to the
detriment of their studies

North Carolina Lightning
Storm Absurdly Violent

Zakheim, who is a dual Israeli/American citizen and a Shul Rabbi, has stalked
the halls of US government for 25 yrs. He has set defense policy which
influenced Presidents Reagan, Clinton and Bush Sr. and Jr. This rabid Zionist
was the controller of the Pentagon when an audit discovered over a trillion
dollars was missing

[open page]

Here is what CNN reports about the white jet sighting in DC:

About 10 minutes ago, there was a white jet circling overhead. Now, you
generally don't see planes in the area over the White House. That is restricted
air space. No reason to believe that this jet was there for any nefarious
purposes, but the Secret Service was very concerned, pointing up at the jet in
the sky. It is out of sight now, best we can tell. They've evacuated the entire
White House staff and the old executive office, as well as some townhouses that
are government offices.

A bird flu outbreak has expanded in Siberia and spread to Mongolia on Wednesday,
and Kazakhstan confirmed a fowl virus found in the Central Asian state could
kill humans.

As a campsite of protesters steadily swells in size along a road leading to
President Bush's ranch, demonstrators there are facing increased antagonism from
locals and opposition from some military families

The United States imported a record amount of foreign oil in June and shipments
of Chinese clothing and textiles soared, too, pushing the nation's monthly trade
deficit to the third-highest level in history

Days after Arnold Schwarzenegger jumped into the race for governor and girded
for questions about his past, a tabloid publisher wooing him for a business deal
promised to pay a woman $20,000 to sign a confidentiality agreement about an
alleged affair with the candidate.

American Media Inc., which publishes the National Enquirer, signed a friend of
the woman to a similar contract about the alleged relationship for $1,000.,0,6815686.story?coll=la-ho

A family vacation for Scott Turner, owner of Turner's Taekwondo Inc., came to a
quick end when he received a call from one of his instructors saying his
students, practicing gun self-defense, had just been handcuffed and held on the
ground at gunpoint by Albany police.

"I thought they were joking," Turner said Thursday. But he soon
realized there was truth to the story.

The students were detained briefly at the scene but then released with citations
for disorderly conduct.

The ban was apparently prompted by then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, who
wanted to prevent a repetition of split-screen TV pictures like those in 1989
that showed President H.W. Bush laughing and joking about the swift victory in
the U.S. attack on Panama at the same time that an Air Force transport plane was
unloading caskets at Dover.

Little noticed by the public, a just-released Pentagon report to Congress
carries a strong warning that China's rapidly expanding and improving submarine
fleet poses a mounting military threat to the United States
..As the Pentagon report on China observed, the U.S. has emphasized capability
over quantity in maintaining its submarine fleet. But numbers give the Chinese
certain advantages.

"Numbers matter," Murray said. "The Chinese obviously believe
that numbers matter because they're turning out submarines like sausages. The
Chinese are definitely on the winning end of an arms race."

Die Mobilfunk-Organisation Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association arbeitet der Zeitung zufolge bereits an Möglichkeiten, um die Netze auf Anfrage der Regierung herunterzufahren. Vor allem soll verhindert werden, dass Unbefugte eine solche Abschaltung veranlassen können.